Breast year 5 Flashcards
A 55-year-old women presents with nipple discharge. On examination she has a slit like retraction of the nipple in the centre of this area is a small amount of cheese like material. No discrete mass lesion is palpable in the underlying breast.
Duct ectasia is a common alteration in the breast that occurs with ageing. As the ducts shorten and dilate a degree of symmetrical slit like retraction occurs. A small amount of cheese like discharge may occur.
halo sign on breast
breast cyst (more common) - or fibroadenoma
when do you excise fibroadenomas
if over 3cm
woman post wide excision what tx should follow
arrange radiotherapy
complications of axillary node clearance
lymphedema and functional arm impairment
A weeping, crusty lesion such as this is most likely to represent
if breast tumour less than 4cm what excision
wide local excision is preffered to conserve breast
Paget’s is associated with what ca
DCIS or invasive carcinoma
dx for pagets
punch biopsy
A 35-year-old woman complains of ‘lumpy’ breasts. Her symptoms are worse in the premenstrual period.
A 53-year-old lady presents with a creamy nipple discharge. On examination she has discharge originating from multiple ducts and associated nipple inversion.
Duct ectasia is common during the period of breast involution that occurs during the menopausal period. As the ducts shorten they may contain insipiated material. The discharge will often discharge from several ducts.
Intraductal papilloma69%
Intraductal papilloma usually cause single duct discharge. The fluid is often clear, although it may be blood stained. If the fluid is tested with a labstix
small amounts of blood will be detected