PSA stuff Flashcards
What are the long term Monitoring Req for Lithium, and how often? (2 things)
- UnE
(every 6 months)
What are the long term Monitoring Req for Lithium, and how often? (2 things)
- UnE
(every 6 months)
What is the Option for Emergency Contraception?
Levonorgestrel 1.5mg PO STAT
(must take within 72 hours)
What is the Option for Emergency Contraception?
Levonorgestrel 1.5mg PO STAT
(must take within 72 hours)
What is the main side fx of Prolonged Corticosteroid (prednisolone) use?
What are the side fx of ACEi? (2 things)
- Cough
- High K
What are the side fx of Amlodipine?
Pedal oedema
What are the side fx of Carbamazepine?
What are the side fx of Gliclazides? (2 things)
- Hypoglycaemia
- Weight gain
What are the side fx of Statins?
What are the SEVERE side fx of Amiodarone? (2 things)
- Pulm fibrosis
- Thyroid dysf
What are the SEVERE side fx of Clozapine?
What are the SEVERE side fx of Methotrexate? (2 things)
- Myelosuppression
- Pulm fibrosis
What are the SEVERE side fx of Metformin?
Lactic acidosis
What are the SEVERE side fx of Sodium valproate?
Teratogenic (10% neural tube defects)
What are the SEVERE side fx of Statins?
What are the Pre-Op Med changes for ACEi/ARBs?
Withhold on day of surgery
What are the Pre-Op Med changes for Bisphosphonates?
Withhold on day of surgery
What are the Pre-Op Med changes for Metformin?
1. Night b4
1. Day of Surgery
What are the Pre-Op Med changes for all other Hypoglycaemics (apart from Metformin)?
Withhold day of surgery only
What are the Pre-Op Med changes for Antihistamines?
Withhold 24 hours prior to surgery
What are the Pre-Op Med changes for Antihistamines?
Withhold 24 hours prior to surgery
What are the Pre-Op Med changes for Lithium?
* 24 hours prior if minor surgery
* 48 hours prior if major surgery
What are the Pre-Op Med changes for MTX?
Withhold 48 hours prior to surgery
What are the Pre-Op Med changes for NSAIDs?
Withhold 72 hours prior to surgery
What are the Pre-Op Med changes for Warfarin?
Withhold 4-5 days before (depends on surgery)
What are the Pre-Op Med changes for Aspirin?
Often continue, but if needs to be stopped: 7 days prior
What are the Pre-Op Med changes for COCP?
Withhold 4 weeks prior (if elective)
What is the pneumonic to remember which Meds need changes Pre-OP?
What are the Meds in I LACK OP?
- I- Insulin
- L – Lithium
- A – Anticoagulants, antiplatelets
- C – COCP
- K – K-sparing diuretics
- O – Oral hypoglycaemics
- P = Perindopril and other ACEi
What are the Enzyme Inducers? (6 things)
* Phenytoin
* Carbamazepine
- Barbiturates
- Rifampicin
- Alcohol (chronic)
- Sulphonylureas / St johns wort
What are the Enzyme Inhibitors? (9 things)
* Allopurinol
* Omeprazole
- Disulfiram
- Erythromycin
- Valproate
- Isoniazid
- Ciprofloxacin
- Ethanol (acute)
- Sulphonamides / SSRIs
What Meds are CI in HF? (5 things)
- Pioglitazone (causes fluid ret)
- NSAIDs (causes fluid ret)
- Glucocorticoids (causes fluid ret)
- Verapamil (-ve inotropic fx)
- Flecainide (-ve inotropic fx)
What Oxygen should you give a COPD pt w Inf Exacerbation, prior to ABG availability?
28% Venturi mask @ 4 L/min
Who is at risk of problems with NSAIDs?
Ppl w Nasal polyps
What do Enzyme INDUCERS do to the INR?
Decrease it
(they induce thickness)
What do Enzyme INHIBITORS do to the INR?
Increase it
(they INHIBIT blood from clotting)
What should you avoid when prescribing fluids for a Stroke pt?
5% glucose, bc risk of Cerebral oedema
What DM meds usually causes Hypos?
