Primate Cognition Flashcards
Do primates have large brains T or F
Brains are 2% of our body weight but account for x % of our metabolic cost
How are big brains in primates costly? (3)
1) Producing babies w large brains is expensive
2) Large brains = learning = costly
3) Obstetrical dilemma
Big brains takeaway costly -
Natural selection is unlikely to select for a large brain that cost so much unless It is worth it / adaptive
what are the 3 sections of the brain?
1) Hindbrain
2) Midbrain
3) Forbrain
what are the 3 sections of the brain? Hindbrain
Primitive fundamental coordination/function of the brain
what are the 3 sections of the brain? Midbrain
Sensory inputs
what are the 3 sections of the brain? Forbrain
Largest part in primates and deals with controls of cognitive function and higher thinking
what are the 3 sections of the brain? Forbrain is also called the
which part of the brain has expanded the most in primates? And what differs the most in primate evolution from other primates is
Neocortex ratio
What does the Neocortex involve? (4)
1) Sensory Perception
2) Cognition
3) spatial reasoning
4) Language
What is the NeoCortex ratio?
Neocortex volume / volume of rest of brain - highest in primates
Benefits of NeoCortex? (3)
1) Problem Solving
2) Learning
3) Do not depend on solely instinct
What selection pressures favoured behavioural flexibility (larger neocortex) in primates (2)
1) Ecological Intelligence Hypothesis
2) Social Intelligence Hypothesis
What selection pressures favoured behavioural flexibility (larger neocortex) in primates -Ecological Intelligence Hypothesis (2)
1) Associated with locating and processing inaccessible food items
2) Mental Maps & extracting forage