Prentice Ch. 6 - Environmental Considerations Flashcards
elevated body temperature
metabolic heat production
the higher the metabolic rate, the more heat produced
heat can be gained or lost though:
- metabolic heat production
- conductive heat exchange
- convective heat exchange
- radiant heat exchange
- evaporative heat loss
Conductive Heat exchange
physical contact with other objects can result in either a heat loss or a heat gain
ex. standing on turf
Convective heat exchange
occurs when a mass of either air or water moves around an individual, body heat is either lost or gained
ex. cool wind
Radiant Heat Exchange
radiant heat from sunshine causes an increase in body temperature
- during exercise the body attempts to dissipate heat produced by metabolism by dilating superficial arterial and venous vessels thus channeling blood to the superficial capillaries in the skin.
Evaporative Heat Loss
sweat glands in the skin allow water to be transported to the surface, where it evaporates, taking large quantities of heat with it.
Rate of sweat
- normal person can sweat off about 1 quart of water per hour for about 2 hours.
- however, certain individuals can lose as much as 2 quarts of water (4 lbs) per hour
- sweat must evaporate for heat to be dissipated
Impairing heat loss
it is impaired when relative humidity reaches 65% and virtually stops when the humidity reaches 75%
Prevention of hyperthermia
- appropriate hydration
- unrestricted fluid and electrolyte replacement
- gradual acclimatization
- identification of susceptible individuals
- appropriate uniforms
- weight records
- monitoring of the heat index
- ingesting sufficient fluids in the 24 hrs before exercise
Mild Dehydration
- loss of less than 2% of body weight
- rehydrate with sports drink/water
- fluid intake should = fluid loss
sweat loss/fluid replacement
- normal sweat loss for a person doing an hour of exercise ranges between 0.8 and 3L with an avg. of 1.5L/hr
- once body weight drops to 1-2% the individual becomes thirsty
- by the time thirst develops the body is already slightly dehydrated
- most people replace only 50% of the water they lose
Electrolyte replacement
- well formulated sports drink is more effective than using water alone
Why is water a bad rehydrator
- water is a good thirst quencher but it is not a good rehydrator because it turns off thirst before the body is completely rehydrated
sports drinks best formulation
14g per 8oz of water of carbohydrate (6% carbohydrate) produces the quickest fluid absorption
Gradual Acclimatization
- a good preseason conditioning program started well before the advent of the competitive season and carefully grades as to intensity is recommended
Gradual Acclimatization timeline
- 7-10 days
- the first 5-6 days an 80% acclimatization can be achieved by 2 hr practice period in the morning & in the afternoon
practice breakdown
20 mins of work with 20 mins of rest in the shade
Identifying susceptible individuals
- overweight/large muscle mass
Selecting appropriate uniforms
- should be selected on basis of temperature and humidity
- initial practices should be in t-shirts shorts and socks
- move gradually into short-sleeved net jerseys & lightweight pants
Maintaining weight records
- weights should be measured both before and after practice for at least the first 2 weeks of practice or as long as hot, humid conditions persist
- a loss of greater than 2% of body weight indicates that the athlete is severely dehydrated and should be held out of practice until normal body weight has returned
- wet bulb globe temperature
- provides the ATC with an objective means for determining necessary precautions for practice and competition in hot weather
Dry bulb temperature (DBT)
- recorded from a standard mercury thermometer
Wet bulb temperature (WBT)
- recorded from a wet wick or piece of gauze wrapped around the end of a thermometer that is swung around in the air
Globe Temperature (GT)
measures the suns radiation and has a black metal casing around the end of the thermometer
WGBT equation
WBGT = 0.1 x DBT + 0.7 x WBT + GT x 0.2
Equation for only WBT & DBT
WBGT = 0.3 x DBT + 0.7 x WBT
- two identical thermometers - when cloth is soaked the thermometers are properly ventilated
- the wet bulb temp will be lower than the dry club because of the cooling due to the evaporation of the water from the cloth
- takes around 90 seconds
- old sling psychrometer may have the greatest accuracy
Heat Rash
- also called prickly heat
- benign condition
- sensations of prickling and tingling during sweating
- usually occurs when the skin is continuously wet with unevaporated sweat
- localize to areas covered with clothing
- continually toweling the body can help prevent the rash from developing
Heat Syncope
- also called heat collapse
- rapid physical fatigue during overexposure to heat
- occurs from by standing in heat for long periods or by not being accustomed fro exercising in the heat
Heat Syncope cause
- caused by vasodilation of superficial vessels, hypotension or a pooling of blood in the extremities which results in dizziness, fainting and nausea
