Prenatal Care Flashcards
at what gestation is the uterus at the xyphoid process?
36 weeks
at what age does the mother feel quickening?
20 weeks
labs to do at 16-18 weeks
serum markers for NTD
labs to do at 24- 28 weeks
glucose screen, Indirect coomb’s if mother is Rh negative and given RhoGam, CBC, RPR
Which vaccine should NOT be given in pregnancy?
MMR, varicella
When should Rhogam be given?
In Rh neg mother when there is:
- abdominal trauma
- amniocentesis
- abortion
- 28 weeks gestation
Also given postpartum within 72 hours if baby is Rh positive
What is the emergency care for a pt with prolapsed umbilical cord outside the hospital?
Place mother in knee chest or with head down (Trendelenburg) and elevate presenting part, do not stuff cord back in but relieve the pressure on it
A variant of PIH with abnormal LFTs and poor clotting
Characterized by painless bright bleeding, uterus and soft and nontender
placenta previa
Meds that category C, D, and X
quinolones, lithium, tetracycline, warfarin, isotretinoin, valproic acid, methotrexate
softening of the isthmus of the uterus
Hegars sign
dark blue to purplish-red color of vaginal mucosa
Chadwick’s sign
softening of the cervix
Goodell’s sign
soft blowing systolic murmur heard down at the sides of the uterus. The sound is synchronous with the maternal pulse.
uterine souffle
Para is the number of births (regardless if living) after ___ weeks gestation.
Term is considered
after 37 weeks
Preterm is considered
20-37 weeks
Nagele’s rule
LMP minus 3 months + 7 days = EDC
f/u care intervals for pregnant women.
every 4 weeks until 28 weeks, every 2 weeks until 36 weeks, ever week after 36 weeks
results from contraction from oxytocin release to an infant’s suckling, sight, sound, and smell.
let down (milk ejection)
meds for N/V during pregnancy
eat small, bland meals; eat dry cracker or toast at breakfast; vitamin B6
Non-stress test
Mother presses button when she feels fetal movement
Reassuring or reactive non-stress test:
shows at least two 15 beats/min accelerations in fetal heart rate lasting at least 15 seconds in a 20 min period.
most common reason for non-stress test
decreased fetal movement
elements of biophysical profile (BPP)
- fetal tone
- gross body movements
- breathing movement
- amniotic fluid volume
Premature separation of the placenta form the uterine wall.
abruptio placentae
s/s of abruptio placentae
painful dark red bleeding, hard uterus
Abnormal development of placenta
molar pregnancy (trophoblastic disease)
s/s of molar pregnancy (trophoblastic disease)
severe N/V at 12-16 weeks gestation, brown discharge