How do you reduce the risk of Contrast induced Nephrotoxicity? (2 things)
- Adequate hydration
- IV 0.9% NaCl
What meds should you give for Meningitis STAT?
Cefotaxime 2g IV STAT
Where in the BNF can you find how meds preparations are made, aka if you need millilitres which is not in question?
BNF > Med Name > Medicinal forms > oral suspension / tablet etc
When should systemic corticosteroids be GRADUALLY withdrawn? (3 things)
Pt have received:
1. 40+ mg daily for 1+ week
2. More than 3 weeks tx
3. Repeated courses recently
What should you give someone with Angina? (4 things)
- Aspirin 75mg
- Statin (should be on it)
- Beta blocker / Ca channel blocker
When should you give a Ca channel blocker instead of Beta blocker in Angina?
They are on Beta agonists (aka salbutamol) so don’t clart it for dem
What medications in the UK are prescribed WEEKLY? (2 things)
- Bisphosphonates
What meds should be taken at night? (2 things)
- Statins
- Amitriptyline
When should statins be taken?
At night
How do you write NIGHTLY in a prescription?
(once nightly)
Which meds DECREASE potassium? (5 things)
- Thiazide diuretics
- Loop diuretics
- Acetazolamide
- Salbutamol
- Calcium resonium
Which meds INCREASE potassium? (7 things)
- ACEi
- ARBs
- Spironolactone
- Tacrolimus
- Dalteparin
- Potassium sparing duiretics (amiloride / triamterene)
- Potassium supplements (Sando-K / Slow-K)
Which meds are used to treat Hyperkalaemia? (2 things)
- Salbutamol
- Calcium resonium
What antihistamine is used in Anaphylaxis?
What is the difference between Carbimazole & Carbmazepine?
Carbimazole: Anti-thyroid
Carbmazepine: Anti-epileptic
Thyroids ya zol
What is the difference between Carbimazole & Carbmazepine?
- Carbimazole: Anti-thyroid
- Carbmazepine: Anti-epileptic
Thyroids ya zol
What is the difference between Chlorphenamine & Chlorpromazine?
- Chlorphenamine: antihistamine
- Chlorpromazine: antipsychotic
Zeen is craZy meds
What is the Min n Max dose of Codeine?
- Min: 30mg QDS
- Max: 60mg QDS
What is the ratio between Morphine vs Codeine strength?
(so 10mg Morphine = 100mg Codeine)
What is the PRN dose for Morphine when you know the daily dose?
1/6 of total daily dose
What is the frequency of MODIFIED RELEASE Morphine?
12 hourly
What is the concentration of Morphine in liquid (oromorph)?
10mg in 5ml
What is the Max dose for Morphine?
No maximum dose
What is the ratio between PO and SC doses for Morphine?
SC is stronger, so if going from PO to SC, half da dose
What is the ratio between PO and SC doses for Morphine?
SC is stronger, so if going from PO to SC, half da dose
What meds combo is a pt unlikely to be taking?
2 of the same meds (aka 2 loop diuretics)
RESP: What is the FIRST line meds for Chronic bronchitis exacerbation?
RESP: What is the FIRST line meds for Uncomplicated CA Pneumonia?
When someone is Penicillin allergic, what should you give instead of Amoxicillin / Flucloxacillin? (3 things)
- Doxycycline
- Clarithryomycin
- Erythromycin
RESP: What is the FIRST line meds for Atypical Pneumonia?
RESP: What is the FIRST line meds for HA Pneumonia?
- Co-amoxiclav (within 5 days admission)
- Piperacilllin (5+ days since admission)
URIN: What is the FIRST line meds for Lower UTI?
Trimethoprim / Nitrofurantoin
URIN: What is the FIRST line meds for Acute pyelonephritis?
Broad spec Cephalosporin
URIN: What is the FIRST line meds for Acute Prostatitis?
SKIN: What is the FIRST line meds for Impetigo?
Topical hydrogen peroxide
SKIN: What is the FIRST line meds for Cellulitis?
SKIN: What is the FIRST line meds for Cellulitis near eyes / nose?
SKIN: What is the FIRST line meds for Animal / human bite?
SKIN: What is the FIRST line meds for Mastitis @ breast feeding?
ENT: What is the FIRST line meds for Throat inf?
