The Philippine Association of Schools of Medical Technology and Public Health
Objectives PASMETH
To encourage a thorough study of the needs and problems of medical technology education and to offer solutions
To work for the enhancement and continuous development of medical technology education to ensure that the profession will be of maximum service to the country.
To take a united stand in matters which affect interests of medical technology education.
To seek advice, aid, and assistance from any government or private entity for the fulfillment of the Association’ s aims and purposes.
It was formed in ____ in the hopes of maintaining the highest standards of Medical Technology/Public Health education and to foster closer relations among these schools.
On May 13, 1970, ____ appointed ___ and ____ to organize an association of Deans/Heads of Schools of Medical Technology and Hygiene.
Director Narciso Albarracin
Dr. Serafin Juliano
Dr. Gustavo U. Reyes
The first organizational meeting was held at the ____ on ___.
University of Santo Tomas
June 22, 1970
The first sets of officers were:
President Dr. Gustavo Reyes
Vice-President Dr. Serafin Juliano
Secretary/Treasurer Dr. Velia Trinidad
Press Relations Officer Dr. Faustino Sunico
President Dr. Gustavo Reyes
Vice-President Dr. Serafin Juliano
Secretary/Treasurer Dr. Velia Trinidad
Press Relations Officer Dr. Faustino Sunico
The first annual meeting was held at the ____ on ___.
University of Santo Tomas on May 17, 1971.
The first set of officers was reelected for a second term on ___.
April 30, 1972.
It was formally registered with the ____ on ___ thru the Committee on Legislation chaired by ___ with the help of a legal counsel, ___
Securities and Exchange Commission
October 6, 1985
Mr. Cirilo S. Cajucom
Atty. Dexter Bihis.
(Current President)
Dr. Bernard Ebuen
Philippine Society of Medical Technology Students
It was organized in ___ during the term of____ (PASMETH President).
Dean Zenaida Cajucom
The Philippine Association of Medical Technologists
It aims to establish camaraderie among students through activities like research, contests, and pageants.
symbolizes the continuous involvement where practice and education must always be integrated
symbolize the science of Medical Technology profession
is the trilogy of love, respect and integrity
belong to a huge family
the color of health
the year of first PAMET election
is the strict adherence to a moral code, reflected in transparent honesty, truthfulness, accuracy, accountable of one’s actions and complete harmony in what one thinks, says, and does
refers to the positive traits and values, moral responsibility, social responsiveness and behavioral outlook which makes one highly respectable and credible
is the unconditional, unwavering and selfless dedication that one builds-in into the practice of the profession characterized by initiative, creativity and resourcefulness to bring about quality health care and service to the public
is the high quality performance by advocating and adhering to international standards making services globally comparable competence
is the necessary linkage, support, involvement and sharing that will increase the success and advancement of every individual member and the association in general
It is the organization of all registered medical technologists in the Philippines
PAMET had its first convention and election of officers on ____ at the wherein ____ became the first President.
September 20, 1964
Far Eastern University
Mr. Charlemagne Tamondong
It was organized by ___ (Father of PAMET) in an attempt to standardize and to give dignity the profession on _____, at the Manila Public Health Laboratory in Sta. Cruz, Manila.
Mr. Crisanto Almario
September 15, 1963
It was incorporated and registered at the _____ on ___ with Reg. No. 39570, during the presidency of ____.
Securities and Exchange Commission
October 14, 1969
Mr. Nardito D. Moraleta.
On ____, PD 223 was approved creating the __. PAMET was officially recognized as the only ___ of registered Medical Technologists in the Philippines.
Professional Regulation Commission
Accredited Professional Organization (APO)
___ is a student of the Master of Science in Medical Technology Program of the Graduate School. He is finishing the academic courses as requirements for the comprehensive examination.
Mr. Rommel F. Saceda
Newly elected president of PAMET
Mr. Rommel F. Saceda
PAMET is affiliated with other local professional associations namely:
Council of Professional Health Associations (COPHA)
Philippine Federation of Professional Associations (PFPA)
Council of Health Agencies of the Philippines (CHAP)
Philippine Council for Quality Assurance in Clinical Laboratories (PCQACL)
Alliance of All Health Organizations of the Nation (AAHON)
Philippine Association of Schools of Medical Technology and Public Health (PASMETH
It is also linked with government agencies such as:
Department of Health (DOH)
Professional Regulation Commission (PRC)
Commission on Higher Education (CHED).
Internationally, PAMET is affiliated with:
ASEAN Association of Clinical Laboratory Sciences (AACLS), Asia Association of Medical Laboratory Scientists (AAMLS)
International Federation of Biomedical Laboratory Scientists (IFBLS)
Asia Pacific Federation of Clinical Biochemistry (APFCB)
International Federation in Clinical Chemistry.
American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP) – New
Other linkages include PAMET-USA and PAMET Singapore.
Philippine Medical Technology Act of 1969
Requiring the registration of Medical technologist
Established the Board of Medical Technology
Defining the practice of Medical technologist-(Setting guidelines/Rules and Regulations)
RA 5527
June 21, 1969
Ferdinand Marcos
Clinical Laboratory Law
Date approved:
Regulating the operation and maintenance of clinical laboratories and requiring the registration with the DOH.
To prevent the operation of substandard, improperly managed and poorly equipped clinical laboratories
RA 4688
June 18, 1966
Ferdinand Marcos
Blood Bank Law
Date approved:
To safeguard and promote public health and welfare by preventing unproper collection, processing and sale of human blood or it’s product to the public.
Repealed by RA 7719
RA 1517
June 16, 1956
Ramon Magsaysay
National Blood Services Act of 1994
Date approved:
Highlights the importance of voluntary blood donation
Focuses on the prevention of blood-transmissible diseases
Careful conduct of blood banking practices
RA 7719
May 5, 1994
Fidel Ramos
Philippine AIDS Prevention and Control Act of 1998
Date approved:
Helps control the alarming rate of HIV/AIDS infection in the country
Created the Philippine National AIDS Council
RA 8504
February 13, 1998
Fidel Ramos
Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002
Date approved:
Addresses the problem of drug addiction in the country
Dangerous drug test and requirements
RA 9165
June 7, 2002
Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo
Newborn Screening Act of 2004
Date approved:
Focused on the implementation of newborn screening in the country
RA 9288
April 7, 2004
Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo
PRC Modernization Act of 2000
Date approved:
Repealed PD 223 & PD 657 (created the PRC)
Modernizing the Professional Regulation Commission
Discussed the vital role of the PRC in regulating local professionals
RA 8981
December 5, 2000
Joseph Estrada
Organ Donation Act of 1991
Date approved:
Authorized the legacy or donation of all or part of the human body after death
Emphasized the importance of laboratory tests to ensure the safety and tissue compatibility of the organs
RA 7170
January 7, 1992
Corazon C. Aquino