Practical Assessments Flashcards
Lumbo-Pelvic Rhythm
Mobility: Segmental flexion of spine, hip flex, HS length, pelvic rot
Flexion muscles: eccentric erector spinae and glute max and mini concentric iliopsoas
Extension muscles: concentric erector spinae and glute max
Prone Plank
Isometric; muscle strength endurance
Muscles needed: Abdominals: TrA and obliques, glute max
-others: paraspinals co-contracting w/ deep neck flexors, mulitfidi, SA, Triceps brachii, deltoid, pec major and quads
Normal OH Squat
Descend vs ascend
Shld: full elevation (hum. in line with ear) BOTH
-SIT-iso, scapula force couple-iso
Trunk: vertical; parallel to tibia BOTH
-Core co-contracts, length in rectus abdominus
Hip flexion and extension
-Glute max (ecc. vs conc)
Knee flexion and extension
-Quads (ecc. vs conc)
Ankle DF and PF
-Gastro (ecc. vs conc)
SLS 90 arms behind head
Mobility: t/s ext., stance hip ext., NWB hip flex, scap post tilt and retract, humeral abd and ER
Motor: Isometric, hip flex and ER., core, knee flex, arch, glute med
SH Rhythm
Mobility: scapula up rot / P tilt + retraction, humerus ER, flexion / abd
Motor: conc/ecc scapula and GH force couples
Anterior Lunge
Mobility: hip ext and flex, MTP ext, ankle DF, knee flex and ext
Motor: conc/ecc. quads, gastro, glute max, weight acceptance
Forward head posture
Tight/Shortened: UT, LS, pec mjr, ant delt
Weak/Lengthened: Longus colli and capitis, LT
Rounded Shoulders (Humerus IR)
Tight/Shortened: Pec mjr and minor, UT
Weak/Lengthened: Rhomboids, LT, post delt
=Lack of scapula retraction
Anterior Pelvic Tilt
Tight/Shortened: Hip flexors (iliopsoas, rectus fem), erector spinae
Weak/Lengthened: Abdominals (rec abd mostly) glute max
Posterior Pelvic Tilt
Tight/Shortened: Hamstrings, glute max
Weak/Lengthened: Hip flexors (mainly iliopsoas), lumbar erector spinae
Impairs movement during squat and deadlifts
Kyphosis (excessive)
Tight/Shortened: Pec mjr and min, UT
Weak/Lengthened: Rhomboids, LT, erector spinae
Lordosis (excessive)
Tight/Shortened: Hip flexors (iliopsoas), lumbar erector spinae
Weak/Lengthened: abdominals, glute
Sway Back Posture
Tight/Shortened: Hip extensors (glutes and hamstrings), lumbar erector spinae
Weak/Lengthened: Obliques and hip flexors
Flat Back Posture
Tight/Shortened: Hamstrings, abdominal muscles
Weak/Lengthened: hip flexors and lumbar E.S
Winged Scapula
Tight/Shortened: UT, pec mjr and min
Weak/Lengthened: Serratus anterior, LT
Flat Feet (overpronation)
Tight/Shortened: Gastro and soleus, peroneals
Weak/Lengthened: Tibialis anterior and intrinsic foot muscles
Sagging hips / dropped pelvis
Tight/Shortened: iliopsoas
Weak/Lengthened: abdominals, glutes and lumbar E.S
Raised hips / Piked hips
Tight/Shortened: Hamstrings, lumbar E.S
Weak/Lengthened: Glutes and abs (rec ab)
Hyperextension of Low Back (L/S Lordosis)
Tight/Shortened: Iliopsoas, lumbar E.S
Weak/Lengthened: core muscles (TrA and obliques)
Neck Strain / Head Positioning
Tight/Shortened: UT, LS
Weak/Lengthened: longus colli and capitis
Shoulder elevation (shrugging)
Tight/Shortened: UT, LS
Weak/Lengthened: LT, SA
Instability / Shaking
Weak: core muscles (rec ab, obliques, TrA)
Fatigue: shaking
Knee flexion
Weak/Lengthened: hip flexors, glutes, core
Inability to maintain neutral spine
Tight/Shortened: hip flexors and lumbar E.S
Weak/Lengthened: core