Practice Test 3 Flashcards
Which of the following is a normative claim?
A. Although most Americans disagree, fouling to stop the clock is immoral.
B. Studies show that most the majority of NFL players that PED’s.
C. Lance Armstrong believed that lying about blood doping was justified.
D. Taking a dive in soccer - in hopes of drawing a foul - is a common and accepted practice in soccer.
Kantian ethics is best summarized by which of the following terms? A. Duty B. Consequences C. Love D. Character
Simon argues that there is no reason to accept the claim that “descriptive relativism implies ethical relativism” Which of the following best summarizes his reasoning?
A. Disagreement (over ethical values) implies nothing more than disagreement.
B. Because all moral claims are a matter of opinion. No one has the right to insist that anyone else believe that “descriptive relativism implies ethical relativism”
C. The Chinese think differently than the Americans, therefore it follows that “each cultures morals are right for that culture.”
D. Tolerance and diversity are more important values than truth or justice.
Someone might argue that the reason why Penn State University allowed Jerry Sandusky scandal to happen is that they were convinced that the amount of benefits (money, prestige, etc.) far outweighed the amount of harm to kids. In essence they would be making the claim that PSU was motivated by the assumption that doing nothing was the “greatest good for the greatest number”. This argument (“greatest good…”) is best described as a:
A. Utilitarian argument
B. Deontological argument
C. Virtue argument
In contrast, someone might argue that the reason why Penn State University allowed the Jerry Sandusky scandal to happen was a lack of courage among all the leaders of the University who had the power to stop it. In essence they would be making the claim that PSU did not have the character to do the right thing. This argument (“character…”) is best described as a:
A. Utilitarian argument
B. Deontological argument
C. Virtue argument
T/F Dr. T argued that Fort’s idea of “mediating institutions” was particularly valuable in diagnosing the dangers inherent in NCAA “big-time” athletics. Too often, athletics can become a “quarantining institution” on campus where the athletics department sees the rest of the campus as a threat.
According to which school of thought should sportsmanship be understood in reference to the "rules"? A. Formalism B. Conventionalism C. Broad Internalism D. Broad Externalism
Fort argued that a “mediating institutions” framework promoted solidarity and subsidiarity. Which of the following best summarize the idea of subsidiarity?
A. We’re all in this together.
B. No higher level of authority should handle what a lower level of authority can.
C. Without governmental subsidies equality is impossible.
D. Any time one subsidizes effort competition is squelched.
T/F Simon argues that strategic fouls are morally defensible. Key to his defense is the distinctions between sanctions (impermissible actions) and prices (strategic options).
Which of the following best summarizes Simon’s conception of ethical competition?
A. Win if you can, lose if you must, but always cheat.
B. Winning isn’t everything, it’s the only thing.
C. Competition is a mutual quest for excellence.
D. Competition, like Nietzsche’s “will to power” is a fact of life.
Controversies in sport are not uncommon. To which of the following would a conventionalist appeal in trying to clear up a controversy in sport? A. Ethos B. Rules C. Internal Goods D. The point and purposes of the game.
Internal goods are best understood as:
A. subjective goods. That is, they are internal to personal experience (the joy of achievement, the thrill of victory, etc.). Rules
B. financial goods. That is, as good that keep the internal (financial) state of the organization healthy.
C. operational goods. These goods rise or fall on the internal moral health and behavior (operations) of the
D. those good that cannot be achieved apart from the practice in which they are found. The “home run” is a good internal to baseball.
Fort argues that the best way to promote ethical behavior is through: A. rules B. community C. law D. consequences
The critics of competition argue that competitive sport (due to its zero-sum nature) is inherently selfish? Which of the following best explains what “zero-sum” means?
A. Winning causes emotional distress.
B. To summarize winning as more important than sharing is of zero worth.
C. Winning is not necessarily a sign pf competitive success.
D. Wins and losses cannot be shared. Having a winner requires having a loser.
Simon argues that sometimes "inequalities are justifiable." To support his claim he raises the example of a father of two only giving medicine to his sick child. This conception of equality is described in the text as: A. Equal distribution B. Equal respect and concern C. Zero sum logic D. Distributionism
Which of the following is a descriptive claim?
