Inclusive Environment SoE Flashcards
What is the National Planing Policy Framework (NPPF) July 2018?
The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) sets out the Government’s economic, environmental and social planning policies for England.
- Framework replaces a wide range of previous planning policy
statements and guidance - Promotes and helps achieve sustainable development
- Provides framework for locally prepared plans for housing and other
development. - Planning law requires applications for planning permission to be
determined in accordance with the development plan
What has it got to do with Inclusive Environment?
Provides guidance on:
- Support high quality communications infrastructure
- Promote healthy and safe communities
- Promoting sustainable transport
What is the approved document M?
o Part M – Access to and use of buildings
o Part M sets out minimum requirements to ensure that a broad range of people are able to access and use facilities within buildings
What are the key points contained within Part M access to and use of buildings?
Latest version came out in 2015
Volume 1 – Dwellings
- M4(1) – Category 1: Visitable Dwellings
- M4(2) – Category 2: Accessible and adaptable dwelllings
- M4(3) – Category 3: Wheelchair user dwellings
Volume 2 - Buildings other than dwellings
- Every stair flight with three or more rises must have a handrail to one side of the stair. Handrails must be provided to both sides if the stair is more than 1000mm in width.
- The ‘grippable’ handrail should be 850-1000mm above the pitch line of the flight.
- The handrail should extend 300mm beyond the top and bottom stair nosings.
What is the Equality Act 2010?
o Legally protects people from discrimination and unfair treatment and promotes a fair and equal society
o It replaced previous 116 anti-discrimination laws with a single Act, making the law easier to understand and strengthening protection in some situations
What are the equality act protected characteristics?
o Age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation
What did the equality Act incorporate?
o It brings together over 116 separate pieces of legislation into one single act
o Examples include – Equal Pay Act 1970, the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 etc.
What are examples of the accessible equipment being sold in that CPD?
o Discusses the BS (British Standard) 8300 Design of an accessible and inclusive built environment
o Five key principles of inclusive design: people first, diversity & difference, choice, flexibility, positive experience