Preventative Flashcards
A sluggish lymph system is most commonly felt in which area of the body?
Throat – because the
lymph is closest to the surface there (but is actually most overwhelmed in the large intestine area)
The fortresses in the lymph where the immune system attacks invaders are the:
tonsils, adenoids, lymph nodes.
Waste drainage is so important to cell health that the lymph system is how many time larger than blood?
three to four times larger than
the blood system.
What hormones do the adrenals secrete in emergencies?
What is an indication of a weakened immune system?
warts, cold sores, athletes foot.
At what age does a woman’s testosterone drop by half?
Widespread tissue destruction and system breakdown is known as:
What are the three stress modulators?
Outlet, predictability, control
What problem can occur when cortisol promotes the release of amino acids for energy or glucose
over a prolonged period of time?
A reduction in cellular sensitivity to insulin, a condition that can be a precursor to diabetes.
How does HSD function?
HSD functions to convert inactive cortisol (called cortisone) back into cortisol, which then functions as a
potent fat storage signal within the cells, especially abdominal fat cells.
What is the strongest anti-inflammatory drug commonly used?
How are bacteria, viruses, yeast, fungi, parasites and cancer controlled by the body?
all readily controlled by an active, alert immune system
What is the result of digestive strength?
dietary freedom
Why are men more likely to experience the cardiovascular side effects of chronic stress?
Men tend to respond to psychological (chronic) stress with more HPA axis response - more likely to
experience cardiovascular side effects such as high blood pressure and heart attacks.
Explain the initial response to a perceived acute stressor.
When stress hits, the body’s energy reserves (fat, protein, and carbohydrates) are rapidly mobilized
(through catabolic breakdown of tissues) to deal with the stressor.
Levels of adrenaline and cortisol increase, while levels of DHEA and testosterone decrease.