Prefix, Roots, & Suffixes Flashcards
Prefix: a, an
without, not, lack of, Example: analgesic = without pain
Prefix: ante
before, in front of, Example: antepartum = before delivery
Prefix: bi
two, twice, double, Example: bifocal = two lenses
Prefix: brady
slow, Example: bradycardia = slow pulse, heartbeat
Prefix: contra
against, Example: contraceptive = prevents pregnancy
Prefix: dis
apart, free from, Example: disinfected = free from microorganisms
Prefix: dys
bad, painful, Example: dysuria = painful urination
Prefix: endo
inner, Example: endoscope = instrument for examining the inside of an organ
Prefix: epi
on, upon, over, Example: epidermis = outer layer of skin
Prefix: erythro
red, Example: erythrocyte = red blood cell
Prefix: ex
out, away from, Example: exhale = to breathe out
Prefix: hemi
half, Example: hemisphere = one of two parts of the brain
Prefix: hyper
too much, high, Example: hypertension = high blood pressure
Prefix: hypo
below, under, Example: hypotension = low blood pressure
Prefix: inter
between, within, Example: interdisciplinary = between disciplines
Prefix: leuk
white, Example: leukocyte = white blood cell
Prefix: mal
bad, illness, disorder , Example: malformed = badly made
Prefix: micro
small, Example: microscopic = too small for the eye to see
Prefix: olig
small, scant, Example: oliguria = small amount of urine
Prefix: patho
disease, suffering , Example: pathology = study of disease
Prefix: per
by, through, Example: perforate = to make a hole through
Prefix: peri
around, Example: pericardium = sac around the heart
Prefix: poly
many, much, Example: polyuria = much urine
Prefix: post
after, behind, Example: postmortem = period after death
Prefix: pre
before, in front of, Example: prenatal = period before birth
Prefix: psub
under, beneath , Example: subcutaneous = beneath the skin
Prefix: supra
above, over, Example: suprapelvic = located above the pelvis
Prefix: tachy
swift, fast, rapid, Example: tachycardia = rapid heartbeat
Root: abdomin(o)
abdomen, Example: abdominal = pertaining to the abdomen
Root: aden(o)
gland, Example: adenitis = inflammation of a gland
Root: angi(o)
vessel, Example: angioplasty = surgical repair of a vessel using a balloon
Root: arterio
artery, Example: arteriosclerosis = hardening of artery walls
Root: arthr(o)
joint, Example: arthrotomy = cut into a joint
Root: brachi(o)
arm, Example: brachial = pertaining to the arm
Root: bronchi, bronch(o)
bronchus , Example: bronchopneumonia = inflammation of lungs
Root: card, cardi(o)
heart, Example: cardiology = study of the heart
Root: cephal(o)
head, Example: cephalalgia = headache
Root: cerebr(o)
cerebrum, Example: cerebrospinal = pertaining to the brain and spinal cord
Root: chole, chol(o)
bile, Example: cholecystitis = inflammation of the gall bladder
Root: colo
colon, Example: colonoscopy = examination of the large intestine or colon with a scope
Root: cost(o)
rib, Example: costochondral = pertaining to a rib
Root: crani(o)
skull, Example: craniotomy = cutting into the skull
Root: cyan(o)
blue, Example: cyanosis = blue, gray, or purple tinge to the skin due to lack of oxygen in the blood