Professional Capability - Evaluating Impact Flashcards
What is Evaluation?
Multi level, systematic method for collecting, analyzing and interpreting data to confirm the effectiveness of talent development initiatives. Efficacy depends on demonstrating the value of the investment.
Evaluation is one way to document whether the investment achieved the desired outcomes. Programs are based on objectives specifying what they must accomplish and in what time frame
Purposes of Evaluation
1) determine business impact, cost benefit ratio, ROI for the solution
2) objectives - they were met and how well?
3) instructional strategies: assess the effectiveness and appropriateness of the content
4) performance assessment: reinforcing learning by using a test or similar way
5) facilitator feedback:
6) participants feedback:
7) Learning retention: assessing on the job environment
Ralph Tyler Goal Attainment Method
Earliest design process incorporating Evaluation of learning experiences based on objectives
Ralph Tyler Goal Attainment Method
Model poses 4 questions
- What objectives learners should achieve?
- What Learning activities will assist learners to achieve these objectives?
- How should the curriculum be organized?
- How should learners achievement be measured?
It helps to evaluate the success of curriculum
Measurement Process
Measure: a standard used to evaluate the degree of quality of the results of a solution
Measurement: a part of the research, is the process of quantifying assessment data and providing the necessary info required to make sound decisions about an issue or a situation. Measurements define or quantify specific attributes of an observation.
Measurement Process
TD professionals should identify the desired outcomes before designing an evaluation plan. To do this, they must gather, summarize and interpret the data generated by the assessment process to determine the root cause.
The root cause could be the process, lack of resources, lack of info, lack of motivation, health related issues or a need for KSA. Based on these results they will determine the best solutions and write objectives.
Measurement Process
Consideration for selecting the measurement process;
Nature of the solution
Characteristics of the learners
Focus on the outcome
Measurement Process
The evaluation process;
Use the assessment data to identify evaluation outcomes and goals
Develop an evaluation design and strategy
Select and construct measurement tools
Analyze and report data
Output Models
A program is a set of resources and activities toward one or more common goals typically under the direction of a single manager or management team.
Program evaluation is the systematic assessment of program results and if possible the assessment of how the program caused them.
Results may occur at several levels; Reaction to the program What was learned What was transferred to the job The impact on the organization
Output Models
Evaluation includes ongoing monitoring of programs as well as one time studies of program process or effects.
Program evaluation assess the effect of a learning program
Learning transfer evaluation measures the success of the learner’s ability to use when they have on the job
Formative vs Summative Evaluation
Formative Evaluation
It occurs throughout the design of any TD solution.
Purpose of the evaluation is to improve the draft learning program and increase the likelihood that it will achieve the objectives.
TD professionals should use a formative evaluation while the learning program is being developed and use this info to revise the learning program immediately to make it more effective.
During the evaluation, they should ensure the learning program is understandable, accurate, current and functional.
Formative evaluation could include but if not limited to pilot test, beta test, technical reviews with SMEs, production reviews and stakeholder reviews.
Formative vs Summative Evaluation
Summative Evaluation:
Occurs after a TD solution has been delivered.
This one focuses on the results or impact of the TD solutions to provide evidence about the value of a program.
Measures participants reactions, the effect on business goals, the initiative costs and the stakeholder’s expectations.
This evaluation measures the outcome and could include but not limited to standardized tests, reaction forms, stakeholder satisfaction surveys and the final ROI.
