Preventative Flashcards
A sluggish lymph system is most commonly felt in which area of the body?
Throat – because the
lymph is closest to the surface there (but is actually most overwhelmed in the large intestine area)
The fortresses in the lymph where the immune system attacks invaders are the:
tonsils, adenoids, lymph nodes.
Waste drainage is so important to cell health that the lymph system is how many time larger than blood?
three to four times larger than
the blood system.
What hormones do the adrenals secrete in emergencies?
What is an indication of a weakened immune system?
warts, cold sores, athletes foot.
At what age does a woman’s testosterone drop by half?
Widespread tissue destruction and system breakdown is known as:
What are the three stress modulators?
Outlet, predictability, control
What problem can occur when cortisol promotes the release of amino acids for energy or glucose
over a prolonged period of time?
A reduction in cellular sensitivity to insulin, a condition that can be a precursor to diabetes.
How does HSD function?
HSD functions to convert inactive cortisol (called cortisone) back into cortisol, which then functions as a
potent fat storage signal within the cells, especially abdominal fat cells.
What is the strongest anti-inflammatory drug commonly used?
How are bacteria, viruses, yeast, fungi, parasites and cancer controlled by the body?
all readily controlled by an active, alert immune system
What is the result of digestive strength?
dietary freedom
Why are men more likely to experience the cardiovascular side effects of chronic stress?
Men tend to respond to psychological (chronic) stress with more HPA axis response - more likely to
experience cardiovascular side effects such as high blood pressure and heart attacks.
Explain the initial response to a perceived acute stressor.
When stress hits, the body’s energy reserves (fat, protein, and carbohydrates) are rapidly mobilized
(through catabolic breakdown of tissues) to deal with the stressor.
Levels of adrenaline and cortisol increase, while levels of DHEA and testosterone decrease.
How does cortisol affect your appetite?
The stress response suppresses the appetite for a short time and isfollowed is a dramatic rise in cortisol, which stimulates your appetite and does so for a long time after release.
Explain what antibiotics and cortisone do to the intestine and identify how an irritated intestine will
Antibiotics and cortisone are believed to suppress the proper intestinal flora. An irritated intestine will
often develop diarrhea as an attempt to flush out the irritants.
Explain the hormonal cascade caused by stress.
- Stress causes the hypothalamus to secrete CRH (corticotropin-releasing hormone).
- CRH travels to the pituitary gland and causes secretion of ACTH (adrenocortocotropic hormone) into
the blood. - ACTH reaches the adrenal glands (one located above each kidney) and causes the release of cortisol
(the “stress hormone”)
*Chronically elevated cortisol levels lead to adverse effects on diverse body systems, including muscle
and bone loss, fat gain, elevated blood sugar, high blood pressure, suppressed immune system function
and changes in memory and mood.
List three diseases that SES is associated with?(Socio economic stress)
Increased risk for heart disease, weight gain and diabetes.
What is the major problem with our modern-day stressors?
They are less easy to escape from than a charging lion. The things that cause stress today are difficult to
fend off and impossible to run away from - they also keep coming back again and again (i.e.. monthly
bills, traffic jams, family commitments, project deadlines, etc).
Identify three functions of the stomach.
- Layers of stomach muscles churn food,
- Makes acid digestive juices to digest proteins,
- Makes mucous which protects the stomach from its own acid.
List 3 examples of signs or symptoms that an ileocecal valve is having problems.
- Irregular bowel movements (every stool might be different and there may be diarrhea and/or
constipation) - Toxins spilling past the liver into the main bloodstream so that every cell in the body is irritated and thus sensitized - makes stomach more sensitive to food
- Toxic bile from the gall bladder being dumped into the base of the stomach (duodenum) which can
dramatically cause stomach, esophagus and intestinal spasm and discomfort.
Give four examples of how a person can maintain normal testosterone levels.
Getting enough sleep, staying physically active, maintaining adequate hydration, and learning to
perceive stressful events in the proper context.
List 4 symptoms of sleeping less than 8 hours.
Headaches, irritability, frequent infections, depression and anxiety.
Describe four functions of the liver.
·Massive filter. It screens everything in the blood entering it.
·Main regulator of the blood including sugars, fats, proteins and hormones in the blood.
·Liver regulates the blood sugar level, along with the pancreas and the adrenal glands.
·Liver regulates the fat in the blood. Heart attacks and strokes from fat build-up in the arteries are a
major cause of death and disability.
·The liver regulates hormones.
·The liver is a metabolic director.
·Mood regulator
What 4 steps should be taken in order to correct an ileocecal valve problem?
- Avoid food sensitivities, esp non-foods (group 1)
- Do food combinations
- Avoid scratchy fibre (including raw vegetables that are scratchier and coarser)
- Don’t use excessive spice
List 5 of the common health effects associated with acute stressors.
- Increased heart rate and blood pressure
- Increased breathing rate
- Increased body temp and sweating
- Feelings of anxiety and nervousness
- Headaches
SENSE stands for the 5 key methods for dealing with stress:
Stress management Exercise Nutrition Supplementation Evaluation
What type of person is an exception to the food combining rule and why?
People who are hypermetabolic. These are people who burn up calories extremely quickly. They are very
lean, sometime gaunt if suffering from absorption problems. Testing indicates they will do better mixing
proteins and starches or grains together. This helps slow down their high metabolic rate. (Also as we
have learned from other courses – those who are dysglycemic – need the protein mixed with CHO to slow
release of insulin and prevent big swings in blood sugar).
List ten signs of an overload of toxins in the liver:
anxiety panic,
weakness, dizziness (fainting can occur),
muscle wasting,
PMS, fatigue,
moodiness (depression, pessimism, irritability and rapid mood fluctuations), vein signs (varicose veins,
hemorrhoids, dark blue bags under the eyes).
Provide 5 examples of foods that stimulate the production of digestive juice, that are light and that
do not require much digestion themselves?
- Fruit or vegetable juice
- Broth
- The Master Cleanser fasting drink (lemon juice in water with cayenne and ginger)
- Grapefruit
- Apple cider vinegar in water