Facts about Pathogenic Escherichia coli: Flashcards
what important common features does pathogenic Escherichia coli strains have?
- Lactose Fermenter (pink on MacConkey)
- Strict pathogens cause GI infections
all strains will be identified using what E. coli biology facts?
Gram negative bacilli
Lactose fermenter
Oxidase negative
Catalase +
what are the 4 clinical diseases Escherichia coli causes?
1) Entero Toxin E. coli (ETEC)
2) Entero Pathogenic E. coli (EPEC)
3) Entero-Invasive E. coli (EIEC)
4) Entero-Hemorragic E. coli (EHEC)
how does EPEC spread?
fecal-oral in developing countries
how does ETEC spread?
fecal-oral in developing countries
how does EIEC spread?
fecal-oral in developing countries
how does EHEC spread?
through fecal-oral found in beef or produce
In ETEC, what is another name for entero-toxigenic E. coli?
traveler’s diarrhea
what is another name for ETEC, other than traveler’s diarrhea?
Montezuma’s Revenge
what does Entero-toxigenic E. coli do?
it attaches to the small intestine using fimbreae
what 2 entero toxins will cause the symptoms seen with ETEC?
- LT (heat-liable toxin)
- ST (heat-stable toxin)
what is the presentation of Entero-toxic E.coli?
self-resolving profuse watery secretory diarrhea without fever
how does the LT toxin from ETEC cause diarrhea?
it increases levels fo cAMP through activation of adenylyl cyclase.
how does the ST toxin cause profuse watery diarrhea in ETEC?
it activates guanylate cyclase and increases cGMP
what is another name for EPEC (entero-pathogenic e.coli)?
Pediatric diarrhea