PSY2001 W6 Personality (L) Flashcards
What are the features of the Dark Triad?
Narcissim, Machiavellianism and Psychopathy
What are the features of the Light Triad?
Faith in Humanity
What are the measures relating to the Dark Triad?
seperate questionnaires designed to measure each of the specific traits. Narcissitic personality inventory, Mach IV, Self Report Psychopathy Scale.
Two questionnaires commonly used to measure all three of the Dark Triad traits within the general population: Dirty Dozen, Short Dark Triad
What are the measures relating to the Light Triad?
the light triad scale (Kaufman, 2019)
Critically Evaluate the Dark Triad
Issues relating to how these concepts are measured (e.g., poor psychometric properties, social desirability bias etc).
The Dark Triad has also been criticised on the grounds that (i) three traits are not enough and (ii) the three traits are not sufficiently distinct.
Unification hypothesis
Uniqueness hypoethesis
Critically Evaluate the Light Triad
there are issues relating to how these concepts are measured (e.g., poor psychometric properties, social desirability bias etc).
To assess the nomological network what can you do?
convergent validity
discriminate validity
predictive validity
What is the predictive validity ?
extent to which a measure accurately predicts behaviors in the future based on the traits or constructs it assesses.
What is the Dark Triad?
emerged ~20 years ago Paulhus and Williams (2002) wanted to explore personality traits that are maladaptive but still within the normal range of functioning (sub-clinical)
Refers to constellation of three socially undersirable personality traits: Narcissim, Maciavellianism and Psychopathy
Why is there support for subclinical definition of the dark traid traits?
Furnham, Richards & Paulhus, 2013
Since these traits are established clinical disorder but can also be found in normal populations.
What is the myth of narcissus ?
Young man know for his beauty but also for his cold-hearted demeanour. Nemesis (goddess of retribution) punished narcissus for his cruelty and slef-absorption and lured him to a still pool of water, bent down to drink saw himself in his reflection and fell deeply in love with it, obssessed unable to tear himself away from the pool unable to eat or drink/eat died
What is the narcissistic personality
(Ames, Rose, & Anderson, 2006, p. 441)
a grandiose, yet fragile sense of self, as well as a preoccupation with success and demands for admiration”
How would you characterise Narcissism?
excessively self-centred, strong sense of entitlement, preoccupation with success. Admiration and believe that they are special, insiste on associating with only hgih status people.
At the root of their inflated egos are often deeply-held feelings of inferiority, and so are envious of others, and will diminish others’ success or accomplishments.
Who is Niccolo Machiavelli?
Italiam diplomat, philosopher during the renaissance.
He famously argued that it is sometimes necessary for leaders to be ruthless, cunning, and willing to use any means, even morally questionable ones, to achieve and maintain political authority.
What is a machiavellian personality?
Wilson et al., 1996
“a strategy of social conduct that involves manipulating others for personal gain, often against the other’s self-interest”
What characterises Machievalellianism
Master manipulators used careful and deliberate manipulation techniques for personal gain.
Engage in a plethora of unethical and counterproductive behaviours including lying theft and sabotage.
Cynical view of humane nature, very little concern for the welfare of other above their own wellbeing
What is Psychopathy?
Ames, Rose, & Anderson, 2006
“a drive to engage in impulsive or antisocial behaviour without empathy, anxiety, or remorse.”
What characterises psychopathy?
Impulsivity and thrill-seeking.
Engage in risky behaviours wihtout consideration for consequences. Callousness and lack of empathy. Lack of emotional bonds and do not experience feelings of guilt or remorse for their behaviour.
What is the Psychopath Test (Jon Ronson)
touches on the clinical aspects of psychopathology but also points out that successful people can also score highly psychopathology (e.g. politicians)
How is narcissim measured?
Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI; Raskin & Hall, 1979)
40 forced-choice items a) I only associate with high class people ect…Overreliance on the measure (used in 77% of studies on narcissim) the measure focuses largely on the grandiose aspect of narcissim (Rose, 2002)
How is machiavellianim measured?
Mach IV (Christie & Geis, 1970)
20 items: “The best way to handle people is to tell them what they want to hear”
7-point Likert scale scale (totally disagree - totally agree).
Psychometric problems with the scale. There is a lack of agreement on the number of subscales comprising this measure with studies suggesting 3-9 different subscales. It also often shows poor internal consistency, and research has suggested removing half of the items (Miller et al., 2016)
How is Psychopathy measured?
Self-Report psychopathy Scale (SPR, Hare, 1985) recently updated to SRP-III (Neumann & Hare 2014)
64 items (e.g., I purposely tried to hit someone with the vehicle I was driving)
5-point Likert scale (strongly disagree- strongly agree)
Lack of consensus concerning what subclinical psychopathy refers to and how it differs from clinical psychopathy (Glenn & Raine, 2014)
What are the two questionnaires commonly used to measure all three of the dark triad traits with the general population?
The Dirty Dozen (Jonason & Webster, 2020)
The Short Dark Triad (Jones & Paulhus, 2014)
What is the Dirty Dozen?
Jonason & Webster, 2020
12 items (E items for each dimension)
Limitations: 4 items are not enough to capture nuances in the constructs (Miler et al 2012). Convergent validity was assessed by comparing the DD subscales with established measures of each subscale M r=.34, P r = .42, n R + .46
SRP III (P) correlated stronger with machiavelliasim than the DD psychopathy subscale.
What is the Short Dark Triad?
Jones & Paulhus, 2014
27 items ( 9 items each dimension)
positives: more items for each subscale to better represent each of the dimensions. Has stronger correlations with the full dark triad measures.
Negative: Factor analysis studies have repeatedly failed to reproduce a three factor structure. Machiavellianism and psychopathy often cluster into a single factor (Persson et al., 2017)