power training Flashcards
give an example of a sport that would would train each of the different types of battle rope swings.
1) runners/soccer players
2) volleyball players
3) golfers/tennis players
what is more important in sport than strength?
training specificity
describe power training
- performing fast movements under a controlled resistance
- more concerned about speed of contraction vs speed of movement (avoid using momentum)
what are the 3 most common training methods?
1) power lifts
2) plyometrics
3) sport specific movements with resistance
why are power lifts highly used?
- more sport specific
- rapid contractions of most mucles in the body (functional and time efficient)
- uses more muscle at a time
- time efficient
what are the 3 common power lifts?
1) power cleans
2) hanging cleans
3) power press
no spotter for any of these movements
what are these?
power cleans
- if done right, feet come off ground
- rapid force production from many muscles
what are these?
hanging cleans (knees to shoulders)
what are these?
power press (shoulders to overhead)
describe the fundamental principle of plyometrics
voluntary contraction PLUS stretch reflex ensures all muscles fibres are activated and trained
- 100% motor recruitment
- want adaptations in all muscle fibres
is this a proper plyometric? explain
no because there is only the stretch reflex, no voluntary contraction that you’d get by jumping up after
give an examples of upper body plyometrics
pushups with hop in between
what are some plyometric recommendations?
- avoid fatigue: can not power train a fatigued muscle; rest periods get longer later in the training session
- use a low resistance/load: contraction speed is more important
- must have a strength base first: avoid connective tissue injury
what are 3 plyometric recommendations in increase vertical jump?
1) train multiple leg muscles
2) reduce body fat
3) train shoulders
why train multiple leg muscles when increasing vertical jump?
jumping is knee, hip extension, and plantar flexion
why reduce body fat when increasing vertical jump?
less body fat = easier to jump higher
- ex: you lose 5lbs of fat, but leg strength is the same = better jump
why train shoulders to increase vertical jump?
if you can generate shoulder power, it will get you off the ground, even with legs locked
- arms increase vert. jump by 21%
what is the practical application of K-tape?
is beneficial is there is an injury to help performance, won’t help if you are not injured though
why train shoulders for basketball/jump sports?
generate momentum or force perpendicular to the ground
when would you do plyometrics?
- do not do plyo after heavy leg day on weekly schedule
- muscle cannot be fatigues, so not at end of workout either
describe sport specific with resistance training
- drills specific to sport, but under resistance
- increase strength while maintaining speed = power
why do you not want to add too much resistance with sport specific training?
technique faulters = becomes ineffective
why are uphill sprints beneficial for running athletes (hockey, football, sprinters, etc)?
same motion they do in a game
what sport is this exercise beneficial?
running and soccer because it works the hip flexors
what do you do when fatigue starts?
drop one load, to maintain speed and technique