Primary post partum haemorrhage Flashcards
>500ml blood/1000ml after caesarean Within 24 hours
Epidemiology (cause + prevalence)
5-7% of deliveries
Uterine atony 90%; also trauma and clotting abnormalities
Risk factors
Previous PPH
Prev C-section
Increased maternal age
Placenta praevia, accreta or percreta
Multiple pregnancy
Grand multiparity
(emergency) C-section or instrumental delivery
Prolonged and induced labour
Ritodrine (beta2agonist - used for tocolysis)
4 Ts
Tone (uterine atony) Trauma Tissue (retained placenta) Thrombin (coagulopathies)
Clinical features
Signs of shock/blood loss Enlarged uterus Tears
Initial management
Assessment: ABCDE, monitoring, cause and extent of bleeding,alert seniors and MDT Stop the bleeding: Active management of third stage, syntocinon/ergometrine, bimanual compression of uterus, compress uterus, urinary catheter, carboprost injection, ligation of uterine/internal iliac arteries, hysterectomy can be life-saving Fluid replacement: Rapidly, IV, give blood
Ongoing management
Intensive monitoring Carboprost Surgical measures Treat coagulopathies Uterine packing/tamponade Vessel ligation/radio-emoblisation Emergency hysterectomy