Prevention and control of equine ID Flashcards
Give a definition of epidemiology
The study of the occurrence of disease in populations and the application of this knowledge to control or prevent disease
The epidemiological approach compares which 3 factors?
- Host
- Agent
- Environment
What is virulence?
The severity/harmfulness of a disease
If a population is stable what can develop in a disease outbreak?
Herd immunity
When using epidemiology what individual/host factors may be considered?
Age, breed, gender, inherent susceptibility/immunity
Cleanliness of surroundings, diet, ventilation, housing
In a horse population who is most likely to spread disease?
New arrivals and foals
To prevent disease, the change has to occur in either…? (3 options)
The host
The agent
The environment
A herd is most able to resist infection and disease if the horses are…? (3 options)
- Immunised
- Properly nourished
- Minimally stressed
Describe the systematic approach when managing the outbreak of a disease.
- Identify the cause - verify medically
- Identify the source
- Define a ‘case’
- How big is the problem? - attack rate
- Describe the outbreak temporally, spatially and characteristically
- Implement disease controls
Define biosecurity
Prevention of contagious infectious diseases carried on/off a premises by animals or people
Define infectious control
Prevention of the spread of infectious disease within an animal premises e.g. farms
What are the two ways veterinary biosecurity can be considered?
- The health and biosecurity of the animal population itself
- Ensuring the health of animals to prevent human illness
What is the main aim of biosecurity?
Disease prevention
What is a notifiable disease?
Those diseases where it is compulsory to notify DEFRA if you suspect or have confirmed the disease
Give 3 examples of exotic notifiable diseases.
- Equine infectious anaemia
- Rabies
- Dourine - trypanosome
- Epizootic Lymphangitis
- West nile virus
- African horse sickness
Give 3 examples of equine zoonotic infections
- Rabies
- Salmonella
- Clostridium
- Dermatophytosis (Ringworm)
- Cryptosporidium parvum
- Rhodococcus equi
What are the 3 main roles of a veterinarian in the prevention of disease?
- To ensure the most appropriate vaccination strategies are in place
- To ensure that horses are not exposed to infectious diseases on their property
- To certify the health status of animals that will be introduced/re-introduced to the group
What are some biosecurity methods used on a yard?
- Preventing infectious agents entering the premises
- Preventing spread of disease between horses
- Vaccination
- Quarantining new arrivals or returning horses
- History of respiratory disease or diarrhoea
How can travelling horses be protected?
- Dont travel for long periods
- Limit direct contact: with essential people only
- Hand sanitisers
What are some sample guidelines for an isolation premises?
- Should be a seperate building of sound construction
- Capable of being disinfected easily
- Not possible for other horses to be within 100m of the facility when it’s in use
- Adequate supply of fresh, clean water at all times
- Food and bedding must be adequately supplied and stored in the isolation facility
- Protective clothing must be available at the entry of the facility
- Separate muck heap for the isolation facility
What are some sample guidelines for isolation procedures?
- Before use, all fixed and moveable equipment and utensils within the isolation facility must be disinfected using an approved disinfectant
- Attendants of the isolated horses must have no contact with other horses
- The isolation period for all isolated horses shall be deemed to start from the time of entry of the last horse
- No person may enter the isolation facility unless specifically authorised to do so
What should be carried in a practice vehicle to ensure good hygiene and biosecurity?
- Disposable rubber gloves
- Alcohol waterless hand disinfectant
- Alcohol spray
- Shoe covers
- Paper suits
- Brush to clean mud from boots
- Disinfectant for boots
- Water, bucket and Trigene or Chlorhexidine for general cleaning and disinfection
What is the single most important factor in preventing spread of infection?
Hand hygiene