ENT: What is the FIRST line meds for Sinusitis?
ENT: What is the FIRST line meds for OM?
ENT: What is the FIRST line meds for OE?
ENT: What is the FIRST line meds for Peridontal abscess?
ENT: What is the FIRST line meds for Gingivitis?
SX: What is the FIRST line meds for Gonorrhoea?
IM Ceftriaxone
SX: What is the FIRST line meds for Chlamydia?
SX: What is the FIRST line meds for PID?
Ofloxacin + Metronidazole
SX: What is the FIRST line meds for Syphilis?
SX: What is the FIRST line meds for Bac vaginosis?
Oral / topical metronidazole
SX: What is the FIRST line meds for Bac vaginosis?
Oral / topical metronidazole
GI: What is the FIRST line meds for C difficile?
1st ep: Oral vancomycin
2nd+ ep: Oral fidaxomicin
GI: What is the FIRST line meds for Campylobacter enteritis?
GI: What is the FIRST line meds for Salmonella?
GI: What is the FIRST line meds for Shigellosis?
What meds are CI in HF bc they will exacerbate it? (5 things)
- Pioglitazone
- Verapamil
- Glucocorticoids
- Flecanide
What meds should you avoid in AKI (aka when you see high urea + creatinine)?
Ibuprofen (NSAIDs)
What electrolye imbalance will Digoxin toxicity cause?
Hypokalaemia (so do ECG)
What meds will WORSEN seizure control?
- Alochol / cocaine
- Ciprofloxacin / Levofloxacin
- Aminophylline / theophylline
- Mefenamic aic (NSAID)
When is ONLY time you should give Oxygen in a MI pt?
When sats under 94%
What should you consider giving alongside Morphine? (2 things)
- Metoclopramide (bc opiod induced vomiting)
- Laxative (bc constipation)
Why should you not give Ibuprofen to a pt already on Aspirin?
Bc Ibuprofen will
1. Cancel Anti-platelet fx
1. Increase GI bleed risk
What abx for UTI is safe @ breastfeeding?
Which out of Ibuprofen vs Aspirin is safe @ breatfeeding?
(aspirin has risk of Reyes syndrome)
What is a common side fx of long term steroid use?
Proximal myopathy
(shoulder n leg muscles feel weak)
If you want to find the Conversion rates for Opioids, what should you search on the BNF?
Prescribing in palliative care > Pain management with opioids > see the table
What meds should you avoid in Breastfeeding? (7 things)
- Abx: Cipro, TTC, Chloramphenicol, Sulphonamides
- Aspirin
- Amiodarone
- Carbimazole
- Psych: Lithium, Benzos
- Sulfonylureas
What meds should you avoid in Pregnancy? (6 things)
- Abx: TTC, Aminoglycosides, Sulphonamides, Trimethoprim, Quinolones
- ACEi / ARBs
- Retinoids (including topical)
- Statins
- Sulfonylureas
- Warfarin
How many millimoles of sodium is in a one litre bag of 0.9% normal saline?
How many millimoles of sodium is in a one litre bag of 0.9% normal saline?
How should you monitor Digoxin when you give it for AF? (2 things)
- Serum digoxin at least 6 hs after last dose
- Ventricular rate (to see if working)
What is an example of RAPID acting insulin? (2 things)
- Insulin aspart (novorapid)
- Insulin lispro
What is an example of SHORT acting insulin?
What is an example of INTERMEDIATE acting insulin?
Isophane insulin
i for i
What is an example of LONG acting insulin? (2 things)
- Insulin detemir
- Insulin glargine
What Monitoring should you do for all Antipsychotic meds?
- Lipids
- Weight
- Prolactin
- BP
- CVS risk assessment
What is the FIRST line tx for HF? (2 things)
ACEi + Beta blocker
What meds should you avoid in pt w IHD?
What meds should be used w CAUTION in ASTHMA? (3 things)
- Adenosine
- Beta blockers
What meds reduce Hypoglycaemic awareness?
Beta blockers
What DM meds cause SIADH (aka hyponatraemia)?
Sulfonylureas (Glimepiride)
When should you not give NSAIDs (aka ibuprofen)? (2 things)
- Asthma
- HF (cause fluid retention)
Which pts need O2 therapy even if sats 99? (2 things)
Critically ill aka:
1. Anaphylaxis
2. Shock
What is the O2 therapy you give to Critically ill niggas?