Heat Syncope relief
- laying athlete down in a cool environment, elevating the lower extremities and replacing fluids
Exertional Heat Cramps
- painful muscle spasms and cramps that occur mainly in the lower extremities and abdomen
Exertional Heat Cramp cause
- excessive loss of water and several electrolytes or ions (sodium, chloride, potassium, magnesium, and calcium) but especially sodium
- its caused by an imbalance of water and electrolytes
People who get Heat Cramps
- in fairly good condition
- but is not acclimatized to the heat
Heat Cramp Prevention
- adequate replacement of sodium, chloride, potassium, magnesium, calcium and most important, fluids
- ingestion of salt tablets
- simply salting food might also replace sodium levels
- eat a banana, milk/cheese
Immediate treatment of Heat Cramps
- ingestion of large quantities of fluids preferably a sports drink, and mild, prolonged stretching with ice massage of the muscle in spasm
Exertional Heat Exhaustion
- occurs from environmental heat stress and strenuous physical exercise
Exertional heat exhaustion causes
- dehydration
- becomes unable to sustain adequate cardiac output and thus cannot continue intense exercise
heat exhaustion signs & symptoms
- rectal temperature of below 104
- no evidence of CNS dysfunction
- dehydration/electrolyte depletion
- pale skin
- profuse sweating
- stomach cramps
- vomiting or diarrhea
- headache
- persistent muscle cramps
- dizziness with loss of coordination
heat exhaustion treatment
- immediately remove them from play
- take to a shaded area
- or air conditioning
- excess clothing should be removed
- lie them down with legs elevated
- rectal temp should be lowered to 101 degrees
- water and sports drinks as long as they aren’t nauseous or vomiting
- IV fluids if can’t orally
- continuously monitor HR, BP and core temperature
- if rapid improvement is not seen they needed to be transported
Exertional Heatstroke
- life threatening
- induced by strenuous physical exercise and increased environmental heat stress
Heatstroke Characterized
CNS abnormalities and potential tissue damage resulting from a significantly elevated body temperature
- can occur suddenly and without warning
- altered consciousness
- seizures
- confusion
- emotional instability
- rectal temp is 104 or above
- hot flushed skin
- sweating about 75 percent of the time
other symptoms of heatstoke
- shallow fast breathing
- rapid strong pulse
- nausea or vomiting
- diarrhea
- headache
- dizziness or weakness
- decreased blood pressure
- dehydration
- body loses the ability to dissipate heat through sweating
What to do with heatstroke
- get athlete into a cool environment, strip of all clothing and immerse the athlete in a cold-water bath (35-58 degrees)
- if no bath you must sponge with cool water and a fan with a towel
- place ice at neck, armpits, under knees (major arteries)
- lower rectal temp to 101
- call the rescue squad
- cool first then transport
RTP heatstroke
-exercise for a minimum of 1 week and gradually return to full practice after being completely asymptomatic and cleared by a physician
Malignant Hyperthermia
- rare
- genetic
- inherited
- hypersensitivity to anesthesia and extreme exercise in hot environments
- characterized by muscle breakdown
Malignant Hyperthermia S&S
- muscle pain after exercise
- rectal temp remains elevated for 10 to 15 minutes after exercise
- can cause acute renal failure
- can be fatal if not treated immediately
- should be disqualified from competing in hot humid environments
Acute Exertional Rhabdomyolysis
- sudden catabolic destruction and degeneration of skeletal muscle accompanied by leakage of myoglobin (muscle protein) into the vascular system
Rhabdo S&S
- happens during intense exercise in extremely hot and humid environmental conditions
- gradual onset of muscle weakness, swelling and pain in the presence of darkened urine and renal dysfunction
- sever cases see sudden collapse, renal failure and death
- associated with sickle-cell trait
Exertional Hyponatremia
- fluid/electrolyte disorder that results in an abnormally low concentration of sodium in the blood
- usually caused by ingesting so much fluid before, during and after exercise that the concentration of sodium is decreased
- can be too little salt in the diet
Hyponatremia information
- athlete who has a high rate of sweating, and a significant loss of sodium, continues to ingest large quantities of fluid over a several-hour period of exercise
- marathon runners
- can be avoided obviously
Hyponatremia S&S
- worsening headache
- nausea and vomiting
- swelling of the hands and feet
- lethargy
- apathy
- agitation
- low blood sodium
Guidelines for athletes who intentionally lose weight
- weight loss to make a predetermined weight limit should not be accomplished though dehydration
- should be over several weeks or even months
- result from a reduction in the percentage of body fat relative to lean body mass
- abnormally low body temperature
Conditions needed for hypothermia
- cold
- wind
- dampness
Where is heat lost?
