Programming and planning SoE Flashcards
L2 - Were the pre-cast panels a client direct package? Isn’t this the Contractor’s risk?
This was from assessing the progress during construction
to be able to warn the client of any potential delay.
L2 - We? What was your individual involvement?
My individual involvement was assessing the alternative concrete and its impact on programme alongside the senior QS.
L2 - What were the differences in options between the concrete?
Insitu vs pre-cast
This was in the early feasibility stages
and the intention was to bring overall duration of development programme down
L3 - Did the acceleration not pose a H&S risk with sequencing and too many people on site?
This was successfully managed by the Principle Contractor and Principle Designer
L2 - What was the third party delay? Did you not allow for sufficient time within your approval?
When forming a programme I had review previous programme that included for a BAPA on projects of similar nature and scale.
Therefore I was aware this should take 6 months and therefore used this timescale which i deemed was sensible.
In the end the BAPA took much longer than initially anticipated.
L3 - What were the correct measures you implemented in Belfast 1?
After reviewing costs, H&S implications and programme.
I instructed for the FF&E company to work more hours in evenings and weekends.
L3 - Why was the fit out delayed in Beflast 1?
They are a sub-contractor. Main contractor’s responsiblity.
I tried to assess and prevent the delay as soon as possible as soon it was made evident they were falling behind
L3 - Can you explain a bit more about what activities / tasks were on the critical path and what this means for Portfolio 1?
The critical path is the longest sequence of activities that must be completed to successfully conclude a project.
The critical path in this instance was arranging site visits so that the Architect could issue their opening up proposals. This would allow us to go to tender.
L3 - In Glasgow 2, If this practical completion date couldn’t be achieved - what alternative approaches could you have considered?
Sectional completion
Why is it important to keep a project programme alive?
o A project is constantly changing/evolving
o Important to keep the programme up to date
o Reminds the team of key dates
What do you think the differences are between Microsoft Projects and Elecosoft Power Protects?
o Very similar in nature
o However, Powerprojects I have found to be less clunky and offers a better userinterface.
o Within Powerprojects, it allows you to customise a bit more, however does come at a cost.
Define Gannt Chart
o A project management tool that illustrates work completed over a period of time in relation to the time planned for the work.
o Left hand side outlines a list of tasks
o Right hand side has a timeline with schedule bars that visualise the work
o Gant chart can also include; the start and end dates of tasks, milestones, dependencies between tasks and baselines.
Define critical path
o It is the longest sequence of activities that must be completed to successfully conclude a project
o If these activities are delayed then the entire project will be delayed
o Example: the pre-cast panels were the critical path for “Leeds 1”
Define linked items
o A linked item in a Gantt chart can show relationships between tasks.
o Used them to indicate when a task should begin or end in relation to other tasks
o Shows dependencies
Define base lines
o Takes a snapshot of the current positions of tasks, groups and milestones in the timeline, which can be placed alongside the chart at a future date.
o Allows you to see what activities are behind and ahead of schedule
Define milestones? Can you give some examples?
o A task of zero duration that shows an important achievement in a project
o Examples: topping out, achieving water tight building, tender returns
How have you assessed delay from a programme?
o Example: For Leeds 1 by reviewing the contractors programme and produce a drop line of my own, I was able to assess a delay in the delivery and installation of the pre-cast panels.
o By analysing progress I could observe on site and comparing it to their original programme. We were able to give the client an estimation on when it should actually be complete.
When have you assessed delay and implemented corrective measures?
Example 1 : For ‘Colchester 1’ we assed delay that was due to third party approvals.
o I negotiated an acceleration programme/payment with the main contractor
o Lost time was made up by the Contractor working evenings and weekend
o This was recorded with an instruction to accelerate under the Contract
Example 2: During ‘Belfast 1’ I advised the client of corrective measures required to maintain programme.
o I assessed the fit out progress using a dropline and our in house ‘matrix’
o I recommended to the client that the FF&E sub-contractor worked extended hours to make up for lost time
o This successfully allowed progress to catch up with the programme
How did the use of pre-cast instead of glass fibre accelerate programme? Don’t both have to be made pre-cast?
o Pre-cast concrete was quicker to procure than glass fibre reinforced concrete.
o Pre-cast is already cured off site.
o GFRC would have to be cured and moulded on site.
o GFRC mixes cement with fiberglass and acrylic polymer
What would you consider when compiling a programme for a new project?
o I would first understand the purpose of the programme and the level of detail required
o All activities would be identified including project deliverables, key milestones and contractual requirements
o I would assign a duration to each activity
o If required I would try and allocate into each of the RIBA stages
o I would try and identify the relationship between activities and link these accordingly paying particular attention to critical path items.
o Any float & programme contingency and critical path items would be identified
o Finally I would issue the programme to the team for comment and update as required
What headings would you use?
Example: For “Portfolio 1” I created a master programme
o Advised the client on critical path items: site visits for architect & fire engineer
o Programme headings include:
- Feasibility and Viability
- Surveys and Inspections Works
- Site Visit
- Define Scope of Works
- Confirmation of pricing document
- Tender Issue
- Tender Review
- Third party approvals – road/pavement closures
- Opening up works
Name the different RIBA stages?
o Strategic definition
o Preparation and briefing
o Concept Design
o Spatial Coordination
o Technical Design
o Manufacturing and Construction
o Handover
o Use
What is the purpose of a dropline on a construction programme and when have you used one?
o The dropline is drawn down a programme on a selected reporting date
o It is compared to the base line
o The dropline reflects actual progress and illustrates which activities are behind and ahead of schedule.
o Delayed activities are identified when the dropline deviates to the left of the baseline. With activities ahead deviated to the right.
What is the purpose of a dropline on a construction programme and when have you used one?
o The dropline is drawn down a programme on a selected reporting date
o It is compared to the base line
o The dropline reflects actual progress and illustrates which activities are behind and ahead of schedule.
o Delayed activities are identified when the dropline deviates to the left of the baseline. With activities ahead deviated to the right.
What is float?
o Contractors float is the additional time available to carry out a specific activity before it becomes critical to the project programme & end date.
What were the L2 examples you used for this competency?
L1 - creating an assessment of delay of the pre-cast panels
L1 - suggestion of pre-cast concrete instead of glass reinforced fibre concrete to speed up programme
L1 - Colchester - acceleration agreement to make up for the BAPA delay
What were the L3 examples used for this competency?
Belfast 1 - FF&E -working assessed delay and implemented corrective measures
Portfolio 1 - master programme - critical path
Providing a strategy for Glasgow 2 - determining when tendering should occur for them to achieve a September 2025 PC date