Poultry Husbandry (Po 1-3) Flashcards
this is the most popular source of animal protein globally
4 main species of domesticated poultry farmed for meat and or eggs
chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys
approximately how many kg of broiler poultry meat was consumed per person globally in 2018
15.6 kg
USA per capita poultry meat consumption per head
50kg per head
this country is the largest producer of poultry meat
this type of poultry meat is not popular in North American market and is therefore the majority of USA export, mainly to China
dark meat from the legs
this is the second most popular poultry meat
this is the key advantage of poultry over other common livestock systems
ability to replace stock on regular basis after cleaning/disinfecting buildings
commercial layers in the UK are mostly this, produced as day old chicks from hatcheries
brown hens
this allows day old chicks to be transported for 24 hours without supplying feed or water
presence of yolk sacs within
these are 2 behavioural characteristics that cause problems in free range and barn management systems
pecking each other and smothering
chickens are stimulated by an increase in day length to enter the egg laying phase at this age
16 weeks
hens will typically produce eggs in this age range
18-72 weeks
peak egg production will be at this age range
24-50 weeks
a hen will averagely produce this many eggs per bird by 72 weeks of age
mortality should be less than this percent between 16-72 weeks for layers
to brood chicks successfully, the temperature must start at this; then gradually reduced by 2 degrees per week down to this temperature
33 C, 21 C
once in production, the day length for layers is maintained at this
14 hours
day length is maintained at this while rearing chicks
10 hours
this type of egg production system is small colonies of 20-60 birds, with perching and nesting areas, and a scratching area with feeders and nipple drinkers within the cage
enriched cages
this type of egg production system there is usually a central area with the “system” of perches, nest boxes, feeders, and nipple drinkers and an extensive floor area covered in litter
barn system
this type of egg production system is similar to barn but birds also have access to outside via ‘pop holes’ that are open during the day
free range
this type of egg production system is similar to free range but with further constraints on feed supply and stocking density
most egg producers in the UK are part of this scheme which sets down detailed standards for bird management which are then audited by inspectors
Lion Code Scheme
this is the major difference between turkeys and other commercial poultry
routine use of AI to inseminate female breeders
3 primary reasons ducks are kept for meat
- rapid growth
- hardiness
- ease of handling
this is the most popular breed of duck used for meat due to its rapid growth and good egg production
when handling ducks, they should be picked by this body part
the neck (legs are easily broken)
duck eggs require this many days to hatch
28 days
this is a condition in ducks that is commonly caused by a temporary shortage of drinking water - if the birds feed before the water is replenished, death usually follows
these are habits that frequently give trouble in larger duck flocks; it is usually caused by crowding too many ducks into too small an area
feather eating or quill pulling
these are the 2 main species of game birds
pheasants and partridge
broiler chickens have a life of about this long
30-45 days
most chicken meat is the product of a large this which runs the entire production system from the breeding stock, hatcheries and feed mills to the final processing of the chicken meat
the 3 major broiler breeder breeding companies in the world
Aviagen, Cobb, Hubbard
these are the ‘birds that lay the eggs that become the chickens you eat’
broiler breeders
most issues in management of broiler breeders are consequential of errors in this
feed restriction
the stimulus for egg production in broiler breeders is a day length more than this
12 hours
most broiler breeder flocks will produce eggs until this age, then be slaughtered and replaced
60 weeks
eggs are incubated for this long
21 days
3this is where the eggs that have not hatched are opened and assessed to identify if the eggs were infertile, early dead, mid dead, or late dead to give an indication as to where problems may lie on the farm or in the hatchery