Protozoan Infections 2 Flashcards
What is the amoeba parasite
Entamoeba histolytica
How doe amoeba move
Entamoeba histolytica- natural host, resevior host, disease it causea
Natural host- man
Resevoir host- man
disease- Dysentery
How is entamoeba histolytica transmitted, habitat
Transmission- contaminated food, water, hands, sex
Habitiat- extracellular parasite of lumen of l. intestine
What are the 3 forms of infection of e histolytica
- non invasive infection- remain in intestinal lumen (asymptomatic)
- Intestinal disease- invade intestinal mucosa (colitis)
- Extraintestinal- thru blood (abscesses
How does e histolytica adhere to cells
Adherence mediated by protein called eh lectin
Pathogenesis of e histolytica
- invasion thru secretion of proteinases (necrosis of mucosa)
- Trophozoites penetrate mucosa, muscle layers and travel to liver (abscess)**
How often will e histolytica be asymptomatic
90% of time
What are the 2 clinical pictures e histolytica can cause
- Intestinal amoebiasis- Dysentary (bloody diarreha)
2. Extra intestinal amoebiasis- liver abscess
How to diagnose e histolytica (3)
hx of travel
clinical picture (diahrea w mucus/blood)
Microscopic exam of stool specimen (<4 nuclei)
What does acanthamoeba spp cause
Opportunistic amoeba that can cause rare but severe infections of the eye, skin, and CNS.
How does acanthamoeba spp transmit + clinical manifestations
Entry through respiratory tract, contact lens solution, or wounds.
Corneal inflammation → keratitis → corneal ulcer
(disseminated in immune comp)
What is the ciliate protozoa and the disease it causes
Balantidium coli
Balantidium coli- transmission, resevoir host, habitit, clinical pic
Fecal oral route (contaminated by pig)
-lives in large intestine
-most asymptomatic but causes dysentery
How does ciliates differ from amoebiasis
Cilliates cant get into blood stream cuz they too big doe