Pseudomonas aeruginosa Flashcards
what is the biology of pseudomonas aeruginosa?
Gram negative rod, Oxidase + *, NLF on MA
Aerobic *(non-fermentative)
Alginate capsule *
Produces pigments * (Pyocyanin – blue-green *)
what odor does P. aeruginosa have?
Grape-like / fruity aroma*
where can we find pseudomonas aeruginosa growing?
- In hot tubs, sinks, vases *
- In hospitals – contaminates intravenous tubing, respiratory therapy equipment *
where is P.aeruginosa a Significant Opportunistic pathogen * *?
- Compromised lung function
- Cystic fibrosis patients
- Immunocompromised Diabetic patients
what is P. aeruginosa a major cause of?
Major cause of Nosocomial infections * *
What strains cause significant respiratory tract infections in Cystic fibrosis patients *
Mucoid strains cause significant respiratory tract infections in Cystic fibrosis patients *
what 3 toxins can we find in P. aeruginosa?
Exotoxin A
Phospholipase C
Endotoxin (LPS)
what does Exotoxin A do?
blocks protein synthesis at EF-2
what will Pyocyanin do?
tissue damage (catalyzes production of H2O2 and superoxide)
what will phospholipase C toxin do?
tissue damage (Breaks down lipids and lecithin)
P. aeruginosa infection will lead to what diseases?
- Swimmer’s ear * (Otitis externa)
- Hot tub folliculitis*
- Infect burn wounds/surgical wounds *
- Eye infections
- “Malignant” /necrotizing otitis externa *
- Osteochondritis (infection of bone and cartilage) *
- Pulmonary infections *
- UTI *
Septicemia with pseudomonas aeruginosa will be caused by what infections?
what can it lead to?
asscociated with pulmonary infections, UTI, skin/soft tissue infections
Ecthyma gangrenosum * (hemorrhagic pustule with surrounding erythema -> necrotic ulcer (black center))
in what pts will p. aeruginosa lead to pneumonia?
- Cystic fibrosis patients* (recurrent pneumonias → highly mucoid strains)
- Neutropenic patients * (Pneumonia & Septicemia)
- Chronic granulomatous disease (CDG) patients * (Pneumonia + septicemia)
wounds infected with p. aeruginosa will have what color?
Green discoloration of a postoperative wound
what tests can be used on p. aeruginosa in order to identify it?
- positive oxidase test *
- blue-green pigmentation *
- Fruity smell *
what drug resistance mechanisms does p. aeruginosa use in order to become resistant?
- Altered Porin proteins *– major mechanism – allows bacterial cell to develop resistance to multiple antibiotics simultaneously
- Beta-lactamases *
- Multi-drug Efflux pumps *
what treatment is used to treat drug resistant p.aeruginosa?
- Antipseudomonal beta-lactam + aminoglycoside
Piperacillin + Tobramycin
- Antipseudomonal penicillin + beta-lactamase inhibitor
Piperacillin + Tazobactam
what are the anti-pseudomonal penicillins?
what are the Anti-pseudomonal cephalosporins?