pregnancy Flashcards
what two vitamins should you be taking in pregnancy
Folic Acid 400 micrograms per day - shown to reduce the occurrence of neural tube defects (NTD). Recommended to all woman pre-pregnancy and up to 12 weeks gestation. A higher dose of 5mg per day is recommended to women at increased risk of NTD
Vitamin D 10 micrograms (400 units) per day - shown to be beneficial in foetal bone formation. Recommended for all pregnant women throughout pregnancy and breastfeeding
what are the absolute contraindications with breastfeeding
Infants of mothers with TB infection
Infants of mothers with uncontrolled/unmonitored HIV
Infants of mothers who are taking medications which may be harmful e.g. amiodarone
A 32 year old G1P1 presents for a follow-up appointment 6 weeks post-delivery. She is wondering if she can stop breastfeeding due to breast pain and engorgement and move her baby to specialised formula feeds. She is informed and counselled about a medication which would help her stop breastfeeding.
Which of the following medications can be used to suppress lactation
moa of cabergoline
Cabergoline exerts an inhibitory effect on prolactin secretion by acting on dopamine receptors present in pituitary lactotrophs. This drug also binds to dopamine D2 receptors in the corpus striatum, thereby mimicking the actions of dopamine on motor control. therfore stoping lactation
what are braxton hicks contractions
Braxton-Hicks contractions, also known as prodromal or false labor pains, are contractions of the uterus that typically are not felt until the second or third trimester of the pregnancy. Braxton-Hicks contractions are the body’s way of preparing for true labor, but they do not indicate that labor has begun.
selective screenign for gestational diabetes is offered at 26-28 weeks based off what facotrs
previous macrosomic baby over 4.5kg
BMI over 30
previosu gestational diabetes
first degree relative with diabetes
ethnic orgin
A 29 year old woman delivered her third baby via a spontaneous vaginal delivery. The following day, she is being assessed for discharge. Her haemoglobin taken this morning is newly found to be low at 9.8mg/dL with a low mean corpuscular volume (MCV). She is well, has no syncopal symptoms, shortness of breath or fatigue and is keen to go home. Her observations are normal.
What is the most appropriate management of this woman’s post partum anaemia?
oral ferrous frumate
IV if cant tolerate oral
A 34 year old G2P0 at 36 weeks gestation presents to the antenatal clinic complaining of a week long history of general malaise, vomiting, and anorexia. She has had a poor appetite. She also complains of abdominal pain on the right side and indigestion. She denies any visual changes, headaches, and swellings. She denies any abnormal discharge and reports presence of foetal movements. On examination, her blood pressure is 135/85 mmHg and she appears mildly jaundiced.
Her blood test results are shown below:
Hb: 129 g/l (115-160 g/l)
Platelets: 175 x 109/l (150-400 x 109/l)
WBC: 10 x 109/l (4.0 - 11.0 x 10 9/l)
PT: 16 secs (10-14 secs)
Bilirubin: 36 umol/l (3-7 umol/l)
ALP: 344 u/l (30-100u/l)
ALT: 200 u/l (3-40 u/l)
AST: 350 u/l (3-30 u/l)
What is the most likely diagnosis?
acute fatty liver of preg
cholestasis lvier enxymes above 250
postmenopausal bleeding what you thinking
endometrial cancer
contraindication to digital vaginal exam
vaginal bleeding
as placenta pravia - this could cause serious hemorrhage
membranes rupture what infection you worreid baotu post 24 weeks
what lasts longer spinal or epidural
If you’re heading into your first birth, your medical team may opt for an epidural. Here’s why: First births can last for 12 to 18 hours. Whereas a spinal gives you pain relief for an hour or two, an epidural offers you the option of pain relief for a longer period of time.
epidurals in knwon labour
spinal block in c section
What hormone can be measured via a blood test to investigate
whether a patient is ovulating successfully?
when does amniotic fluid embolism most commonly occur
during labour and delivery or immediately post partum
fever chills coughing and SOB
cyanosis tachy , hypotension and arrhymia
causes of lactational amenorrhea
reduced sex drive
A 44 year old female presents to the Emergency Department complaining of abnormally heavy menstrual bleeding. She has associated abdominal pain and pain on urination. She also has a fever and blood tests show a raised ESR, CRP and leukocytosis. Given the most likely diagnosis, what investigation will be confirmatory?
what condtion and what test
PID - heavy bleed
high vaginal swab
major risk factor for ectopic
what is an indication fro c section
in pregnnacy shoudl you increase the levothyroxine dose
yes increase levythyroxine dose and measure again in 4 weeks
up to 12th week foetus secretes stufff
in pregnnacy shoudl you increase the levothyroxine dose
yes increase levythyroxine dose and measure again in 4 weeks
up to 12th week foetus secretes stufff
Mx of perineal tears grade 3 above
Third and fourth degree tears require surgical repair by an experienced clinician and should take place in an operating theatre under regional or general anaesthetic.
Broad-spectrum antibiotics and laxatives should be given post-operatively.
patiens with severe pre-eclampsia should have their blood tested how many times a week
three times per week to anticipate if a patient is to develop HELLP syndrome
complications of pre-rupture of membranes
The rupture of the amniotic membranes can allow bacteria into the uterus. This can lead to chorioamnionitis due to ascending infection.
Increased risk of preterm birth and the associated complications (e.g. respiratory distress syndrome, necrotising enterocolitis, foetal death).
Low levels of amniotic fluid due to PPROM can lead to developmental problems such as pulmonary hypoplasia, facial and limb deformities (due to compression in the uterus) and cord prolapse.