Prononciation Flashcards
Buzz-oin /ə/
Vin is said the same as
Sang is said the same as
Pin is said the same as
Mère is said the same as
V (liaison)
Neuf ans
F (no liaison)
Neuf années
Obligatory liaison
After a determiner:
Numbers (including un/une)
Possessive adjections (mon)
Les/Des/Certains/Quels etc
Obligatory liaison
After a pronoun (including en) or a pronoun compliment (je vous adore)
Obligatory liaison
Between an adjective and the noun that follows it
Obligatory liaison
After a verb:
After an imperative verb and en/y
After est
Between the subject and the verb when they’re inversed (ont-ils reussi ?)
Obligatory liaison
After monosyllabic words:
Adverbs: trop, très, bien, plus, moins
Prepositions: Dans, dès, en, sans, sous
Obligatory liaison
In fixed expressions:
QuanD est-ce que tu arrives ?
CommenT allez-vous ?
De pluZ en plus
De tempS en temps
AvanT hier
De mieuX en mieux
AuX ÉtatS Unis
Un souS-entendu
Z sound
Liaison after S/X/Z
T sound
Liaison after T/D
No liaison
Unless it is a fixed expression: un pied-à-terre, un pot-au-feu
After a singular noun:
L’étudiant est arrivé
No liaison
Between a plural noun and another plural noun (Des voisins avec des enfants)
No liaison
Between a plural noun and the verb
Les voisins ont appelé
No liaison
After the pronoun in an inverted question
Ont-elles appelé ?
No liaison
After un/aucun when they act as pronouns
(J’en ai un)
No liaison
After un when it’s used in the mathematical sense
No liaison
After “quelqu’un”
No liaison
After question words like “quand”
No liaison
Before an aspirated H
Obligatory liaison
Before a mute H
No liaison
After et when used to coordinate two things
Un homme et une femme
No liaison
After cent when it’s followed by another number
Pronounce without the s
Plus in a negative sentence
Moi non plus
Pronounce without the s
Plus when it means more and is in front of a consonant (unless its de/que)
Il est plus petit que moi
Pronounce without the s
In the phrase ni plus ni moins
Pronounce the s
Plus in the mathematical sense
Un plus un égale deux
Pronounce without the s
When plus is before a de and a number
Il a plus de 2 ans
Pronounce the s
When plus means more and is before de/que/the end of the sentence
Je veux plus de café
Pronounce the s
In expressions like: de plus, en plus, au plus, tout au plus
Pronounce the s as z
Plus in a negative sentence before a vowel sound
Je n’ai plus envie
Pronounce the s as z
Plus meaning more before a vowel sound
Elle est plus aimable que lui
Pronounced as L, Achilles
Bacille m
Pronounced as L, germ
Billévesées fpl
Pronounced as L, nonsense (formal)
Billion m
Pronounced as Y, trillion
Pronounced as L, to distill
Mille m
Pronounced as L, thousand
Milliard m
Pronounced as Y, billion
Million m
Pronounced as Y, million
Pénicilline f
Pronounced as L, penicillin
Pupille m/f
Pronounced as Y, pupil/orphan
Pronounced as L, tranquil
Ville f
Pronounced as L, town
Haut and au pronounced the same as
Schème m
Pronounced “shem”