Press Review Flashcards
The house
Le congrès
Republican 🐘
Biden (parti)
Democrat 🐎
Swing state
Un état qui ne sait pas pour quel parti il est
The US house representatives and when
Republicans (January)
Ouvrir une enquête de mise en accusation
To open an impeachment inquiry
Former speaker of the house
Kevin McCarthy
Us Senator
Mitt Romney
Trump’s former lawyer
Michael Cohen
56th speaker of the house
Mike Johnson
UK former prime minister
David Cameron
UK prime minister
Rishi sunak
Canada prime minister
Justin Trudeau
FTX crypto-currency creator
Sam Bankman
Sam Altman
Entrepreneur (Space X, etc..)
Elon Musk
UK former prime minister
Boris Johnson
Abercrombie’s CEO
Mike Jeffries
Se tenir à l’écart
To stand aside
Laisser la place
To make a room
Shutdown (def)
The federal government ceases non-essential operations, furloughs non-essential workers, and retain only essential employees in departments that protect human life and property
Crime racial
Hate crime
Être condamné
To be convicted
Plaider coupable
To plead guilty
Présenter une liste de faux électeurs
To put forward a slate of fake electors
Violer un ordre de bâillon
To breach a gag order
Relations tendues
Tense relations
Politique protectionniste (qui)
Protectionist policy (Trump)
Empreinte carbone neutre
Neutral carbon footprint
Défendre (une cause)
To advocate
Une campagne de désinformation
A disinformation campaign
Blanchiment d’argent
Money laundering
Faire faillite
To bankrupt
Être évincé
To be ousted
Lancer (une fusée)
To launch
Preuve concluentes
Conclusive evidence
Faire face a des accusations pour exploitation
To face allegations of exploitation
Réseau organisé
Organized network