PPC Check Ride Questions Flashcards
What weight is entered in block 4 load?
Weight of the external stores during the mission profile that can be jettisoned. Keep in mind that this doesn’t include 30mm rounds
If we jettison 558 lbs, what affect will that have on the aircraft’s performance?
A change in GWT of 200lbs will equate to a change in torque of approximately 1%. It also equates to approximately 1 knot less and 1 knot greater single engine airspeed.
How is mission fuel calculated for block number 5?
Fuel required for takeoff to complete the mission to include the reserve fuel (20min for VFR, 30min for IFR).
What is your allowable range for ATF?
What is the allowable range for ETF?
The ETF represents the ratio of the individual engine torque available to specification torque at a reference temperature of +35 degrees C. The allowable range is 0.85-1.0
What is the TR used for in block 8?
The torque ratio is used to compute the actual single/dual engine max torque available with ETF’s other than 1.0.
When temperature is above +35 degrees C the TR will always equal the ETF or ATF since the temperature is at or above the reference temperature of +35. Improvements will be achieved down to a -5 degree C. No further improvements will be achieved below this temperature.
If you MTA is 97% and we pull 97% Dual ENG TQ, have we overtorqued the aircraft?
The answer is NO.
Do not confuse TQ limits with max torque available. An over torque will only occur if you exceed a Chapter 5 limitation. Max duel engine torque is 115 or you would need to exceed 101-115 for over 6 seconds.
What will happen if we pull more than 93% dual engine torque if our MTA is 93%?
Rotor droop. An engines performance may be environmentally limited due to three factors.
-fuel flow
-Ng Mach
In the above example the rotor would droop due to TGT limiting since FAT is above 0 degrees Celsius. Below 0 degrees rotor droops may be due to to fuel flow or Ng mach.
What TGT can we expect if operating single engine at max torque available?
The ATM states hat the TGT will be at the top end of the 2.5 min limit, therefore in a 701D it would be 903.
What PA/Temp is used to compute Max Allowable GWT?
MAX PA and MAX Temperature forecast encountered in the mission window. The maximum allowable GWT(OGE/IGE) represents the maximum gross weight under specific environmental conditions with both engines operating that, using maximum torque available (not to exceed 100 percent).
If MAX allowable GWT exceeds the 20,260 lbs, what do you record on the PPC card?
The max weight the aircraft can be picked up in the given environmental conditions.
What are the Three ways to verify OGE hover power is available?
Compare hover TQ OGE to max TQ available (dual engine) - If your predicted OGE Hover TQ is less than your Max TQ available then you have OGE Power.
Compare Max GWT OGE to current GWT - If your Take off gross weight is less than your max allowable gross weight then you have OGE Power.
Compare the predicted hover torque to the GO/NO GO torque OGE - If your predicted hover torque is less than your GO/NO GO torque OGE then you have OGE Power.
If you don’t have OGE Power what are some of the maneuvers you are not allowed to do IAW ATM?
Aircrews will not attempt the tasks or task elements listed below when performance planning indicates OGE power is not available.
- Perform VMC takeoff (confined area altitude over airspeed)
- VMC approach (termination to OGE Hover)
- Respond to Engine Failure, OGE Hover
- Perform Terrain Flight (NOE)
- Perform Terrain Flight Deceleration
- Perform Masking and Unmasking
- Perform Instrument Takeoff
If you were to Jettison the wing stores (approx. 600lbs = 3%TQ) what block would it change in the departure section?
This would only change the predicted hover torque and it will decrease by 3%. Remember MAX TQ available is based on environmental conditions, not weight, therefore it will not be affected.
What is required to be in the REMARKS section?
Only two things are required to be in the remarks section.
- 67% of VNE