amk 11/03/23 Flashcards
latent 1st stage
slow dilation up to 4cm
active 1st stage
rapid dilation up to 10cm
no slower than 1cm every 2hr controlled by PGF2a and oestrogens
stage 2 passive
foetus into birth canal
active 2nd pahse
foetus contracting stimualte delivery of baby
cotnrolled by oxytocin adn PGF2a in positive feedback loop
stage 3
delivery of placenta should less than 30mins nd less than 500ml blood loss
35yr 28 weeks , placenta vessels overlying the OS what is most likely diagnosis
vasa praevia
antepartum haemorrhage
before brith after 24weeks
ix for haemorrhage
FBC, UandE , LFTs and group and save, kleihauer test ( rh) , coag screen
placenta peaevia and not bleeding
can offer steriods
classic c section - trasnverse lie
what problems later on
uterine rupture
low vertericla incision for
low transverse incision
normal and the most used
amniotic fluid embolism - massive mast cell reaction what cna we test for
anaphylactic shock mixed with distrubtuive shock