Preflight Cabin Equioment Checklist 5.5 Table 5.2 Flashcards
Automatic External Defibrillator
700-Fwd Right OHB
Secured w/ Velcro Tape
One red seal is intact; if seal is missing:
1. Open the AED unit and check for:
Two sets of pads-one pre-connected to the AED unit.
2. Notify the Captain and “A” if the seal is not intact or if equip is missing.
Indicator: flashing green indicator ready for use
No indicator, solid indicator, or unit is beeping; notify the Captain and “A”
Cabin Clean-Up bag
For presence
700-AFT Closet
Contains wrist restraints-1
Note-if the seal is broken, verify bag contents and request a new bag at the next Provisioning city. Notify the “A” of any missing contents.
Containment Bag
For presence
The containment bag is in one or two vacuum-sealed plastic bags. If the plastic bag is torn, punctured or appears to have lost its vacuum seal notify the Pilots. The containment bag is still useable but must be reported.
700-Fwd Galley Stowage compartment (G2) (1) stowed w/ Heat Resistant Gloves (1pair)
700-AFT-Entry Stowage Compartment (stored w/ PBE)
CPR Mask
For presence
700-AFT-Entry Stowage Compartment(stored w/ Emergency flashlights-2, FAK)
Crew life vests
For presence
700-Fwd. Jumpseat (under)-2
Demo kit
2 demo kits-700-Fwd-Entry Stowage Compartment (“A” area)
3 demo kits-800/Max 8
Oxygen demo mask
Life vest
1 demo seatbelt
Safety Info. Card
One or two seatbelt extensions as installed
Note-Verify that demo belts, seatbelt extensions, and passenger seatbelts are the same style.
Note-If an item of demo equip. Is unavailable. “B” “C” and “D” share equip. As necessary to complete safety demonstration.
Emergency Checklists (Flight Attendant documents)
-Medical Emergency Checklist
-Planned Emergency Checklist
-Ditching Checklist
For presence
Note-Flight Attendants may use the onboard emergency checklists or the electronic versions in the FAM
(A area)
Emergency escape slides and safety strap (red strap)
Slide pressure gauge
-Needle registers in the green band
-Safety flag (red strap) above each door window is present
Emergency flashlight-Air Lite 1E LED (gray)
Press the push -to-test button the mounting bracket and check the LED
-if the LED flashes GREEN, the battery pack is in operational condition
-If the LED flashes RED, notify the captain
Note-The LED monitor emits a red flash every 10 seconds when the battery level has reached its end of life.
Emergency flashlight-EF-1(tan)
700-Fwd-Entry Stowage Compartment (w/ H20 extinguisher and Halon extinguisher)
“A” area
700-AFT Entry Stowage Compartment (stored w/ FAK, CPR mask)
-Red indicator light flashes every 8-10 seconds
-Red or clear strap may be present
Emergency Medical Kit
700-Fwd. Right OHB (inside Clean up bag) “C”
Seal on main compartment is intact
-Open small zipper compartment to ensure presence of blood pressure cuff and stethoscope
Note-If an EMK does not contain atropine or dextrose, the kit will be marked accordingly with “No Atropine” and/or “No Dextrose” on the front cover
Exit handle covers
-For presence of all covers
-Covers must be present before pushback for all Passenger operations
Fast Response Kit
700-Fwd Right OHB “C”
-Present and secured to AED
-One tamper-proof seal is intact. If the seal is broken or missing:
-Open the Fast Response Kit and check for presence of contents.
Notify the captain and “A” if the seal is not intact or if equip. Is missing.
First Aid Kit
700-Fwd. Entry Stowage Compartment(stored alone)
700 AFT-Entry Stowage Compartment (stored w/ Emergency flashlight-2, CPR mask)
-Two green seals are intact
-secured with Velcro tape
Note-Addt’l seals may be present, but are not required.
H20 Extinguisher
700-Fwd-Entry Stowage Compartment (stored w/ Halon extinguisher, Emergency flashlights-2)
Aft Entry Stowage Compartment(stored w/ Halon Extinguisher, POB-2
-Leaded wire seal is intact
-Handle contains a C)2 cartridge
-Secured in the brackets
Halon extinguisher
700-Fwd-Entry Stowage Compartment (stored w/ Emergency flashlight-2 and H2O exting)
700-AFT-Entry Stowage Compartment (stored w/ megaphone/Halon Extinguisher)
-Pressure gauge needle registers in the green band
-Pin with the lock seal is present
-Secured in the brackets
Heat resistant gloves
For presence
Note-The heat resistant gloves are still usable if not in sealed packaging
Jumpseat (Flight Attendant)
-Seat springs upright when released
-Lapbelt/shoulder harness is in working order and not frayed or twisted
Lavatory fire extinguisher
700-Fwd Lavatory-“A” responsibility
-No discs on the temperature indicator are black
-Door under the sink must be latched
-Trap door on top of the trash chute must be fully closed
-Fire containment door must be latched (Advanced Lavatory)
Life Raft
-If raft placard is affixed to ceiling compartment look through the view port to verify the presence of yellow life raft casing.
