Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis Flashcards
Description: What is primary sclerosing cholangitis?
- Autoimmune chronic liver disease in which BOTH INTRAHEPATIC AND EXTRAHEPATIC bile ducts are slowly destroyed and inflamed resulting in biliary STRICTURES, affecting mainly males
Aetiology/Risk Factors:
Pathology: Describe the inflammation in primary sclerosing cholangitis and what this leads to (3)
- Chronic inflammation and fibrous obliteration of bile ducts
- Caused loss of intrahepatic and extra hepatic bile ducts
- Progresses to cirrhosis
Symptoms: What are the symptoms of primary sclerosing cholangitis?
- Jaundice
- Recurrent cholangitis
- Pruritis
- Abdominal pain
Investigations: How do we investigate for primary sclerosing cholangitis?
- pANCA is positive
- MRCP (diagnostic)
Treatment: How do we treat prmiary sclerosing cholangitis?
- Liver transplant
- Biliary stents
Complications: What are the complications of primary sclerosing cholangitis?
- Cirrhosis
- Cholangiocarcinoma
Extra: What disease is associated with primary sclerosing cholangitis?
Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome (i.e ulcerative colitis)
Extra: What are you at an increased risk of developing if you have primary sclerosing cholangitis?
- Cholangiocarcinoma (malignancy of biliary tree)