Kirkpatrick Evaluation- 4 Levels
1) Reaction: reaction sheets, (smile sheets) word of mouth feedback to the instructor, managers or other employees
Measures the degree to which participants find the program favorable, engaging and relevant to their jobs
Kirkpatrick Evaluation- 4 Levels
2) Learning: evaluates a learner’s mastery of the program content, knowledge or performance tests-determine participant’s ability, observation of skills or behavior by the learner
Measures the degree to which participants acquire the intended knowledge, skills, attitude, confidence and commitment
Kirkpatrick Evaluation- 4 Levels
3)Behavior: evaluates a learner’s transfer of knowledge and skills to the job and the extent to which they have applied what they learned. Comprehensive continuous performance monitoring based on behaviors, Manager assessment, self assessment, observation
Measures the degree to which participant apply what they learned during the program when they are back on the job
Kirkpatrick Evaluation- 4 Levels
4) Results: evaluate whether target outcomes occur, often viewed as a program’s organizational effect
This can be accomplished only if well defined targeted outcomes are identified prior to designing the program
Productivity measures, cost or expense, employee turnover, engagement
Measures the degree to which targeted outcomes occur as a result
Phillips ROI Methodology
6 types of collected data First level 4 is similar to Kirkpatrick 1) Reaction and planned action 2) Learning 3) Application and implementation 4) Business impact 5) ROI 6) Intangible measures
Phillips ROI Methodology
The methodology includes the use of;
1) standard values: those that are already accepted in the organization
2) historical costs: (ex:cost of an unexpected absence) represents the measures being converted have cost the organization in the past
3) input from internal or external experts on a particular measure
4) participant estimates
5) supervisor and manager estimates
6) link to other measures that have already been converted to monetary value, a technique used when placing value on customer value on customer or employee satisfaction
7) TD staff estimates
Phillips ROI Methodology
Isolating effects and accountability:
Includes a step which answers the question: How do we know our training is what caused the results?
Using a control group is one way to answer this question, not always feasible
Some other approaches; trend line analysis, forecasting methods, use of experts
The Brinkerhoff Case Method
The SCM (success case method) was developed to assess impact of organizational solutions. It involves identifying and examining the most and least successful cases in a program.
The Brinkerhoff Case Method
5 key steps of SCM;
1) focus and plan: a success case study
2) create an impact model: that defines what success should look like
3) design and implement; a survey to search for best and worst cases
4) interview and document; success cases
5) communicate; finding, conclusion and recommendation
SCM is a useful approach for documenting stories of impact that can be shared with stakeholders and used to develop an understanding of the factors that enhanced or impeded program success
Balanced Score Card
Measures effectiveness of a solution, initiative or practice from 4 perspectives
Balanced Score Card
4 perspectives
1) customer perspective : did the solution, initiative or practices meet the customer’s need or expectation?
2) innovator and learning perspective: did users gain the needed skills or knowledge
3) internal business perspective: did the solution, initiative or practice have an effect back on the job?
4) financial perspective: did the solution have a financial payoff?
Evaluation Approaches
Cost benefit analysis: measures monetary gains and losses
Culturally responsive evaluation: holistic framework for centering evaluation in culture
Developmental evaluation approaches: useful in complex or uncertain environments such as innovation, radical program redesign or crisis
Evaluation Approaches
HPT Evaluation - Human Performance Technology: stress on analysis of present and desired levels of performance
Identifies the causes for the gap and offers a range of interventions
Lean six sigma: combines eliminating waste with lean practices and quality improvement from 6 sigma
Predictive learning analytics: a systematic methodology for predicting learner outcomes and actions
ROE-return on expectations: a Kirkpatrick approach in which stakeholders identify the TD value in terms of how it contributes to their goals
Evaluation Approaches
Robinsons training for impact: helps to achieve organizational goals, gives people the skills and knowledge required and produces measurable results that can be traced on the job
Six sigma: a disciplined data approach to eliminate defects in process
TQM- total quality management: focusing on improving quality and productivity
Qualitative & Quantitative Data
Overview of statistics:
Statistics are made up of the collection, analysis, display, interpretation and presentation of data
Sometimes called data analysis, statistics allows data to be organized and summarized in a way that makes it possible to reach a conclusion
TD professionals can use statistics to document current levels of performance (individual, group or organizational) measure the effect of TD initiatives, and data based feedback for change
Qualitative & Quantitative Data
Use of statistics in TD
1) summarize large amounts of data
2) determine the relationship between two or more items
3) compare the differences in performance
Qualitative & Quantitative Data
Descriptive statistics: summarize the data numerically or geographically in 4 ways
1) measures of frequency: show how often something occurs (count, percent, frequency)
2) measures of central tendency: averages, locate the distribution at specific points and are used to show the most common responses (mean, median, mode)
3) measures of dispersion: variation, show the spread of numbers by starting them in intervals. It is used to show the data spread (range, standard deviation)
4) measures of position: describe how numbers relate to one another and are used to compare a number to a predetermined norm (percentile rank)
Qualitative & Quantitative Data
Inferential statistics: uses analysis to infer data about a larger population than was actually sampled and then models the relationship within the data
1) estimation: uses numbers to approximate the data and relate it to the longer population
2) modeling: uses mathematical equations to describe the relationship between two or more variables
3) hypothesis testing: used to determine whether data support the hypothesis
Qualitative & Quantitative Data
Additional terms
Control groups: in any study or initiative, control group is a group that doesn’t receive treatment, benefit or training to represent a reference point for comparison
Correlation: is the association or relationship between two or more variables
Data isolation: is the data control that determines when and how a change to data made by one action becomes visible to another. The goal is to allow numerous transactions at the same time without influencing one another.
