Aerodynamics (Fundamentals Of Flight) Flashcards
Feathering is the action that changes the pitch angle of the rotor blades by rotating them around their feathering (spanwise) axis. (FAA-H-8083-21B) (figure 1-18).
When blade flapping compensates for dissymmetry of lift, the upward and downward flapping motion changes induced flow velocity. This changes AOA on the advancing and retreating blades
Advancing side - minimum blade pitch angle and AoA (flap up)
Retreating side - high blade pitch angle and AoA and is climbing towards the highest position at the back of the disk. (Flap down)
The phenomenon of precession occurs in rotating bodies that manifest an applied force 90 degrees after application in the direction of rotation.
Parasite Drag
Parasite drag is incurred from the non-lifting portions of the aircraft.
Profile Drag
Profile drag is incurred from frictional resistance of the blades passing through the air.
Profile of blade
Induced Drag
Induced drag is incurred as a result of production of lift.
Rotor efficiency is increased by ground effect to a height of about one rotor diameter (measured from the ground to the rotor disk) for most helicopters. Induced flow reduced this increase in AOA requires a reduced blade pitch angle. This reduces the power required to hover IGE. Less wing tip vortices.
Ground slows down induced flow velocity
Out-of-Ground Effect
Induced flow velocity is increased causing a decrease in AOA. A higher blade pitch angle is required to maintain the same AOA as in IGE hover. The increased pitch angle also creates more drag. More power to hover OGE than IGE is required by this increased pitch angle and drag. Large wing tip vortices.
Induced flow velocity is increased
During hovering flight, the counterclockwise rotating, single-rotor helicopter has a tendency to drift laterally to the right. The translating tendency (figure 1-52, page 1-36) results from right lateral tail-rotor thrust exerted to compensate for main rotor torque (main rotor turning in a counterclockwise direction).
Dissymmetry of lift
is the unequal lift across the rotor disk resulting from the difference in the velocity of air over the advancing blade half and the velocity of air over the retreating blade half of the rotor disk area.
Improved rotor efficiency resulting from directional flight is translational lift.
In addition, the tail rotor becomes more aerodynamically efficient during the transition from hover to forward flight.
In forward flight, air passing through the rear portion of the rotor disk has a greater downwash angle than air passing through the forward portion.
This effect causes unequal drag in the fore and aft portions of the rotor disk and results in vibration easily recognizable by the aviator. It occurs between 10 and 20 knots.
Occurs with the helicopter at about 16 to 24 knots,
when the rotor system completely outruns the recirculation of old vortexes and begins to work in relatively undisturbed air.
Manifests as a right roll
Bucket speed is the airspeed range providing the best power margin for maneuvering flight.
Using the cruise chart for current conditions, enter at 50 percent of maximum torque available, go up to gross weight, over to the lowest and highest airspeed intersecting the aircraft gross weight, and note speeds between which there is the greatest power margin for maneuvering flight.
Mushing is a temporary stall condition occurring in helicopters when rapid aft cyclic is applied at high forward airspeeds. Normally associated with dive recoveries.
High aircraft gross weight and high density altitude are conditions conducive to and can aggravate mushing.
Settling with power is a condition of powered flight in which the helicopter settles in its own downwash.
The following conditions must exist simultaneously for settling with power to occur:
A vertical or near-vertical descent of at least 300 feet per minute (FPM). Actual critical rate depends on gross weight, rotor RPM, density altitude, and other pertinent factors.
Slow forward airspeed (less than ETL).
Rotor system must be using 20 to 100 percent of the available engine power with insufficient power remaining to arrest the descent. Low rotor RPM could aggravate this.
A helicopter is susceptible to a lateral-rolling tendency called dynamic rollover. Dynamic rollover can occur on level ground as well as during a slope or crosswind landing and takeoff.
Three conditions are required for dynamic rollover—
pivot point, rolling motion, and exceed critical angle.
Three conditions are required for dynamic rollover
pivot point
rolling motion
exceed critical angle
Human factors considered in the prevention of dynamic rollover include
Failure to take timely corrective action
Inappropriate control input
Loss of visual reference
In forward flight, decreasing velocity of airflow on the retreating blade demands a higher AOA to generate the same lift as the advancing blade.
High blade loading (high gross weight).
Low rotor RPM.
High- density altitude.
High G-maneuvers.
Turbulent air.
Recovering from blade stall
Recovering from retreating blade stall
- Decrease the severity of the maneuver.
- Decrease collective pitch.
- Reduce airspeed.
- Descend to a lower altitude, terrain permitting.
- Increase rotor rpm.
At low airspeeds, air is incompressible. At high speeds greater pressure changes occur causing compression of air which results in significant changes to air density. This compressible flow occurs when there is a transonic or supersonic flow of air across the airfoil.
Relative wind is the direction of the airflow produced by an object moving through the air.
The rotation of rotor blades as they turn about the mast produces rotational relative wind. Rotational relative wind flows opposite the physical flight path of the airfoil, striking the blade at 90 degrees to the leading edge and parallel to the plane of rotation, and is constantly changing in direction during rotation. Rotational relative wind velocity is highest at blade tips, decreasing uniformly to zero at axis of rotation (center of the mast).
Induced flow is the component of air flowing vertically through the rotor system resulting from the production of lift.
downward flow of air
at a hover is airflow from rotation that is modified by induced flow.
Mechanical angle (blade pitch)
Angle of incidence is the angle between the chord line of a main or tail rotor blade and the rotational relative wind of the rotor system (tip-path plane)
AOA is the angle between the airfoil’s chord line and relative wind.
The relative wind associated with AOA is the resultant relative wind. AOA is an aerodynamic angle. It can change with no change in angle of incidence.
Transient torque is a phenomenon occurring in single-rotor helicopters when lateral cyclic is applied and is caused by aerodynamic forces.
Left turn increases TQ
Right turn decreases TQ
The sum of all forces on an airfoil
As air flows around an airfoil, a pressure differential develops between the upper and lower surfaces. The differential, combined with air resistance to passage of the airfoil, creates a force on the airfoil. This is known as TAF (figure 1-39). TAF acts at the center of pressure on the airfoil and is normally inclined up and rear. TAF, sometimes called resultant force, may be divided into two components, lift and drag.
angular momentum of a rotating body will not change unless external torques are applied.
In other words, a rotating body continues to rotate with the same rotational velocity until some external force is applied to change the speed of rotation.
There are three factors that contribute to the stall. They are:
- High cyclic pitch. (Fwd Cyclic)
- High collective pitch. (High pitch = high TQ)
- High degree of flapping. (speed of the downward flapping blade is highest at the tip of the blade at the 9 o’clock position)
Lead and lag
Lead: The blade flaps up producing a smaller radius of travel. The blade speeds up in reaction to this CG change, causing the blade to lead a few degrees ahead of its normal position in the tip-path plane
Lag: The blade flaps down producing a greater radius of travel slows down in reaction to this CG change, causing the blade to lag a few degrees behind its normal position in the tip-path plane
What pedal reduces TQ and power?
Right pedal
What pedal increases power and TQ?
Left pedal increases power