Power and Politics Flashcards
Define power and what it depends on.
The capacity of a party to influence the behaviour of another party to act in accordance with the first party’s wishes
- Dependence is the most important aspect
- Dependence is based on the alternatives available
and the importance a party puts on the alternatives
controlled by another party - The greater the dependence of one party on
another, the greater the power capacity
*Slide 4
Power vs. Leadership
Where does power come from? (5)
Formal Power
Coercive: ability to punish
Reward: ability to reward
Legitimate: position/role
Personal Power
Referent: Identify with another
Expert: Superior knowledge
Slides 6-10
Sources of power
What sources of power have a Relation to satisfaction,
commitment & performance? (3)
Coercive reduces satisfaction, commitment & performance
Expert and Referent increase satisfaction,
commitment & performance
What are 9 power tactics?
- Coalitions
- Consultation
- Inspirational appeals
- Personal appeals
- Exchange
- Rational persuasion
- Ingratiation
- Pressure
- Legitimacy
What is the commonly used power tactic?
Rational Persuasion
Slides 14-16
Power tactics explained
What type of power tactic is most effective?
Slide 17
o Softer tactics most effective - rational persuasion, inspirational appeals , consultation
o pressure tactic is the least effective - unlikely to be sanctioned by organizational leaders and may be unethical
o Combining tactics increases effectiveness with the combination of 2 soft tactics
*Slide 18
What does power reveal?
What are the 4 reasons politics arise?
- Interpretation of organization information and the actions of individuals
- Ambiguity in decision making
- Conflict over the allocation of limited resources
- The organization is composed of individuals with conflicting goals & interests
Slide 21
Examples of political behaviour
Define political behaviour and what it looks like.
Activities that are not required as part of one’s formal role in an organization but that influence, or attempt to influence, the distribution of advantages and disadvantages within the organization
- Conversion of power into action
- Use of power to affect decision-making
- Use of power on self-serving and organizationally
unsanctioned behaviours
WHat are 5 responses to political behaviour?
Decreased job satisfaction: Reduction in the positive feeling emanating from the job
Increased anxiety and stress: Competing in a political arena or losing ground to politickers
Reduced performance: Demotivated as the political environment deemed unfair
Increased turnover: Leave when politicking becomes too much
Defensive behaviour: Reactive and protective behaviours to avoid action, blame, or change
**Slides 22-23
Factors Contributing to Political Behaviour
Define impression management.
The practice of actively shaping our public images
and controlling the impression people form
What are 8 impression management techniques?
Slides 27-28
Defensive IM:
Self-focussed IM:
Assertive IM:
What impression management (IM) techniques are used most in interviews?
- Self-promotion used most and may be more related to
interview success - Ingratiation also works well
How do IM techniques affect performance evaluations?
- Ingratiation positively related to performance ratings
- Effect of self-promotion on performance evaluations mixed
- High political skill – positive relationship
- Low political skill – negative relationship