Preschool Flashcards
Preschooler Age
3-6 (fun, imaginative, do well in hospital setting)
Biologic Growth
Weight: gain 5lbs/yea
Height: grows 2.5/3in/year
Teeth: All baby teeth, no new teeth develop.
-Start to loose baby teeth
General Growth
- Legs elongate rather than the trunk
- Muscle dev. and bone growth not mature, prone to injury from rigorous sports especially with older children
Avg 4 year old
40lbs, 40in
By age 3 (motor development)
- rides tricycle
- broad jump
- balance on tiptoe
- balances on 1 foot for few seconds
By age 4 (motor development)
Skips and hops on 1 foot
Catches ball reliably
By age 5 (motor development)
- throws and catches ball
- balances on 1 foot
- begins to skate and swim
- increased strength and refinement of fine and gross motor abilities
3 Year Old (Fine motor skills)
- Assembles simple puzzles
- Manipulates clay; finger paints
- Copies simple shapes, such as a cross or circle
- Stacks blocks up to 9 high.
4 Year Old (Fine motor skills)
- Copies crosses and squares
- prints some letters (sometimes all capital)
- uses table utensils skillfully
- cuts on a line, uses glue
5 Year Old (Fine motor skills)
- Established hand dominance
- laces (but cannot tie) shoes
- grasps pencil like and adult
- colors within lines
- cuts and pastes simple shapes
Motor development (3-6): Drawing
Child goes from scribbling at early toddlerhood, to copying shapes to combining shapes at age 2-3 years, to pictorial representations at ages 4-5
3Y: copies circles
-unable to draw complete stick figure
4Y: can draw stick figure
5-6Y: can draw several body parts
During preschool years drawing is used to access?
Personality development and psychosocial adjustment
Preschool: Stress and Coping
- Separation from parents
- Super natural beings
- Ghosts
- Monsters
- Noises
- “Bad People”
- Injury (don’t cope well)
Preschool: Sexuality
- Sex typing occurs at this phase
- Develops behavior, personality, attitudes, and beliefs appropriate for his or her culture and sex
- This occurs through imitation and childbearing practices
- “Boys shouldn’t, Girls shouldn’t”
Preschoolers Though process?
Preschool: Play (3-6)
Associative play: group play in similar or identical activities but without rigid organization or rules
Focus: stimulate imagination, gross and fine motor skills, language and social development
Begins cooperative play (most characteristic play is imaginative play and imitative play…. dress up, dolls, brooms, vacuum cleaners, hammers, saws)
Preschool: Play part 2
Preschoolers enjoy meaningful play and like to imitate roles of adults (playing house)
Imitation and imaginary play help them learn about the world around them.
Most characteristic play of preschoolers:
Imaginative: play (pretend)
Imitative: play (dress up, dolls, imitation, saws)
By the end of preschool children actually like helping out.
Planning and interventions: of play with preschoolers
- Pull of TV strong
- How can we make TV interactive? (ask about who the characters are, how would they change the ending?)
- Imaginary playmates very common
Preschool: Kohlberg
Preconventional Stage 2
- rules are followed then it is in their immediate interest
- Right action consists of that satisfies their needs
- “ill scratch your back if you scratch mine”
Preschool: Erikson (3-6)
Initiative Vs Guilt
- Child tries to meet goals and when fails feels guilty.
- Children at this age may wish very negative things (death of sibling) and feel guilty about these thoughts
Preschool: Erikson Cont..
- Need to clarify for kids that wishes cannot make things happen
- Superego or conscience developing
- Learn first what is appropriate, verbal warnings good form of discipline, remove child from dangerous situations
- Need exposure to wide variety of experiences and play
- Explore the world (safely)
- Active imagination
- Needs little guidance in play
Preschool: Piaget
Preconceptual: 2-4
Intuitive Thought: 4-7
-Play, especially fantasy or imitative very important
-Child goes from being totally egocentric to early recognition of others points of view
- Often appear to understand more conceptually than they really do because of their ability to imitate. Even though they appear to, they do not understand right from left or time.
- Thinking is “magical” do not understand causality.
Preschool: Social Development
Individualism and separation are complete during the preschool years
- Can cope well with changes in routines but may develop fears
- Can work through difficult situations and new situations through play