Reservoir mask @ 15 L/min
What should you change if TROUGH (pre-dose) level is too high for Gentamicin?
Increase interval between doses (aka TDS > BD)
What should you change if PEAK (post-dose) level is too high for Gentamicin?
Decrease the dose
What Abx will INCREASE Warfarin fx, aka increase INR?
What Abx will DECREASE Warfarin fx, aka decrease INR?
When your stuck between picking betwen 2 Interactions in a question, what should you pick?
One BNF says source is: “study” not “theoretical” coz das jus “trust me bro”
Or one with most lines in description lol
What Meds can make Psoriasis worse? (8 things)
- Alcohol
- Beta blockers
- Lithium
- Antimalarials
- Infliximab
- ACEi
- Withdrawing systemic steroids
What should you check b4 prescribing COCP? (2 things)
- BP
- Smoking status
What should you do w a patient on Long term steroids admitted w a Illness (e.g pneumonia)?
Double steroid doses
What happens if you give Trimethoprim n MTX together?
Agranulocytosis (aka severe neutropenia)
(bc both folate antagonists)
What fluids should you give a pt bleeding out n very low BP to resus dem?
IV 500ml 0.9% NaCl over 15 mins
After IV fluids, what do you give a DKA pt?
50 Units Human Soluble Insulin, in 50ml 0.9% NaCl IV, @ 0.1 ml/kg/hr
What are the CI for taking COCP? (8 things)
- Age 35+ n smoking 15+ / day
- BMI 35+
- Vasc disease
- AF
- Hx / FHx of VTE
- Hx of IHD / stroke
- Major surgery w long immobilisation
- Migraine w aura
What meds is most likely going to cause Erythema Multiforme (skin reaction)?
What are the Monitoring Req for Azathioprine?
3 monthly: FBC / LFT / UnE
What age can babies start taking Paracetamol / Ibuprofen?
3 months
What are the Monitoring Req for Ciclosporin BEFORE starting? (4 things)
- BP
- Lipids
- UnE
What are the Monitoring Req for Ciclosporin after starting? (3 things)
- UnE every 2 weeks for first 3 months, then monthly
- Lipids after 1st month
- LFT + Mg (no timeframe)
What should you Monitor in pt on COCP and how often?
BP every year
What should you give a Palliative pt for their Agitation?
Midazolam 10mg SC
Are inhaled corticosteroids (e.g budesonide) safe to use in pregnancy?
What is a side fx of CCB e.g Amlodipine?
Peripheral oedema
What painkillers are CI in breastfeeding?
Codeine aka co-codamol
What is the best Beta blocker for Tx of Portal HTN?
P w P
What is the best Beta blocker for Tx of Angina / Arrhythmia?
A w A
What is the best Beta blocker for Tx of Blood pressure high (HTN)?
B w B
What things cause you to go up a step in Asthma Tx? (3 things)
Any of the following:
1. Asthma attack in last 2 yrs
2. Using Salbutamol / Symptomatic 3x a week or more
3. Waking 1 night a week
What should you give a Hyperkalaemic pt to reduce risk of Arrhythmias? (3 things)
- IV insulin w dextrose
- Salbutamol nebulizer
- Calcium gluconate
What should you do if a lorry / bus driver is started on Insulin for DM?
Inform DVLA that they are starting it
What is the FIRST line meds for resp Secretions in palliative care?
Glycopyrronium bromide 200mcg SC
What will reduce risk of Variceal bleeding?
What are the side fx of Amitriptyline? (4 things)
1. Dry eyes / blurred vision
2. Dry mouth
3. Urinary retention
4. Constipation
What meds should you look out for when INR is high despite them being on Warfarin?
Enzyme inhibitors
(Bc they stop warfarin from working properly)
What anticoagulant can be reversed more easily, Warfarin or DOACs?
- Warfarin, reversed by vit K
- DOACs need their specific antidotes
What meds can cause Hypothyroidism? (2 things)
- Lithium
- Amiodarone
What should you give in Status Epilepticus after 2 doses of IV Lorazepam?