A. It doesn’t matter how much it occurs, taking a dive in soccer is always wrong.
B. Americans might disagree, but all sports should allow for ties.
C. Genetically engineering athletes - designing babies - is immoral.
D. Most basketball coaches think there is nothing wrong with the ‘strategic foul’.
T/F Aristotle argues that good character results from a hedonistic calculus; personal maturity results from pursuing the “greatest good for the greatest number”.
After Tigers' pitcher Kenny Rodger was caught using pine-tar in the 2006 World Series, a commentator said this: "I bet Tony La Russa's pitchers are mad at him for saying anything, because a lot of guys do it, and I'd be surprise if there's a whole staff of guys who don't do it. In fact, I'd say a majority of guys use one of the three -- shaving cream, suntan lotion or pine tar. They can't like him ratting out the other team when everyone does it." If someone tried to defend to practice by saying "everybody does it" they would be making which type of claim: A. Normative B. Descriptive C. Relativistic D. Utilitarian
T/F According to tit-for-tat theory, we should “always reciprocate”.
Someone might argue that “cheating is wrong because cheaters make an exception of themselves. In doing so, they would be very close to saying:
A. “Act only on that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it would become a universal law”.
B. “We become what we practice.”
C. “So act as to treat humanity, whether in your own person or in that of any other, in every case as an end and never as a means only.”
D. “Nature has placed mankind under the governance of two sovereign masters, pain and pleasure. It is from them alone to point out what we ought to do…”
T/F Subsidiarity is best understood as the claim that: “We don’t have to agree on everything, but we are all in this together.”
According to Fort, the law is important but limited. To flesh out this point, Dr. T used the following analogy; law is to house as relationships are to: A. Nails B. Foundation C. Home D. Property
According to Dr. T the ideas of solidarity, subsidiarity, and mediating/quarantining institutions all had implications for sport, which of the following would best align with the claim that "our opponents are just that, opponents, not enemies". A. Subsidiarity B. Mediating Institutions C. Quarantining Institutions D. Solidarity
Critics of competition generally argue that competition is immoral because it is “selfish”. Which of the following best summarizes their case (as put forth by Simon/Notes)?
A. “Competition is about winning, winning is about making money, that is GREED”.
B. “For one thing, the idea of competition in sports as an unrestricted war of all against all seems grossly inaccurate.”
C. “The goal of competition is to enhance the position of one competitor…at the expense of others.”
D. “Competition seems to be the very nature of sports”.
T/F Simon defines competition normatively, that is although it doesn’t have to be done this way, when it is done as “mutual quest for excellence” it is moral.
Which of following best explains Simon’s reasoning for calling “spygate” cheating when exploiting “tipped pitches” is not?
A. They broke the rules to benefit themselves.
B. The distinctions between the two are the skills involved.
C. Cheating only occurs on the field. Coaching behavior cannot be cheating.
D. Most Americans don’t seem to feel that “spygate” rises to the level of “cheating”.
"Briana Scurry was only doing [moving early to stop a PK] what all goalies do and expect" The preceding claim would most likely be made by a: A. Formalist B. Conventionalist C. Broad Internalist D. Relativist
"The 'mutual quest for excellence' has been violated (though not intentionally) and Colorado has not actually demonstrated superiority." That is. "winning on five downs is not only one of the points and purposes that underlie the game". The preceding claim would most likely be made by a: A. Formalist B. Conventionalist C. Broad Internalist D. Relativist
"Cheaters violate the rules by failing to make moves within the sport and therefore to play it." The preceding claim would most likely be made by a: A. Formalist B. Conventionalist C. Broad Internalist D. Relativist
Simon attempts to defend "strategic fouling" by making a distinction between: A. Price and penalty B. Sanction and price C. Sanction and penalty D. Penalty and prohibition