Qualitative & Quantitative Data
Additional terms-2:
Frequency distribution: is a list, table or graph that shows the frequency of numbers or items in a sample. The numbers may be summarized using graphs and summary numerals. It can show the actual number of observations falling in each range. In the case of the percentage of observations, the distribution is called a relative frequency distribution.
Normal distribution: is a particular way in which observations tend to gather around a certain value instead of being spread evenly across a range of values. This is generally the most applicable to continuous data and is best described by a bell shaped curve.
Qualitative & Quantitative Data
Additional terms-3
Outliers: is a data point that is further from others in data set, meaning it’s an unusually large or small value compared with the others. It might be the result of an error in measurement, in which case it distorts interpretation of the data and has an undue influence of many summary statistics.
Skewness: is the asymmetry in the distribution of sample data values on one side of the distribution tend to be farther from the middle than values on the other side
Quantitative Methods
Yield hard data which are objectives and measurable
Can be started in terms such as frequency, percentage, proportion and time
Can be used to measure a problem or opportunity numerically and apply statistical analysis to validate a hypothesis
Provide hard facts to make decisions about whether the problem is real
Qualitative Methods
Yield soft data which are more intangible, anecdotal, personal and subjective
Collects data through focus groups, interviews or sources such as observer notes and survey comments
Data may be difficult to express in numbers as the analysis is often descriptive
The analysis of qualitative data identifies common themes and atypical data, which is then categorized by specific topics
Knowing how employees feel (qualitative) about a skill is just important in a program’s final design as knowing how well (quantitative) they perform the skill
Data Collection
Quantitative Data Sources
Surveys and questionnaire Analytics from technology platforms Exam and assessments Self evaluations Simulation and observation Archival or extant data (existing records, reports and data)
Data Collection
Qualitative Data Sources
Focus groups Interviews Comments from survey and questionnaire Notes from observations Benchmarking Impact analysis
TD professionals should combine both measures in a data collection process to ensure the results are both useful and accurate.
Data planning - storage
Automatic calculation table: the cells in an automatic calculations table contain formula that extract and calculate info from the data entry table
Automatic chart: analysis of data includes presenting data in various charts such as bar charts and line charts to find trends
Data management, security, protection, retain collected data, name spreadsheet files or databases for later retrieval and ensure system sharing the info is secure
What is mean?
Takes into account the quantitative values of each number
It equals the sum of all numbers divided by the number of values that make up the sum.
What is median?
Is the middle of a distribution arranged by magnitude (half below half above)
The median is less sensitive to extreme scores than the mean.
To determine the median, order the numbers from smallest to largest
The median in distribution of odd numbers is the middle number, for even numbers it’s the calculated average of 2 middle numbers
What is mode?
It is the most frequently occurring score in a distribution and as a result is also used as measures of central tendency.
Since it is subject to sample fluctuations, mode is not recommended for use as the only measure of central tendency
Some distributions have more than one mode which is called multimodal
What is range?
It is the two highest and lowest numbers
What is the standard deviation?
It is the difference between the number and the mean
What is standard score?
It is the number that has the same mean and standard deviation for comparing what is normal for a defined population