20th century Flashcards
How did social class change in the 20th century?
In the first half there was still a class divide Second half class less obvious and there was greater equality between classes
How was sport divided by class?
Amateurs and professionals for the first half but less so towards end as boundaries became more blurred (more equality)
Who had the right to leisure?
Upper class as they had more time and money. Have exclusive sports like polo
What role did upper class have in boxing?
What schools did upper class children attend?
Public/independent/grammar schools
Given more sporting opportunity
What class was amateurism dominated by?
Middle class. Looked down on working class but increasingly played sport with them eg cricket.
What roles did the middle class have in sport?
Participating (amateurs)
Social networking and status eg golf
Ran private clubs
Ran NGBs
What schools did the middle class go to?
Grammar schools so had more opportunities and provisions for sport
What class were professionals?
Working class
What class are associated with darts?
Working class as they went to pubs to play sports such as darts and pool
What class was mainly responsible for spectatorism?
Working class, less time and money so may not be able to afford to participate but could afford to spectate
What happened to spectatorism during the economic depression and recession?
Decreased as clubs went bankrupt and working class couldn’t afford to spectate
What happened to equality between classes at the end of the century?
Greater equality. More social mobility (from working class to professional footballer)
What is the main point of gender?
Still male dominated at all levels but opportunities for women had increased
What was gender discrimination like at the start of the century?
Participation had fallen drastically in 1900 especially for working class women. Professionals watched mainly by men. Working class women excluded from professional sport by constraint of time and money.
How did gender discrimination change in the 20th century?
WW1 and 2 meant women took over in jobs that men thought they couldn’t do
1960s women’s liberation movement, increase participation
1980s feminist movement - equal pay and sports federations set up
What are some examples of how gender discrimination changed?
1984 first women’s olympic marathon
1983 women’s rugby union formed.
What is the main point for law and order?
Sports had written codes of conduct with most cruel sports disappearing with exception to hunting/shooting by the gentry
What was the law and order like at the start of the century?
Middle class didn't like professional sport as saw it as too common because of the drinking and gambling associated with it After WW1 spectator sport became popular Spectators well behaved - symbolised orderliness of british working class
What was the impact to sport of WW1 and 2?
Negative impact on participation in sport
What is a good example of law and order improving in sport?
Boxing required competitors to wear gloves and biting/kicking were outlawed
How did law and order change in the second half of the 20th century?
Drugs/doping blighted athletics in the 1960s onwards due to increased pressure to win
There was a rise in hooliganism in the 1970/80s which damaged the reputation of football
What is a good example of how doping increased in the 20th century?
Ben Johnson stripped of 100m gold at 1988 Seoul olympics because of doping
What is a good example of how hooliganism started in the 20th century?
Heysel stadium disaster in 1985
Hillsborough disaster in 1989
Why did athletes begin to take illegal performance enhancing drugs from 1960 onwards?
Money now came with winning so more pressure to win
Improved technology so easier to get/take the drugs
What is the most important sociocultural impact on sport?
What is the main point for how education impacted sport?
Physical development became an important part of education and was crucial for the emergence of modern sport
What are the 4 sections to talk about in how education affected sport?
Butler education act
National curriculum
Types of schools
Sports science
What was the Butler education act?
In 1944 this introduced the physical development of children into legislation
What was the national curriculum?
In 1988 PE became an important part of the national curriculum and at least 2 hours a week was compulsory
How did the types of schools impact sport?
secondary schools, grammar, and secondary technical. both had opportunities but grammar was more so as emulated by independent schools.
Independent and public schools had the best opportunities/provisions and had most money
How did sports science impact sport?
Became academic discipline 0/A level and degree level.
Better education/technology developing sport at all levels and for disabled people.
Sport promoted through extracurricular.
What is the main point for how time and money affected sport?
Gradual increase in both leisure time and money for general population. Increased opportunity, provision and participation
How did time and money affect sport at the start of the century?
Upper/middle class had more leisure time for sport than working class. Changes in working hours allowed more leisure time. Pubs were the focal point for working class Eg darts
What sports flourished inside pubs?
Darts, billiards and dominoes.
What happened to time and money’s effect on sport at the end of the century?
More time and money for working class but still issues of unemployment and poverty.
Some sports still unaffordable (golf)
Municipal facilities made for working class, private clubs for upper/middle.
Sending kid to independent school with better sport unaffordable for most.
How did transport affect development of sport?
Cars widespread, travel to train, compete and spectate.
Cheap air travel, globalisation of sport.
Can train/compete abroad.
Officials/coaches/players can travel so easier access to the olympics and world cup tournaments.