Leading projects, people and teams SoE Flashcards
What if certain members of the team don’t adhere to a strict agenda? Is this always appropriate?
I believe they are appropriate for more formal situations such as a monthly progress meeting
However, for a DTM a strict agenda may not be necessary, to allow stimulating conversation and the opportunity for all people to pitch in
L2 what was the cause of your colleagues lack of enthusiasm?
They felt the ‘handover’ section of the project was not very inspiring. Lots of site visits and snagging/de-snagging & functionality testing.
L3 - What would your further advice be under the contract, if after the frequent meetings the Contractor still was not addressing the defects?
I would go to management, escalate with someone more senior in the contractors firm. Explain this is what is happening in my projects and are you aware of it.
If the defect has still not been rectified by the contractor, I would advise the client that the money held back in retention can be used to go to an alternative contractor, once the rectification period has ended.
Who’s ‘we’?
myself and the senior QS on the job?
L3 - Fire Consultant Replacement - Was it a resource issue or do you think they had under priced the scope?
This did not have the sufficient number of personnel to meet the project deadlines on this job
What was your advice to the client about replacement? Was a fire consultant not needed during Stage 5? How did you about replacing?
The fire consultant was replaced immediately.
We had tried to escalate it with higher management within the fire consultancy firm. However, their performance still did not improve.
I asked colleagues who are working on jobs for similar size and nature to this one for a fire consultant recommendation.
The new fire consultant was appointed very quickly, with no effect to the programme.
L3 - Monitoring - Manchester 4 - What were the actions you advised
Advised the client to get an M&E consultant to review the AS Builts compared with what was built on site.
Following this review and further team meetings I organised, this prompted the project manager to issue a defective work notice to the contractor.
The frequent meetings allowed for more streamlined communication and faster decision making. The AS Built reviews prompted the PM to investigate the defective work.
What is the difference between leadership, coordination and management?
- Management requires authority over people, to assert control over the project, its team members or its deliverables. Requires organisational structure
- Leadership does not require organisational structure or set values, but despite this can lead a group into a new direction or setting a new vision for a group that they are willingly going to follow.
- Coordination is to organise and sequence the projects deliverables in a logical and efficient order
When have you had to adapt your leadership style?
- During Glasgow 1
- Identified my colleague was lacking motivation and failing to meet deadlines
o I organised an informal chat with him to understand if there was any underlying issues
o I utilised Maslow’s Hierarchy to understand his motivations better
o I suggested him having more exposure to areas of work he had not yet tried
o This increases his performance
o I set up regular calls to monitor the situation
What are the different styles of management you’re aware of?
o Autocratic – micro management. Feedback and ideas of team are not considered.
o Democratic – allowing team members ideas to be considered. Team members take on a level of participation in making key decisions.
o Laizes faire – trust in your colleagues to get on with their work. No micromanagement. Employers are free to use their creativity, resources and experience to meet their deliverables.
Give me an example of when you have had to change your management style?
o Following an agenda in a progress meeting
o Compared to a design team meeting
What are hard skill sets and what are soft skill sets?
o Hard skill sets are more easy to measure and tangible, using programming software, speaking a foreign language, analytical and mental arithmetic skills.
o Soft skill sets are more interpersonal, ability to communicate, public speaking, ability to offer emotional support, empathy and understanding of different personalities
What is Maslow’s Hierarchy?
o Categorises a peron’s motivations in a pyramid
o Bottom level is a person’s basic needs – shelter, water
o As it goes up the pyramid, it goes into physiological needs – , love and belonging, accomplishments and interpersonal relationships.
o Then at the top is self-actualisation and desire to be the best
What is included within a PQQ? And have you used one?
o Portfolio 1
o Interviewed a potential contractor
o Prior to this I issued a PQQ to test suitability, which included:
o Details of contract particulars
company accounts
o Relevant experience
o Design capacity
o Workload capacity
o Personnel
o Competence and calibre
o H&S records
o Provision of bonds/warranties/PCG
Insurance requirments
This is done through questionnaire and interview process with scoring matrix
How did you offer advice on procurement and contract type?
o Advised the client on a Minor Works with Contractor’s Design
o And a JCT Minor Works contract is most appropriate
o Given the small nature of the job - Programme duration & CSA
- Design portion was the intrusive investigations - contractor decides how they are going to up and remediate.