- 65% of the heat produced by the body is lost through radiation
- loss occurs though the head and neck which may account for as much as 50% of the loss
- 20% of heat loss is though evaporation of which 2/3 is though the skin and 1/3 is though the respiratory tract
- ceases below a body temperature of 85 degrees to 90 degrees
- death is imminent if the core temp drops to between 77 degrees
Prevention of hypothermia
- clothing provides a semi tropical climate
- clothing should not restrict movement
- should be as lightweight as possible
- permit the free passage of sweat and body heat
- rehydrate! increase in blood volume = increase in body heat
Frost Nip
- affects ears, nose, cheeks, chin, fingers, and toes
- skin appears very firm with cold painless areas the may peel or blister in 24 to 72 hours
- treat with sustained pressure
- no rubbing!
- blowing hot breath on the spot
- place arms in the armpits
Frostbite (chilblains)
- result of prolonged cold
- skin redness, swelling, tingling, and pain in the toes and fingers
- caused by problems of peripheral circulation
Superficial frostbite
- skin and subcutaneous tissue
- pale, hard, cold, and waxy
- palpation will show hardness but with yielding of the undying tissue structures
superficial frostbite treatment
- immerse in warm water 100-110F
- first few numb the sting and burn.
- do not rub
- later there may be blisters and be painful for a number of weeks
Deep Frostbite
- serious injury
- same shit as superficial frostbite
- can become gangrenous causing a loss of tissue
Altitude sickness
- mexico city elevation: 7,600 feet
- there is a 7-8% decrease in maximum o2 uptake
- represents a 4-8% deterioration in performance
- when the body is suddenly without its usual o2 supply, hyperventilation can occur
Adaptation to altitude
- depends on resident, native, or visitor
- adaptation includes; conservation of glucose, increased number of mitochondria, and increased formation of hemoglobin
Adaptation to altitude: visitors
- responses include:
- increased breathing
- increase heart action
- increased hemoglobin
- increase blood alkalinity
- increased myoglobin
- dehydration
Athletes going into high altitude
- experts suggest arriving 2-3 weeks before competition to provide the best adjustment period
- some also suggest that 3 days before competition is enough time
Acute Mountain Sickness
- low to moderate altitude of 7000 to 8000 feet
- headache
- nausea
- vomiting
- sleep disturbance
- dyspnea
- can last up to 3 days
- tissue disruption in the brain and affects sodium/potassium balance
High Altitude Pulmonary Edema (HAPE)
- 9000 to 10,000 feet
- lungs accumulate a small amount of fluid within the alveolar walls (usually absorbed in a few days)
- dyspnea
- cough
- headache
- weakness
- unconsciousness
- move athlete to lower altitudes
High Altitude Cerebral Edema (HACE)
- usually in conjunction with HAPE
- leads to coma or death
- happens in 1% of people above 9,000 feet
- increased cerebral blood flow due to the increased permeability of cerebral endothelium when exposed to hypoxia
- increased intracranial pressure
Sickle-Cell Trait Reaction
- occurs in 8%-10% of African Americans
- abnormality of the structure of the red blood cells and their hemoglobin content
- hemoglobin becomes deoxygenated as a result of exercise at a high altitude the cells tend to clump together
- abnormal sickle shape that can be destroyed easily
- can cause an enlarged spleen
sun protection factor
- an SPF of 6 indicates that an athlete can be exposed to UV light six time longer than without a sunscreen before the skin begins to turn red
- 60 to 80 percent of lifetime sun exposure is often obtained by age 20
people who need higher SPFs
- light skinned
- blue eyes
- fair hair
- or skin that burns easily
- people over 6 months of age
Lightening safety EAP
- chain of command as to who should monitor both weather forecast and changing weather of a threatening nature and to determine who makes the decision to remove from and return a team to the practice field
General rule for lightening
if you hear thunder or see lightning you are in immediate danger and should seek a protective shelter in an indoor facility at once
If you feel your hair stand on end..
get in the fetal position on the ground
stay away from trees or lighting posts
- low ground
- don’t lie flat
flash to bang ratio
number of seconds from lightning flash until the sound of thunder divided by 5 to determine the distance from the lightning strike
- if the count is at 30 or less there is danger and conditions should be monitored
- if the count reaches 30 everyone should leave the field for shelter
can return to field after…
30 minutes have passed from either the last lightning strike or thunder clap
lightning detectors
monitors lightning at a distance of 40 miles
- if the detector flashes 3-8 range this is generally considered to be life threatening
at its highest level when higher temperatures and the increased amount of sunlight during the summer combine with stagnant atmospheric conditions
Ozone S&S
shortness of breath coughing chest tightness pain during deep breathing nausea eye irritation fatigue lung irritation lowered resistance to lung infections
Nitrogen dioxide
produced by cars
irritate the lungs
lower resistance to RI
acute respiratory disease in children