PRELIMS 3 Flashcards
● CHED - was created on RA ____ , or the _____
May 18, 1994
RA 7722, or the Higher Education Act of 1994.
● The creation of CHED was part of a broad agenda of reforms in the country’s education system outlined by the ___
Congressional Commission on Education (EDUCOM) in 1992.
- tertiary education (universities/colleges), undergraduate level
- Commission on Higher Education (CHED)
for basic education
- Department of Education (DepEd)
for technical-vocational and middle-level education
- Technical Education and SKills Development Authority (TESDA)
● Policies, standards and guidelines for the Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology/ in Medical Laboratory Science (BSMT/MLS) Program.
CMO #13, series of 2017
● The PSG implements the “shift to learning competency-based standards to ___
outcomes-based education.
● It specifies the “core” competencies expected of BS Medical Technology/Medical Laboratory Science graduates regardless of the type of HEI they graduate from.
CMO #13, series of 2017
● It is an organizational structure (theory) that arranges content around certain activities that lead to demonstrate proficiency of a specific skill, knowledge, or behavior.
● Learning model is ______
OBE - Outcomes-based education
non prescriptive
what does the learner need to do to demonstrate mastery of particular skill, knowledge, or behavior. Putting students needs a priority of the learning process.
● student -centered:
learning objectives are spelled out ahead of time. Learners know what’s expected of them and can adjust their focus and questions more appropriately.
● Clarity:
must be flexible enough to adjust to a learned’ strengths and weaknesses. This will provide enough time for learners to attain fluency or proficiency.
● Flexibility:
Article 1 - _____; Sec. 1 ____
Article 2 - ______; Sec. 2 ____
AUTHORITY TO OPERATE. Government Recognition
Article IV - _____; Sec. 5. ___
- Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology/Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Science
Internship courses:
- Clinical Chemistry
- Hematology
- Microbiology
- Immunohematology (Blood banking)
- Immunology and serology
- Urinalysis and other body fluids (Clinical Microscopy)
- Parasitology
- Histopathologic/Cytologic techniques
- And other emergent technologies.
● 5.3 Program Goals
For the graduates to:
- Develop knowledge, skills, professional attitude, and values in the performance of Clinical laboratory procedures needed to help the physician in the proper diagnosis, treatment, prognosis, and prevention of diseases.
- Acquire critical thinking skills
- Engage in research and community-related activities
- Participate in activities related to promoting the profession and actively engage in life-long learning undertakings
- Develop collaborative and leadership qualities.
● 5.4 Specific Professions/Careers/Occupation for Graduates
- Licensed Medical Technologist/Medical Laboratory Scientist
- Diagnostic Molecular Scientists
- Research Scientist
- Educators
- Diagnostic product specialist
- Public health practitioners
- Healthcare Leaders
● 5.5 Allied Medical Fields
- Public Health/epidemiology
- Veterinary Laboratory Science
- Molecular Biology/Biology
- Nuclear Science
- Forensic Science
- Health Administration/Management
- Food and Industrial Microbiology
Article 5 - ______; Sec. 9 ______
CURRICULUM, Minimum Curriculum
● General education core courses
- Understanding the Self
- Readings in Philippine History
- The Contemporary world
- Mathematics in the modern world
- Purposive Communication
- Art appreciation
- Science
- Technology and Society
- Ethics (3 units)
● General Education Elective courses
- GE 1, 2, 3, ( 3 units)
Professional Courses
- PMLS 1 and 2 (3 units)
- Community and Public Health for Med Lab Science - 4 units
- Human Histology - 2 units
- Molecular Biology and Diagnostics - 3 units
- MT laws and Bioethics - 3 units
- Cytogenetics - 2 units
- Clinical Chemistry 1 and 2 (5 units each)
- Clinical Bacteriology (5 units)
- Clinical Parasitology (3 units)
- Hematology 1 and 2 (4 and 3 units)
- Histopathologic and Cytologic techniques (3 units)
- Laboratory Management - 2 units
- Immunology and Serology - 4 units
- Immunohematology (4 units)
- Analysis of Urine and Body fluids ( 3 units)
- Mycology and Virology ( 2 units)
- Seminar 1 and 2- (1 unit each)
● General Education Mandated Course
- The life and works of Rizal (3 units)
● Physical Education Courses
- PE 1-4 (2 units)
● NTSP Courses
- NTSP 1&2 (3 units)
● Core course
- Inorganic and Organic Chemistry (4 units)
- Analytical Chemistry (4 units)
- Biochemistry of Med Lab Science (5 units)
- Human Anatomy and PHysiology with Pathophysiology (4 units)
- Principles and Strategies of Teaching Med Lab Science (2 units)
- Biostatistics and Epidemiology (3 units)
- Health Information Systems for Med Lab Science (2 units)
● Research Courses
- Intro to Med Lab Science Research (2 units)
- Research Paper writing and presentation (3 units)
● Clinical Internship Courses
- Clinical Internship 1&2 (12 units each)
- MT Assessment Program 1&2 (2 units each)
Sec 9. Summary of Units
- General education core courses (24 units)
- General education elective course (9 units)
- General education mandated courses (3 units)
- Physical Education Courses (8 units)
- NSTP courses (6 units)
- Core courses (25 units)
- Professional Courses (65 units)
- Research Courses (5 units)
- Clinical Internship Courses (28 units)
Total = 173 units
Total duty hours of interns:
1,664 hrs
● The graduates have ability to:
- Demonstrate technical competence in the performance of clinical laboratory tests in aid of diagnosis, treatment, and management of diseases.
- Demonstrate analytical and critical thinking skills in the workplace
- Engage in collection, analysis, and projection of health information for improving the health care management system
- Demonstrate interpersonal skills, leadership qualities, and ethical practice of profession
- Apply research skills in relevant areas of BSMT/MLS practice
- Participate in community oriented activities
- Engage in life-long learning activities
- Demonstrate effective teaching and communication skill
Sec. 6 Program/Learning outcomes
● All applicants for registration shall be required to undergo written examination
● RA 5527, section 15
● Applicant for examination shall furnish the Board satisfactory proof that he or she:
● Is in good health and is of good moral character
Qualification for Examination
● RA 5527, section 16
● Exam is given by the Board annually in
Manila, Cebu, and Davao
● Exam is during the month of
August or September and February or March
● The examination questions shall cover the following subjects with their respective relative weights:
- Clinical Chemistry - 20%
- Microbiology and Parasitology - 20%
- Clinical Microscopy - 10%
- Hematology - 20%
- Blood banking & serology - 20%
- Histopathology and Cytotechnology/MT laws/Code of Ethics - 10%
Scope of Examination
● RA 5527, section 17
Report of Rating
● 120 days of examination
● Board of Examiners - PRC - President of the RP
● RA 5527, section 28
Rating in the Examination
● In order to pass the examination, a candidate must obtain;
- A general average of at least 75% in the written test
- With no rating below 50% in any of the major subjects
- And has not failed in at least 60% of the subjects computed according to their relative weights.
- No further examinations will be given to applicants who have not qualified after three examinations, unless and until he shall have completed a 12 months refresher course.
● RA 5527, section 19
Oath taking
● All successful examinees shall be required to take a professional oath before the Board or before any person authorized to administer oaths prior to entering upon the practice of Medical Technology in the Philippines.
● RA 5527, section 220