Problem Solving Flashcards
Problem solving is used for
Practical worries
Borkovec et al 2004
Avoidance is an internal process preventing movement with worry
Dugas et al 2003
Taking meds
25% 12 month
40% 6 month
Uncertainty as a factor preventing problem solving
GAD symptoms clinically insignificant
- 60% post- treatment
- 88% 6 month
- 83% 12 month
- 95% 24 month
Worry is…
The inability to problem solve
- avoidance
- uncertainty
- meta cognitions
Myners-Wallis et al 2000
Problem solving for depression
Warmerdemetal 2008
Ccbt to support problem solving
Arena et al 2008
PS older adults
Problem solving stages
Myles & Rushford 2007
Mynors-Wallis & Lau 2010
Both state multiple stages are required
Identify the problem Identify the possible solutions Analyses strengths and weaknesses Select a solution Plan implementation Review
Williams 2009
Problem solving approach
Problem solving can be delivered in two ways:
Package for managing depression Brosan & Hogan 2007 or Williams 2009
Or over four to six sessions: Mynors-Wallis & Lau 2010
Problems within problem solving
Difficulty generating solutions
- depression triggers poor concentration, memory, reduced motivation and hopelessness
- to counter this patient could ask for support from a friend or partner
Lack of assertiveness
- Williams et al 2009 assertiveness psycho-ed
Rumination gets in the way
- thinking about the situation can have adverse effects
- encourage active thinking
Nolen-Hoeksemaa 1991
Rumination gets in the way of problem solving
THINK: vicious flower
Bell & D’Zurilla 2008
Cuijpers et al 2007b
Problem solving is effective for working age and older adults for depression
Problem solving is effective as brief standalone treatment for people with depression in primary care
Dowrick et al 2000
Mynors-Wallis et al 1995
Dugas et al 1995
Anxiety disorders do not impair problem solving but they do impair problem orientation
Suggesting GAD patients know what they need to do to sort their problems out however are unable to attend to them-
One anxiety disorder associated with lack of effective problem solving
Dugas et al 1997
GAD- as they are unable to cope with the uncertainty and emotional arousal leading to avoidance