IV Phenytoin
What should you do with long term steroids (aka prednisolone for RA) when the person has an infection?
Double their dose
Why is 0.9% saline better than Hartmans in a pt who has high potassium?
- 0.9% saline doesn’t have Potassium, while Hartmans does
- Hartmans (has potassium + sodium + lactate + calcium + chloride)
Why is 0.9% saline better than Hartmans in a pt who has high potassium?
- 0.9% saline doesn’t have Potassium, while Hartmans does
- Hartmans (has potassium + sodium + lactate + calcium + chloride)
What should you give if the Potassium level is between 3.5 – 5.5 in DKA?
1L of 0.9% sodium chloride with 40 mmol Potassium chloride
What should you give in Hyperphosphataemia?
Calcium carbonate (aka phosphate binder)
What meds should you give for trigeminal neuralgia?
What is the priority before you do definitive Mx of Phaeochromocytoma (surgery)?
How do you Mx BP in Phaeochromocytoma?
What Insulin should you use in DKA?
Fast-acting Insulin (Actrapid)
Although Lamotrigine is safe in pregnancy, what should you do?
Adjust dose based on plasma drug concentration
What is Seretide?
Inhaler with combo of:
1. Fluticasone (ICS)
2. Salmeterol (LABA)
What are the Side fx of Seretide?
Oral candidiasis
What is the Mx of an Acute exacerbation of COPD? (4 things)
- Oxygen
- Steroids
- Abx
What Oxygen should you give in an Acute exacerbation of COPD?
24% or 28% Venturi mask
What sats are you aiming for in an Acute exacerbation of COPD?
What steroids should you give in an Acute exacerbation of COPD?
Oral prednisolone 30mg OD for 5 days
What Abx can you give in an Acute exacerbation of COPD? (3 things)
- Amoxicillin
- Doxycycline
- Clarithromycin
When should you give IV Abx for an Acute exacerbation of COPD? (2 things)
- Can’t take oral
- Severely unwell
What route should you give SABAs in for an Acute exacerbation of COPD?
Same as pt day to day use
But if hypercapnic / acidic = use nebulizer
What should you do if pt still SOB despite 1 dose of Nebulised SABA?
Give another dose
What is the Tx of choise for Pericarditis?
NSAIDs (aka ibuprofen)
What meds should you stop in Post hypotension? (2 things)
- Beta blockers (bc poor chronotropy)
- Loop diuretics (bc fluid depletion)
What is the FIRST line meds for Alzheimer’s, (before Memantine)?
Galantamine (AChEi)
What class is Memantine?
Glutamate receptor blocker
What should you give for Anaphylaxis FIRST LINE?
Adrenaline 1/1000 500mcg IM STAT
What fluid do you give to correct Hypokalaemia?
IV 1L 0.9% NaCLl with 40 mmol KCl over 4 hours
Do you need to give prophylactic abx for someone with Aortic stenosis undergoing a dental procedure?
When can Metformin cause Lactic Acidosis?
When used with Contrast Dye
What is the FIRST line anti-emetic in pregnancy?
Cyclizine IV
What meds if given with Lithium can cause Lithium toxicity? (2 things)
- Diuretics (e.g Bendroflumethiazide)
Apart from the vaccine, what can you give to reduce risk of Pneumococcal infection in kids?
Penicillin V (aka Phenoxymethylpenicillin) PO 250mg BD
What anticoagulant can be reversed more easily, Warfarin or DOACs?
Warfarin, reversed by vit K
DOACs need their specific antidotes
What meds can cause Hypothyroidism? (2 things)
- Lithium
- Amiodarone
What should you give in Status Epilepticus after 2 doses of IV Lorazepam?
IV Phenytoin
What should you do with long term steroids (aka prednisolone for RA) when the person has an infection?
Double their dose
Why is 0.9% saline better than Hartmans in a pt who has high potassium?
0.9% saline doesn’t have Potassium, while Hartmans does
Hartmans (has potassium + sodium + lactate + calcium + chloride)
What should you give if the Potassium level is between 3.5 – 5.5 in DKA?
1L of 0.9% sodium chloride with 40 mmol Potassium chloride
What should you give in Hyperphosphataemia?
