Project Roles Flashcards
What are the responsibilities associated with the steering group?
-Provide strategic direction for the project.
-Provide guidance to Sponsor and Project Manager.
-Chaired by the Sponsor (who is the ultimate decision-maker in the group).
-Involved at decision gates (reviews).
-Comprises Sponsor, Senior managers (often called Senior User and Senior Supplier) and sometimes key stakeholders.
What are the responsibilities associated with the sponsor?
-Accountable for ensuring that the work is governed effectively and delivers the objectives that meet identified needs.
-Is an advocate for the project.
-Is the primary risk taker.
-Ensures benefits are realised.
-Owner of the project’s business case.
-Deals with escalated issues.
-Chairs gate reviews.
-Identifies risk from their perspective and sets the risk tolerance for the project manager.
What should a project’s Sponsor be?
-Should be a business leader and decision maker.
-Should be able to work across functional boundaries.
-Should be prepared to commit sufficient time and support to the role.
-Should be sufficiently experienced in project management to judge the project is being managed properly.
What are the responsibilities associated with the User?
-Represent those who are to benefit from the project.
-Involved in setting requirements and success criteria.
-Senior User is a member of the steering group so involved in gate reviews.
-Involved in testing products meet requirements, particularly acceptance testing.
-Identifies risk from their perspective.
-May be SMEs.
What are the responsibilities associated with the Suppliers?
-Represent people or organisations that supply resources to the project.
-Responsible for producing deliverables.
-Senior supplier involved in gate reviews.
-Identifies risk from their perspective.
-Ascertain feasibility of the intended deliverables.
They may be internal or external to the organisation.
What are the responsibilities associated with the Project Manager?
Ultimately they are to manage the delivery of outputs within time, cost and quality constraints.
-Manages the project on a day-to-day basis.
-Responsible for the Project Management Plan
-Provides reports to the Steering Group.
-Manages risks within tolerances.
-Reports issues to the sponsor
-Issues work packages.
-Is responsible for the successful delivery of the project.
What are the responsibilities associated with the Project Team Members?
-Are accountable to the PM.
-Ensure work is performed by them or by others in a working group.
-Builders of products/deliverables.
-Provide input to planning, estimating.
-Perform project tasks and report on them.
What are the responsibilities associated with the Project Office?
As a minimum provides:
-Administration support and assistance to PMs.
-Collection, analysis and reporting of project information.
-Assurance of project management processes.
What are the responsibilities associated with the Product Owner?
A single individual responsible for maximising the value of the product developed by the team.
-Own the product backlog.
-Clearly express the items in the backlog.
-Prioritise the items in the backlog.
What is the Sponsor’s role in the Concept phase of the APM Project lifecycle?
-Establish context.
-Agree team.
-Provide resource.
-State Benefits.
-Contribute to and sign off the business case.
What is the Sponsor’s role in the Definition phase of the APM Project lifecycle?
-Provide guidance.
-Contribute to the PMP.
-Apply to corporate management for funding.
-Sign off the PMP.
What is the Sponsor’s role in the Deployment phase of the APM Project lifecycle?
-Receive reports.
-Make decisions.
-Chair steering group.
-Chair reviews.
-Monitor change.
What is the Sponsor’s role in the Transition phase of the APM Project lifecycle?
-Accept deliverables.
-Agree outstanding work.
-Sign off reports.
-Ensure plan for benefits realisation is in place.
What is the PM’s role in the Concept phase of the APM Project lifecycle?
-If appointed, PM helps sponsor draft the business case.
-Plans feasibility study (if there is one).
-Stakeholder engagement.
What is the PM’s role in the Definition phase of the APM Project lifecycle?
-Writes strategies, plans that form the PMP.
-Risk identification.
-Stakeholder engagement.
What is the PM’s role in the Deployment phase of the APM Project lifecycle?
-Instructs teams.
-Plans stages; updates information.
-Monitors and controls.
-Risk and issue identification, management and escalation.
What is the PM’s role in the Transition phase of the APM Project lifecycle?
-Post-project review.
-Lessons report.
-Updates plan for benefits realisation.