PSY101 - Chapter 7: Learning Flashcards
A relatively permanent behavior change due to experience.
The process of learning associations.
Classical Conditioning
Association between two stimuli.
Lightning + thunder = startled reaction.
Seeing lightning = anticipation of loud noise + wincing.
Unconditioned Stimulus
The stimulus that elicits an automatic/natural response (before conditioning).
Unconditioned Response
The automatic/natural response to a stimulus (before conditioning).
Conditioned Stimulus
The stimulus that is paired with the US (initially does not elicit a response, but after conditioning elicits a response).
Neutral Stimulus
A stimulus that elicits no response before conditioning.
Conditioned Response
The response to the CS.
Pavlov’s Experiments
Classical conditioning: a type of learning in which one learns to link two or more stimuli and anticipate events.
- -Food = salivation.
- -Bell before food = salivation at the bell.
The diminished responding that occurs when the CS no longer signals an upcoming US.
Spontaneous Recovery
The reappearance of a weakened conditioned response after a pause.
The tendency, once a response has been conditioned, for stimuli similar to the CS to elicit similar responses (CR).
The learned ability to discriminate between a CS and stimuli that do not signal an US.
Biological Predispositions
John Garcia: organisms are predisposed to learn associations that help them adapt and survive.
–Contrary to this, some are learned more readily than others and US does not have to immediately follow the CS.
John Watson
Emotional responses can be understood as developing through classical conditioning.
–Conditioned Little Albert of fear white animals.
Noise (US) = fear (UR)
Noise (US) + Rat (NS) = Fear (UR)
Rat (CS) = Fear (CR)