Pre industrial Flashcards
What are the 7 key socio-cultural factors? remember GOSTEMT
Gender Order & Law Social class Transport Education Money Time
When is pre industrial britain?
Before 1850
What was the Feudal system?
2 tiered system following the Norman invasion
Gentry and peasants
Who are the upper class?
- also known as the aristocrats
- These were the gentry that were landowners
- Seen as “patrons” of the sport
Who are the lower class?
- Classed as peasants
- Worked manually on the land
Upper class activities?
- Archery
- Horse-riding
- Fox-hunting
- Real tennis
- Croquet
- Cock fighting
Lower class activites?
- Mob football
- Shinkicking
- Bare knuckle football
- Bear baiting
- Cheese rolling
- Dog fighting
- Throwing at Cock
Upper class - Education & Literacy
- Were educated and literate
- Allowed them to participate in sophisticated games
- Complex rules that were written down
Lower class - Education & Literacy
- No education and were illiterate
- Few or no rules
- Rules were spread by word of mouth - led to variations
What determined the class you were in?
The family you were born into
Social mobility was negligible
Why did the upper class have the right to leisure?
They had money so didn’t have to work so had time to choose what to do
Why didn’t peasant have the opportunity to leisure?
They didn’t have money so had to work. Therefore they didn’t have free time.
When would mob football be played?
Holy days and times of celebration
What was mob football?
A violent invasion game between 2 villages in a rural environment. Goals would be scored by reaching streams, churches or pubs. Various kings attempted to ban it due to its violent nature.
How were the rules of mob football passed on?
Word of mouth as the peasants were illiterate and couldn’t write them down
What class took part in cock fighting?
Upper class That is why it survived for so long
What is cock fighting?
Cock fights would be advertised in the newspapers, there was a pit and 2 birds (cocks) would be placed into it and would fight to the death and there would be wagering on the outcome.
What is throwing at cocks?
A lower class sport that took place on shrove tuesday. Cockerel tied to stake, pay to throw stick at it from around 6 meters. Must knock bird over and collect the stick before it gets up. If completed, claim bird and charge others to throw at it.
Definition of social class
A group defined by their status within the community for example their economic success, family background, education and friends.
What sports did the upper class take part in?
Horse racing
Real/royal tennis
What sports did the peasants take part in?
Mob football
Shin kicking
Prize fighting
Why were peasants sports violent?
Reflected their lives, had a harsh lifestyle were illiterate and had limited time
Why were the gentry sports more sophisticated?
They were healthy, educated, had transport, more free time so could develop more complex games
What class were amateurs?
Upper class
-Does not receive monetary reward
What class were professionals?
Peasants, needed to receive broken time payments
How were the 2 classes divided in cricket?
Lower class bowlers Upper class batsmen
Definition of amateurs
A person who competes in an activity but doesn’t receive monetary reward - playing for the love of the game
Definition of professionals
A person who earns an income for participating.
What are the 3 description points for how gender impacted participation?
Male dominated
Participated in different activities
Peasant women had very few rights
Why was there gender discrimination?
Women were seen as the weaker sex and were expected to behave in a certain way. Participated in different activities to men, upper class women could take part in archery and horse racing. Peasant women had very few rights so could only take part in things like smock racing.
How did law and order affect sport?
There was little formal law which reflected the activities peasants played (violent and cruel)
Eg mob football/bare knuckle fighting
How did education affect sport?
Upper class were educated so had sophisticated games with lots of written rules like real tennis. (peasants were the opposite)
How did availability of time affect peasant sport?
They worked long hours of hard labour on the land, they were exhausted by work so could only play at pubs or on days off like holy/ celebration days at at fairs
Entertaining, short and based on work like chasing pigs
How did availability of time affect gentry sport?
Upper class had plenty of free time so could take part in lengthy activities such as fox hunting.
How did the availability of money affect peasant sport?
They were poor so could only take part in simple, cheap and natural unsophisticated activities
How did the availability of money affect gentry sport?
They were rich so exclusively took part in activities that needed special equipment, clothing and purpose built facilities for example hunting and real tennis.
How did transport affect peasant sport?
Peasants couldn’t afford horses so travelled everywhere on foot so their activities were local with unwritten rules only local people knew for example, local mob football
How did transport affect gentry sport?
The gentry had horses so could travel to facilities to play sport however, roads were terrible so they would normally just build facilities on their own land.
How do you remember the socio cultural factors that shaped sport in pre industrial britain?
What are all the parts of SCOWL CORN?
S - simple rules C - cruel/violent O - occasional W - wagering L - local
C - courtly/popular
O - occupational
R - rural
N - natural
Complete this about football in pre-industrial
Complete this about athletics in pre-industrial
Complete this about cricket in pre-industrial
Complete this about tennis in pre-industrial