-If seals are missing or broken, open compartment and check for prohibited items.
700-Fwd. life raft compartment-2
700 Midcabin-2
Medical blankets
For presence
(Federal Signal)
700-fwd-Entry Stowage Compartment (w/ Universal life vests (5)
700-AFT-Entry Stowage Compartment(stored w/ Halon extinguisher-1, POB-2
Press the button on the handle,
Scratch the mouthpiece, and listen for amplication.
Megaphone (Artex)
-Squeeze the handle, verify green battery indicators light is flashing, scratch the mouthpiece, and listen for amplification.
-Secured in the brackets
-Lock seal is present
Passenger spare life vests
(Universal life vests)
-15 life vests present-B737-700
-20 life vests present-B737-800/Max8
Note-All spare life vests are universal life vests and may be used for adults, children and infants.
Note-The total number of Passengers (including lap children) must not exceed the total number of passenger and spare life vests on board. If the total number of Passengers exceeds the total number of life vests, notify the Captain and Operations Agent. The aircraft may not depart unless there is a life vest available for each Passenger on board.
Smoke hood-hard side case
A PBE is inside the bracket, and that the Replace by date has not passed.
Note-If the Replace By date is not visible, inform the Captain.
-For presence of 2 unbroken, tamper-evident seals.
-If one seal is broken and the other is intact, the PBE is usable.
-if both seals are broken, open the clear door and partially remove the PBE pouch from its bracket. Check the blue or pink humidity indicator dot on the pouch.
-Blue indicates that the unit is usable.
-Pink indicates that the unit is usable for 36 hours from the time of discovery. After that, it must be replaced.
Note-A pink humidity indicator dot is a discrepancy that must be reported to The Captain.
700-Fwd-Entry Stowage Compartment(stored above demo kit, across from rt OHB)
700-AFT-Entry Stowage Compartment (stored w/ Containment bag/heat resistant gloves)
Smoke hood-soft side case
A PBE is inside and that the Replace By date has not passed.
Note-It may be necessary to remove the PBE case from its stowage location and/or open the case to inspect the replace by date.
-Verify the humidity dot is blue. If the humidity dot is pink, the unit is usable for 36 hours from the time of discovery. After that, it must be replaced.
Note-A pink humidity indicator dot is a discrepancy that must be reported to the Captain.
Portable emergency locator transmitter
For presence
-secured in the brackets
-switch is in the ARM position
737-700 -Fwd Galley Stowage ( 1 or 2 as installed)
“A” area
Portable oxygen bottle (POB) with mask
(700-Fwd. Entry Stowage Compartment)-2
-Pressure -gauge needle registers 1,500 psi or above
-Mask is contained in a plastic bag and tubing is plugged into the HI outlet
-Secured in the brackets
700 AFT-Entry Stowage Compartment-2
(Stored w/ Megaphone/Halon Extinguisher)
Radio headset and pouch
1 headset in pouch
700-Fwd. Right OHB
“C” responsibility
Safety Information Card
“B”Demo kit stored at 24D
-1 Safety Information Card required per each exit seat.
Note-In seat back pockets behind 11B- 737-700(143 seats)
And 15B and 15E (B737-800/Max*) two Safety info. Cards must be present.
Note-“C must verify correct aircraft series on Safety Information Cards for each seat in an exit seat.
-Elsewhere, 1 Safety Info Care must be accessible per each row of 3 seats.
Wrist Restraint Kit
700-fwd right OHB
-Aft inside Clean up bag (includes: Emergency Medical Kit (1), Radio headset and pouch, AED-1, Fast response kit- (w CPR mask inside)
“C” responsibility
For presence (2 per kit)
Note-If the seal on a cabin clean-up bag is broken, check that restraints are present inside the bag.
Completed wrist restraint demo (like a zip tie, also comes w/ removal tool, in case they are too tight)
Flight Attendant Documents
Onboard Emergency Checklist
-Medical Emergency checklist
-Planned Emergency Checklist
-Ditching Checklist
700-Fwd Galley-pocket on wall
Universal Life Vest
700-Fwd Entry Stowage Compartment (5)
Stored w/ Federal Megaphone
1 under each seat
700-AFT-Entry Stowage Compartment(10)
Emergency Escape Slide
700-Fwd Doors
“A” responsibility
700-AFT Doors
700-Fwd jumpseat
“A” sits closest to aisle or closest to door or a jumper
700-AFT jumpseat
Crew life vests stored underneath (2)
Overwing Window exit (2)
Escape strap-1 (inside of window and not visible)
Exit Handle Cover-1
Contain fire extinguishers-2
Onboard Wheelchair
700-AFT Closet (not required for Preflight checklist)
Shares closet w/ Cabin clean up bag and medical blankets-2