Principle of training, Types of training, Training thresholds Flashcards
Making your training relate to the sport or activity being performed
Progressive overload
Gradually increasing the amount of work so fitness gains occur
Define Reversibility
When an athlete stops or decreases training level so fitness declines
Define Tedium
Boredom that can occur from training the same way every time
FITT - progressive overload
Frequency, Intensity, Time, Type
Circuit training
series of exercises that are performed one after the other with rest in between. When you have completed all exercises you have completed 1 circuit
Continuous training
Training for a sustained amount of time without rest (aerobic)
Training thresholds
Aerobic and anaerobic respiration
aerobic training zone
when oxygen is present in muscles 60 - 80 % of MHR
anaerobic training zone
No oxygen involved high intensity 80 - 90% of MHR
Interval training / HITT
Involves alternating between high intensity work with low intensity rest
Fartlek training
Running with periods of fast, intense work and with periods of slower moderate work
static stretching
holding a stretch still for up to 30 seconds
Weight training
use of weights to cause adaptations in the muscles
Plyometric training
High impact exercises that teach muscles to perform contractions faster
High altitude training
Carrying out training 2,400m above sea level to cause the body to adapt by increasing the amount of red blood cells inn the blood.
Name 9 ways of preventing injury
- consider current level of fitness
- don’t overtrain
- appropriate clothing
- don’t overstretch
- tape - takes stress of joints
- use correct technique
- hydrate
- warm up cool down
- recover - diet
Pre - season includes
Improve fitness
Friendly matches
Competitive season includes
Competitive matches
Avoid over training
Maintaining fitness
Post - season includes
Light aerobic training
practice skills
Name all 4 stages of a warm up and cool down
- Pulse raising - prepares the body for activity
- Stretching
- Skills practice - practice skills needed in training
- Mental preparation
Benefits of warming up
Prepares the body for physical activity as well as mental
Advantages of continuous training (3)
No specialist equipment needed
Easy for beginner
Can be done anywhere
Disadvantages of continuous training (4)
Harder for groups as you all need to be the same fitness level
Not sport specific
Does not improve anaerobic fitness
Advantages of interval training (3)
Good for beginners
Burns body fat easily
Trains aerobic and anaerobic fitness
Disadvantages of interval training (2)
Lead to injury
High level of motivation needed
Advantages of Fartlek training (2)
Good individual workout
Cardiovascular endurance
Disadvantage of Fartlek training
Not suitable for groups (needs to be tailored to the individual)
You need experience to do it well (no easy for beginners)
Advantages of static stretching (2)
No space or facilities needed
Improves flexibility
Disadvantages of static stretching (2)
Can lead to injury
Only improves one component of fitness
Advantage of weight training
Helps to improve strength
Disadvantage of weight training
Advantages of plyometric training (2)
Simulates type of movements in sports
Little equipment needed
Disadvantage of plyometric training (2)
Long recovery period
Athlete must have already good levels of muscular endurance and strength
Advantage of high-altitude training
Increases the oxygen capacity in the blood
Disadvantage of high-altitude training (3)
Not accessible
Benefits are lost quickly
Only relevant to endurance athletes