Poverty In Elizaabethan England Flashcards
Population explosion (4)
Sudden increase in no. individuals in place
Population in England grew 35%
Towns & cities growing fast in London (by 1603 population 150 000 (10x larger than second biggest city Norwich))
Food production grrow slower than population so price food (especially bread dramatically rose)
Someone outside “great chain of being” (not belong to certain place)
Subsistance farming (2)
Growing enough to feed family
Not to sell crops grown
Impotent/deserving/helpless poor (3)
Unable to work due to illness/age
Paid by special tax called “poor rate”
People thought should help those unable to work as an act of christian peity
Able-bodied/undeserving/idle poor (3)
Could work but chose not to
Usually vagrants & vagabonds if caught were whipped/imprisoned
People losing job/land more common in towns
Enclosing (3 (part 2 has 4 points & part 3 has 2 points))
Replacing large, open fields that were farmed by villagers into individual fields belonging to 1 person
Big fields farmed by many now belong to 1 landlord
Small farms merged & farmers evicted
Loandowners become rich but
Normal poeple that grew own food but lost way of life & had to move on
1560s Sir Tomas Smith blame gentry & yeomen for prefereing sheep tocrops due to better price in wool
Saw enclosure as one of biggest social problems in Elizabethan England
Urbanisation (5)
Poeple start leave countryside creating increased probem of vagabondage
People leave home for work in towns/cities
Many forced become beggars & lived in shanty towns outside walls of London
Can’t grow food in Urban area so food grown in countryside & broughts to Urban area
Towns & cities growing fast in London (by 1603 population 150 000 (10x larger than second biggest city Norwich))
Changes in countryside (3 (1 has 3 points, 2 has 4 points & 3 has 2 points))
Sheep farming become more profitable as wool price increase due to increased demand of woolen cloth grow
Only large farms could afford to grow sheep then rate unemployment rose as lesspeople needed to work on sheep farm
Food was grown to feed sheep angering peasants as they went hungary but sheep had enough to eat
Big fields farmed by many now belong to 1 landlord
Small farms merged & farmers evicted
Loandowners become rich but
Normal poeple that grew own food but lost way of life & had to move on
1560s Sir Tomas Smith blame gentry & yeomen for prefereing sheep tocrops due to better price in wool
Saw enclosure as one of biggest social problems in Elizabethan England
Rsing prices (4 (1 has 3 parts)
Sheep farming become more profitable as wool price increase due to increased demand of woolen cloth grow
Only large farms could afford to grow sheep then rate unemployment rose as lesspeople needed to work on sheep farm
Food was grown to feed sheep angering peasants as they went hungary but sheep had enough to eat
Wages not rise as fast as prices as lots people want jobs so couldd only pay them less
Land lords start charge higher rent prices to than tenant could afford so many evicted as couldn’t keep up with rising prices
Food production grrow slower than population so price food (especially bread dramatically rose)
Statue of artificies (4)
Aimed to ensure poor relief collected
If refuse to pay rates could be imprisoned
If officials fail organise poor relief could be fined up to £20
Vagabonds act (8)
Deters vagrancy:
Vagrants whipped & have hole drilled in ear
Vagrants imprisoned if caught twice
Vagrants given death penalty if caught 3 times
Established national poor rate (shelter impotent poor)
Justice of the Peace keep register of poor
Towns & cities given responsibility to find work for able-bodied poor
1563 poor law (5)
Magistrates have power raise funds for poor relief
Fined perople who refused to pay
People decide how much they want to pay
Underserving poor whipped
Helped deserving & helpless poor
1572 poor law (2)
Local officials decide how much people pay to poor relief
Helped deserving & helpless poor
1576 poor law (4)
Able-bodied poor sent to special prison funded by poor rates if refuse to work if they were given help
Distinguish betweeen able bodied & impotent poor
Help able-bodied poor find work
Justice of the peace provide able-bodied poor with wool & rawmaterials enabling them to work by making things to sell