Personal Capability - Collaboration & Leadership Flashcards
Group Dynamics process
Group is a social community that has something in common like a shared goal.
Dynamics refers to the interaction of individuals work or learn together.
Listening is the key tool for understanding and manage group dynamics
Levels of Listening
Passive: no interaction with speaker
Attentive: some interaction (take notes or in training listen to content)
Active: high level of interaction (body language, emotions)
Leverage Group Dynamics
Building high performance team
Group Development Stages
Establish & Manage Collaboration
Collaborative Networks
Identify stage: first your team and then identify other networks
Ensure everyone uses collaborative skills to accomplish goals
Establish new networks: improve a process, solve a problem or start a new project
Consider a collaboration portal to share data (updates and info changes)
Establish motivating atmosphere: increase productivity, encourage engagement, foster ongoing commitment to the organization
Encourage shared experience
Feedback principles and techniques
Constructive feedback:
It provides useful comments and suggestion that contribute to a positive outcome, better process or improved behaviors
It delivers engagement, support, corrective measures and direction to the person receiving it
Feedback formula
Feedback should be immediate, thank asap, sincere and specific
Formula: plan > deliver > follow up
Leadership theories
Great man: great leaders are born with confidence, charisma and intelligence
Leadership theories
Trait model: suggest that some individuals have certain qualities that make them better leaders
Leadership theories
Situational leadership: leaders choose the best action based on situation, person and decision
Leadership theories
Participative: ideal style is one that includes others input
Leadership theories
Behavioral: focus on actions of leaders
Democratic, autocratic, laissez-faire
Leadership theories
Contingency: not one correct type of leadership, leaders focus on variables
Leadership theories
Transactional: focus on the role of supervision and group performance based on a system of rewards and punishments
Leadership theories
Transformational: focus on the connection formed between followers and leaders who want all team members to fulfill their potential
Leadership theories
3-Tier Leadership
Entrepreneurial: concentrate at lower levels of organization create value for customers with new products and services, they move the organizations into unexplored territory
Enabling: middle of organization, make sure entrepreneurs have the resources and information they need
Architecting: near the top, keep an eye on the whole game board, monitors the culture, high level strategy and structure
Leadership theories
Servant: main goal of the leader is to serve those they lead
Focus on the development and well being
Everyone has the resources and knowledge they need to meet their objectives
Leadership theories
Authentic: self awareness and their ability to know their own strength, limitations and values
Focus on leaders dealing in a straightforward and honest way with their followers
Leadership theories
Adaptive: focus on mobilizing people to adjust and thrive in changing environments
It borrows from the field of evolutions biology. Needs experimental mindsets
Vuca and continued adaptation
Leadership theories
Global: effectively familiarize themselves with psychological, physiological, geographical, geopolitical, sociological effects of globalization
Sensitivity to cultural diversity and the ability to think strategically are two main attributes to develop