Failure to progress in labour Flashcards
Powers: Inefficient uterine action, maternal exhaustion
Passenger: Occipito-posterior position, brow or face presentation
Passage: Cephalo-pelvic disproportion
Management - 1st stage
Consider mobilisation if delay not extreme and mother willing
If nulliparous: artificial ROM, start oxytocin if no further dilatation 2h later
If multiparous: artificial ROM, start oxytocin 2h later if no malposition
Both: LSCS if no increase in rate of dilatation within 4h of oxytocin
Management - 2nd stage
If nulliparous: Anticipate if head high/epidural present. Start oxytocin and delay pushing by 1h
If multiparous: No oxytocin, anticipate malposition or presentation
Both: Push for 1h, then instrumental delivery if prerequisites met, LSCS if not