Praxis Review Flashcards
What does the superior vestibular branch of CNVIII innervates
- Superior (anterior) and Horizontal (lateral) semi-circular canals
- Utricle
What does the inferior vestibular branch of CNVIII innervates
- Posterior (inferior) SSCs
- Saccule
What is an expected condition of nystagmus for peripheral vestibular nystagmus?
- Horizontal
- Horizontal or combination of horizontal and torsional
- Follows Alexander’s Law
What does abnormal findings pertaining to caloric testing indicate?
Peripheral lesion involving the horizontal SCCs and/or superior nerve brance of the vestibular nerve on the side with the weaker response
List common causes of peripheral vestibulopathy
- Ototxicity
- Meniere’s Dx
- Vestibular Neuritis
- Labyrinthitis
Define peripheral vestibulopathy
Disorder or dysfunction that involves the inner ear structure responsible for balance and spatial orientation; specifically the vestibular apparatus and vestibular nerve
List of vestibular assessment testing that assess the horizontal SCCs and superior branch
- Calorics
- Rotational Chair Testing
- vHIT
What test assess the otolith organs?
What does the cVEMP pathway includes?
- Saccule
- Inferior Branch of CN VIII
- Descending vestibulo-spinal pathway to Sternocleidomastoid (SCM)
What kind of recorded response does cVEMP provide?
Inhibitory as the SCM nust be contracted to record the response
What kind of recorded response does oVEMP provide?
Excitory contralateral reflex, right ear stimulation is recorded from the left inferior oblique
What does the oVEMP pathway includes?
- Utricle
- Superior branch of CN VIII
- Contralateral Inferior Oblique Muscle (ascending vestibulo-ocular reflex)
Between DPOAEs & TEOAEs state what type of hearing loss woule be expected
- DPOAEs: Can be recorded with up to moderate hearing loss
- TEOAEs: Typically absent with more than a mild hearing loss (20-30 dBHL)
For ABR testing, what is the waveform patterns for normal hearing?
Morphology: Good
Wave Latencies: All within normal limits
Wave Amplitude: Normal
Latency-Intensity Function: Falling within normal range
For ABR testing, what is the waveform patterns for CHL?
Morphology: Good
Wave Latencies: Interwave within normative limits; Waves I-V delayed
Wave Amplitude: Normal
Latency-Intensity Function: Outsie of normative range