Pathology Flashcards
The following statements regarding female infertility are TRUE
- estrogen levels being too high or too low could impact on fertility
- inability to achieve pregnancy after a year or more of regular unprotected intercourse
- can be due to a malfunction along the HPG (gonadal) axis
- can be due to endometriosis, pelvic infection, nutritional deficiencies and stress, uterine fibroids/cysts
(PCOS), anatomical malfunctions, underweight (10% or less of body fat), excessive exercise - can also develop antibodies to partner’s sperm
- UA(ED) and OA thyroid (fast estrogen turnover)
The following would most likely aggravate herpes simplex lesions?
Foods high in arginine - Chocolate, nuts, beer, sugar, peanuts, sesame seeds, meat, gelatin, soy –
arginine suppresses lysine (the aa needed to retard viral growth)
Increase foods with high lysine-arginine ratio: many types of fish – also lysine is found in eggs, dairy
products, yeast, poultry, and meat. Kiwi fruit is also less likely to aggravate lesions
Recommendations for a person with endometriosis:
- avoid exposure to xenoestrogens
- increase intake of phytoestrogens
- increase intake of ground flax seeds
- treat dysbiosis
- exercise regularly
Stressors on the immune system:
- consuming foods that you are sensitive to
- being deficient in antioxidants
- smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol
- insufficient sleep
supplement recommendations to someone with constipation:
- avoid dairy products
- supplement with vitamin C, B5 (high dose can have laxative effect)
- sup with magnesium – relaxes smooth muscles of the gut
- increase fiber
- Aloe vera softens the stool, heals and cleanses the gut mucosa
Factors that impair the healing of an injured body part:
- poor circulation to the injured tissue
- excess cortisol
- lack of nutrients
- being over the age of seventy (70) years
Healing is supported by – RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation) – critical nutrients are Zn, Vits A, C, E,
protein, EFAs, enzymes – most critical window is first 6-8 weeks.
Hypertension could be aggravated by:
artificial sweeteners, MSG, stimulants, alcohol and sugar (sugar
and high GI foods can lead to insulin resistance and unstable BS. This results in release of epinephrine,
which will raise BP. Sugar is very bioactive and produces many free radicals during its metabolism.
In a treatment protocol for eczema, you could include:
- avoid food sensitivities
- zinc supplementation (sufferers often have high copper levels)
- essential fatty acids
- increase fibre intake
The following would be appropriate for someone with Crohns disease:
- probiotics – taken in liquid or powder form (unsweetened) to improve absorbability
- antioxidants
- glutamine
- chlorophyll
- EFA’s (important for every cell membrane in the body, essential for health of immune system, and esp
are anti-inflammatory, particularly the omega 3s) - avoid raw foods during flare ups
Migraine sufferers are best to avoid the following due to tyramine content?
- beer
- cheese
- red wine
- chocolate
Hypochlorhydria can be improved by taking/eating any of following with meals:
- HCL supplements
- lemon water
- apple cider vinegar
- bitter greens
All of the following are true about osteoporosis:
- it is a condition of decreased bone mass
- magnesium helps calcification of the bones
- vitamin D aids in calcium absorption and utilization
- tai chi may aid in increasing bone mass
Define Pathology.
The study of disease.
Why is a diabetic more susceptible to injury and gait imbalances?
Glucose binds to the myelin sheath that surrounds nerves, which contributes to the degeneration of nervous functioning in the body.
This can cause loss of touch and position sense, making it easy for a diabetic to get injured and also affect gait.
A deficiency in which nutrient may cause low levels of T3 hormone in the body and why?
Selenium because it is needed to convert T4 to T3 (the more active form of the hormone) and may play a
minor role in the manufacture of thyroid hormones.
Which two body organs cannot cope well with the drop of blood glucose associated with
The brain and the eye retina.
Define Arteriosclerosis
A group of diseases characterized by thickening and loss of elasticity of the arterial walls.
