Airspace Flashcards
Class A dimensions
Lateral: over 48 contiguous states
Vertical: 18000’ to FL 600
IFR only
12 NM off coast
Class A Wx Minimums
Class B dimensions
Solid Blue line
Lateral: as depicted
Vertical: as depicted
Normal radius: 30 NM mode C veil
Class B Equipment
ATC clearance
Two way Radio Comms
Class B VFR Wx Minimums
Class C - Dimensions
Solid Magenta line
Lateral: 5 NM radius, 10 NM shelf
Vertical: Core SFC to 4K, Shelf 1.2k-4K
Class C equipment
ATC Clearance for IFR
2 way radio comms
Class C VFR WX minimums
3 SM 1k above, 500 below and 2k horizontal
Class D - Dimensions
Dashed Blue line
Lateral: As depicted
Vertical: SFC to 2500 above Airport rounded to nearest 100’
Class D Equipment
2-way radio if tower is Operational
Class D - VFR Wx minimums
3 SM 1k above, 500 below and 2k horizontal
Class E - Dimensions
Any regulatory airspace that is not A-D
Vertical: SFC based
Vignette: 700 inside 1200 outside
Class E equipment
2-way radio if tower is operational
Transponder above 10,000
Class E - VFR Wx min less than 10,000 MSL
3 SM 1k above, 500 below and 2k horizontal
Class E - VFR Wx min above 10,000 MSL
5 SM 1000 above, 1000 below,
1 SM horizontal
Class G - Dimensions
All non regulatory airspace not defined as class A-E
Class G VFR Wx minimums
SFC to 1200 AGL
D - 1/2 SM COC
N - 1 SM COC
Class G VFR Minimums
>1200 AGL to <10,000 MSL
D - 1 SM BCC
N - 3 SM BCC
Class G VFR WX minimums
At or above 10,000 MSL
D/N - 5 SM, 1000 above, 1000 below
1 SM hotizontal
Blue Airport
Has a control tower
Magenta airport
Do not have a tower
Star above airport
Rotating beacon from sunrise to sunset
Maximum elevation feature
200 ft clearance mountains
100 ft clearance non mountains
Regulatory airspace
Class A-E, prohibited and restricted
Non regulatory
Class G, warning, MOA and alert
Prohibited airspace
No person may operate an aircraft without permission of the using authority
Restricted airspace
Airspace within which the flight of aircraft, while not wholly prohibited is subject to restriction. Hazards such as artillery, aerial gunnery or guided missiles may be present
Military operation area. Prior to entering the pilot should contact controlling agencies.
Air defense identification Zone
Basic cloud Clearance
1000 above, 500 below and 2000 horizontal