Calcium carbonate (aka phosphate binder)
What meds should you give for trigeminal neuralgia?
What is the priority before you do definitive Mx of Phaeochromocytoma (surgery)?
How do you Mx BP in Phaeochromocytoma?
What Insulin should you use in DKA?
Fast-acting Insulin (Actrapid)
Although Lamotrigine is safe in pregnancy, what should you do?
Adjust dose based on plasma drug concentration
What is Seretide?
Inhaler with combo of:
* Fluticasone (ICS)
* Salmeterol (LABA)
What are the Side fx of Seretide?
Oral candidiasis
What is the Mx of an Acute exacerbation of COPD? (4 things)
- Oxygen
- Steroids
- Abx
What Oxygen should you give in an Acute exacerbation of COPD?
24% or 28% Venturi mask
What sats are you aiming for in an Acute exacerbation of COPD?
What steroids should you give in an Acute exacerbation of COPD?
Oral prednisolone 30mg OD for 5 days
What Abx can you give in an Acute exacerbation of COPD? (3 things)
- Amoxicillin
- Doxycycline
- Clarithromycin
When should you give IV Abx for an Acute exacerbation of COPD? (2 things)
- Can’t take oral
- Severely unwell
What route should you give SABAs in for an Acute exacerbation of COPD?
- Same as pt day to day use
- But if hypercapnic / acidic = use nebulizer
What should you do if pt still SOB despite 1 dose of Nebulised SABA?
Give another dose
What is the Tx of choise for Pericarditis?
NSAIDs (aka ibuprofen)
What meds should you stop in Post hypotension? (2 things)
- Beta blockers (bc poor chronotropy)
- Loop diuretics (bc fluid depletion)
What ECG change is caused by Flecainide?
Long QT
How can you quickly see if there is a Long QT on a ECG?
How can you quickly see if there is a Long QT on a ECG?
How can you quickly see if there is a Long QT on a ECG?
QT interval is longer than half R-R interval
What do you give to treat eclampsia (HTN after preg causing seizures)?
Magnesium sulphate 4g in 0.9% saline over 15 mins IV
What should you give in acute HF to offload the excess fluid?
Furosemide 40mg IV stat
What should you give for symptom relief of BPH causing chronic urinary obst?
Tamsulosin 400mcg PO Daily
When should you avoid Nitrofurantoin?
eGFR less than 45
When is Trimethoprim CI?
When pt taking MTX
Where do you go on BNF for Opioid conversion and ratios?
Prescribing in Palliative Care > Pain Mx w Opioids
After stopping warfarin, what should you give to prep someone for theatre when INR is low?
Phytomenadione (vit K)
After stopping warfarin, what should you give to prep someone for theatre when INR is low?
Phytomenadione (vit K)
What rise is normal when starting ACEi / ARBs?
Creatine rise by 20%
Its fine and expected so if worried just repeat UnEs after 1 wk
How should you monitor beneficial fx of ACEi used for HF?
Check exercise tolerance
What is FIRST line for Hypoglycaemia?
20% glucose
What meds should you stop in AKI? (3 things)
- Allopurinol
If INR is kinda close to target, should you change the Warfarin dose?
What meds can cause confusion? (4 things)
- Any opioids (co-codamol / fentanyl)
- Benzos
- Prednisolone
- Trazodone
If you miss a COCP pill, what should you do?
Take missed pill + todays pill, even if it means taking 2 pills in one day
Then carry on like normal no other changes req
What subtle prescription errors can they catch you out on?
Weekly instead of daily frequency
What meds cause Hyponatraemia? (3 things)
- Carbamazepine
- Bendroflumethiazide
- Citalopram
How do you assess for beneficial fx of Abx tx?
Resolution of acute symptoms over next 72 hours
What is the tx for Oculogyric crisis?
Procyclidine 5mg IV OD
What meds should you use to stop withdrawal bleed assoc w stopping contraception?
Levonorgestrel 7 micrograms
What meds is CI in ischaemic ulcers?
Beta blockers (bc they cause vasoconstriction)
What med with a weird name should you not give in HF but you already know because you did it in a previous flashcard?
(remember no Calcium channel blockers in HF)
What meds predispose you to vaginal candidiasis? (3 things)