Prentice Ch.1 The ATC as a health care provider Flashcards
Cramer foundations
- chemical company in early 1920s to produce liniment to treat ankle sprains
Cramer first publication
First Aider
NATA foundations
late 1930s but because of WW2 it was nonexistent until
NATA was officially formed
101 ATCs in Kansas city mo
NATA stated mission
“to enhance the quality of health care provided by certified athlete trainers and to advance the athletic training profession”
- Appropriate Medical Coverage for Intercollegiate Athletics
- Task force to establish appropriate medical coverage for intercollegiate athletics
- recommendations for the # of ATCs who should be employed based on a mathematical model created by a number of variables existing at said insitiution
Five Domains of Athletic Training
- illness/injury prevention and wellness protection
- clinical evaluation and diagnosis
- immediate and emergency care
- treatment and rehabilitation
- organizational and professional health and well-being
- training/conditioning programs
- safe playing environments
- proper fitting protective equipment
- diet and lifestyle education
- proper medication
Clinical eval and diagnosis
- understanding pathology of injury/illness
- referring to medical care
- referring to support services
Immediate and emergency care
- EAPs
Treatment and Reconditioning
- designing rehab programs
- supervising rehab programs
- incorporating therapeutic modalities
- offering psychosocial intervention
Organizational/professional health and well being
- record keeping
- ordering equipment and supplies
- supervising personnel
- establish policies (operational)
Professional responsibilities
- continuing education
- educator
- counselor
- researcher
Evidence based practice
- making decisions about the clinical care of individual patients based on the current best available evidence in the professional lierature
Five steps of EBP
- develop a clinical question
- search the literature
- appraise the evidence
- apply the evidence
- assess the outcomes
Disablement model
- outcomes assessment
- an evaluation an treatment model that looks at functional loss due to a specific impairment and the associated impact on quality of life instead of focusing solely on a medical diagnosis
Disablement model levels
- origin - ACL
- organ - decreased ROM instability swelling pain
- person - inability to run or cut
- societal - cannot compete
To maintain certification…
document a minimum of 75 CEUs attained every 3 years recertification term
limits the practice of athletic trainers to those who have met the minimal requirements established by a state licensing board
- does not restrict the use of the title of athletic trainer to those certified by the state in can restrict the performance of athletic training functions to only those who are state certified
before an individual can practice athletic training, he or she must register in that state.
- gotta pay a fee
state recognizes that athletic trainers perform functions similar to those of other licensed professions, yet allows them to practice athletic training despite the fact that they do not comply with the practice acts