C-section and instrumental delivery Flashcards
Forceps and Ventouse indications and prerequisites
Indications: prolonged 2nd stage; fetal distress in 2nd stage; maternal pushing contraindicated
Prerequisites: cervix fully dilated; position of head know; head deeply engaged and mid-cavity or below; adequate analgesia; empty bladder; valid indication
Forceps and Ventouse complications
Maternal: lacerations, haemorrhage, third-degree tears
Fetal: lacerations, bruising, facial nerve injury
C-section indications
Emergency: failure to advance; fetal distress; abruption; cord prolapse;antepartum haemorrhage; pre-eclampsia
Fetal: malpresentation; placenta praevia; macrosomia; SGA
Maternal: comorbidity; previous LSCS; previous traumatic vaginal birth; previous shoulder dystocia; maternal infections
C-section complications
Haemorrhage; uterine/wound sepsis; thromboembolism; anaesthetic; subsequent pregnancy problems; damage to bowel/bladder/urethra