Prenatal Development Flashcards
What is prenatal development?
The process which a human embryo or fetus grows and develops inside the mother’s womb. The prenatal period spans from conception to birth
What are the three stages of prenatal development?
1) Germinal stage (0-2 weeks)
2) Embryonic stage (3-8 weeks)
3) Fetal stage (9 weeks to birth)
What factors affect prenatal development?
- Genetics
- Maternal stress, age and health
- Environmental exposures
- Lifestyle choices
- Socioeconomic factors
How do genetics play a role in fetal development?
Genetic information determines the aspects like sex, physical characteristics and vulnerability to diseases / genetic conditions
How does the environment affect a fetal development?
The development can be affected by the mother’s health, nutrition and exposure to harmful substances
What is conception?
The joining of a sperm and egg, also known as fertilization, in the fallopian tube
What happens during the germinal stage? (0-2 weeks)
- A zygote is created then makes its journey down the uterus. It divides many times during this process.
- Two separate structures are created, the embryo and the placenta
- Zygote later turns into a blastocyst. It arrives at the uterus and implants into the uterine lining. If successful, body begins producing hormones to support a pregnancy
What happens during the embryonic stage? (3-8 weeks)
The blastocyst begins to take on distinct human characteristics and becomes an embryo. By the end of the eighth week, most of the embryo’s organs systems form and take shape
What happens during the fetal stage? (9 weeks to birth)
- Embryo turns to a fetus
- Major organs and body systems continue to grow and mature
- Gets its assigned sex at around nine weeks
- Can move its limbs
- Most of the growth (in weight & length), happen in this stage
Why is prenatal care important?
- To monitor the health and development of both mother and fetus throughout pregnancy
- Helps assess the health and development of the fetus to provide information and offer guidance
- Allows for early detection of any developmental abnormalities and implement preventive measures
Methods of monitoring fetal growth & development?
- Ultrasound
- Blood tests
- Fetal heart rate monitoring
- Amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling (CVS)
What is Amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling (CVS)?
Invasive tests that can diagnose chromosomal abnormalities and genetic disorders
What is medically assisted procreation? (MAP)
A range of medical techniques and procedures used to help individuals / couples conceive a child when unable to do so through natural means
What are some methods of medically assisted procreation? (MAP)
- Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
- Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)
- Artificial insemination
What is the process of In Vitro Fertilization? (IVF)
Extracting eggs from a woman’s ovaries and fertilizing them with sperm in a laboratory setting. The fertilized eggs (embryos) are then transferred to the woman’s uterus