PSY2002 SEMESTER 1 - WEEK 5 Flashcards
what is Moravec paradox
reasoning (high-level cognitive tasks) relatively easy to be implemented in a machine compared to other task like perception, action (low-level cognitive tasks) that are surprisingly hard to be implemented in machines
summarise Moravec’s paradox
computer good at “hard task” (chess)
bad at “easy task” (walking)
what does blocking all touch sensations from fingers do
doesn’t affect motor control but make movement difficult/clumbsy
multisensory integration of touch and vision for feedback to know that we have grasped match and where our matchbox is
we can replicate tactile/visual sensor in robut, but where do issues lie
how to replicate multisensory integration = how to integrate info from visual and tactile systems
name 2 challenges for multisensory integration
- how to transform representations from different senses into common representation
- how to integrate info from different senses in coherent percepts
what is the visual reference frame
eye-centred/retinal (location of visual stimulus on retina)
what is the audition reference frame
head-centred (location of sound source with respect to ears)
what is the touch reference frameq
body-centred (location of tactile stimulus on skin)
do reference frames move independently or in sync
move independetly, meaning info they gather can be v. different
and body needs to convert between reference frames to external space (coordinate)
when converting from eye-centred reference frame to head-centred reference frame what do we need to know
orientation of eyes
when converting from head-centred reference frame to body-centred reference frame what do we need to know
orientation of head
what does converting btw/ reference frame in general require us to do
know position and orientation of body part = body schema
input coming in from 2 different sense (hear and see dog, if dog moves, representation moves in both frame). if dog is central, what is position of visual/auditory reference frame
visual (eye-centred) = dog in middle
audition (head-centred) = dog in middle
input coming in from 2 different sense (hear and see dog, if dog moves, representation moves in both frame). if dog moves, what is position of visual/auditory reference frame
visual (eye-centred) still straight as head hasn’t moved only eye has
audition - head hasn’t moved meaning dog no longer in centre of head-reference frame
input coming in from 2 different sense (hear and see dog, if dog moves, representation moves in both frame). if dog is central, but head moves what is position of visual and auditory reference frame
visual frame moves (looks away) = dog is no longer central
but still central for auditory
define body schema
internal representation of positions of body parts in space, which is updated during body movement
includes posture, spatial extensions
(at any given moment knows where all limbs are so doesn’t need visual input)
explain how body schema is spatially coded
position of each body part in external space
explain how body schema is modular
different body parts processed separately
explain how body schema is updated with movement
automated and “always on”
explain how body schema is adaptable
changes when body changes
explain how body schema is supramodel
combines input from multiple senses eg, proprioception, touch, vision, audition
explain how body schema is coherent
spatial continuity when resolving perceptual conflicts (everything that is part of body is always attached to body, never have feeling of arm not attached)