Carol just found out that she is at high risk for breast cancer. Give Carol three lifestyle (not dietary)
changes that she can implement now to support her body in prevention.
- Treat dysbiosis or candidiasis, which can manufacture sterols that fit into estrogen receptors.
- Ensure regular bowel function and good liver function so that estrogen can be conjugated, secreted
into the bile and excreted from the body. - Avoid xenoestrogens, which fit into estrogen receptors and switch them on.
Also - regular sleep, consistent exercise, castor oil packs - but not with active cancer, cleansing, reduce
stress and practice stress management, treat dysbiosis, cleanse the liver, gut, lymph and skin, strengthen
gut mucosa
Essential fatty acids can be a good addition to the diet of someone suffering from breast cancer.
However, they must be “properly handled”. What does this mean?
That they have not been subjected to heat, light or oxygen.
what factors can contribute to an osteoporotic loss of bone.
- Low levels of vitamin B6, folic acid and B12 will interfere with bone collagen formation.
Stress, stimulants like caffeine, and episodes of hypoglycemia will all impact the ability to:
maintain good bones because epinephrine shunts blood away from the digestive tract and shuts down digestion. Epinephrine and caffeine also have the effect of washing minerals like calcium out in the urine.
Digestion and absorption are important factors. An underactive stomach will result in difficulties
calcium because it is the acidity that makes it soluble and ionically correct for absorption.
Briefly describe the alternating oil protocol for use in hormone balancing:
Alternating flax seed oil and evening primrose oil can be used to help balance female reproductive
hormones. Flax seed oil can be given from day 1 (1st day of menstrual flow) until day 14 to support
estrogen production and evening primrose oil can be given from day 15 until flow resumes (day 28) to
support progesterone production. Resume flax seed oil each time menses resumes, regardless of length
of cycle.
OR fish oil from day 1-14 and evening primrose from day 15 to end cycle (usually 28 days)
This can also be done with seed cycling:
Fresh ground raw flax and pumpkin seeds taken daily from 1 st day of menstrual flow Day 14 switch to
freshly ground raw sesame and sunflower seeds until menstrual flow begins again (usually day 28)
Name 4 common problem foods for adult migraine sufferers.
Fermented food, molds on foods, marinades, nitrates, sulphites, red wine, MSG, figs, dates, raisins,
chocolate, nuts, cheeses, sour cream, dairy, citrus fruit.
Wheat may cause migraines - but it is not on the “most common list”
List 5 vitamins and minerals to include in supporting an allergic individual.
- B complex, including especially B5, B6 and B2
- Vitamin A (to strengthen mucous membranes)
- Vitamin C with bioflavonoids (in high doses to stabilize mast cells)
- Magnesium (has antihistamine effect)
- Zinc (for thymus function)
List 5 conditions that may be associated with estrogen dominance.
- Uterine fibroids
- Ovarian cysts (and PCOS)
- Fibrocystic breasts
- Breast cancer
- Endometriosis
Name 5 possible nutrient deficiencies that may be associated with subclinical hypothyroidism.
Iodine, essential fatty acids, manganese, zinc, iron.
List 6 nutrients that will support Phase II liver detoxification.
Cysteine, glycine, glutathione, N-acetyl cysteine, taurine, vitamin B complex.
List 6 supplements that may help to shrink breast fibroadenomas.
Vitamin A, alpha-lipoic acid, vitamin B6, coenzyme Q10. selenium, silica,
List 8 signs and/or symptoms that a male might be deficient in testosterone.
- Erectile dysfunction, infertility, loss of sex drive
- Aches and pains, weakness, fatigue, muscle wasting, insomnia
- Constipation and indigestion
- Heart disease
- Hair loss
- Benign prostatic hypertrophy
- Weight gain especially around the waist and under chin
- Anxiety, depression, poor concentration and memory, loss of interest and bad temper.