PSY2001 W4 Intention-Behaviour Gap Planning (L) Flashcards
What is meant by action planning?
Sniehotta et al., 2005
“the process of linking goal-directed behaviours to certain environmental cues by specifying when, where, and how to act”
What is meant by coping planning?
Sniehotta et al., 2005
involves identifying barriers that might derail intended actions and forming plans to manage or overcome them.
It is the “mental simulation of overcoming anticipated barriers to action”
What is meant by implementations intentions?
If situation Y arises, then I will initiate behaviour Z.
IF: a good opportunity to act (time/place [can be internal])
THEN: effective goal-directed response (initiate an action)
Does planning help people bridge the gap between intentions and behaviuors?
Yes. There is empirical evidence in support of the hypothesis that planning helps people to bridge the gap between intentions and behaviour and evidence on potential mechanisms
How do different types of planning promote goal achievement?
Action Planning - help plan the action that will be taken
Coping Planning - help overcoming obstacles
Implementation Intention - helps automaticies action
What is the health action process approach ?
HAPA, Schwarzer, 2008
Pre-intentional phase: motivational processes [action self efficacy <> outcome expectancies] >
Post-intentional phase: volitional processes [Volitional self-efficicy <>Action planning <> Coping planning] >
Behaviour [health behaviour]
What is the motivational process ?
Health action process approach (HAPA, Schwarzer, 2008)
positive processes that lead to intentions
What is the volitional processes?
Health action process approach (HAPA, Schwarzer, 2008)
Planning stage
What is the Rubicon Model of action phases?
Heckhausen, 1991; Heckhausen & Gollwitzer, 1987
1- Predecisional phase [intention, deliberate over which goal to pursue and form intention]
2- Preactional phase [implementation intentions, decide when, where and how to act]
3- Action phases [Behaviour]
4- Postactional phase [outcome evaluation against what was desired]
How are implementation intentions different to action and coping plans?
Implementation intentions take a contingent if-then format. Then (can specify an action)
IF (can specify a barriar)
Implementation intentions are a subtype of action/coping plans
Does the if-then format matter?
Yes the format is better adapted, increases likelihood of plans affectiveness
Oettingen et al. (Experiment 3, 2000)
If-Then format
Explain the experiment?
Oettingen et al. (Experiment 3, 2000)
Goal intention condition [i will perform as many arithemtic tasks as possible on wednesday at _ ]
Implementation intention condition [If it is Wednesday at _ I will perform as many arithmetic tasks as possible]
Results: The intention translated into behaviour quicker with implementation intention (100mins from intented start) =/= Goal intention (450 mins from intented start)
What evidence is there that planning promotes goal achievement?
Leventhal et al. 1965 - tetanus shot [8/9 students that took the shot where in the actional plan condition]
Rodda et al. 2020 - gambling
Listrom & Gollwitzer 2024 - meta analytic review of the effects of forming implementation intentions
Explain the research ?
Leventhal et al. 1965
Tetanus shot
Manipulated fear: High-fear condition (description of symtoms and images)
Action planning condition: location was described, time that shots were available were listed, precisely wehre to go and what to do to get a shot was indicated, map was presented, request made that each student review his weekly schedule to locate a time when he would pass by.
8/9 students that took the shot where in the actional plan condition.
Explain the research?
Rodda et al. 2020
Problem Gambling severity index (Ferris & Wynne, 2001)
How much money are intending to spend today?
Assessment only - described their readiness to use strategies to limit their gambling spending that day
Assessment + action and coping planning - specified how, what, when they would implement thier strategy. Identified barrieres adn ways of addressing them and constructed an if then plan
How much did you spend today?
Control - moderate risk/problem gamblers intend to spend = actual spend
Intervention low risk intend = actual spend
low risk control intend to spend < actual spend
Intervention moderate/problem itend to spend < actual spend [but intend was much higher than every other condition]